Man vs. Beast

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Cobra said:
I do not know, it should be there if it does have everything. Does the site owner have a e-mail?

Heck, I knew know would believe me. That is why I never brought this story up, and I probably shouldn't. If you don't believe me that is fine, but I don't like it when pople like people like that one guy about the mutated cougar with missiles. I was serious when I said that, and it would of been okay if that guy just said he doesn't believe me instead of making that dumb story up.

I hope I wasn't too terribly offensive with my little joke-post; obviously I was only kidding, so for any of you who might have taken me too seriously or who might have gotten "offended" by it, all I have to say is, "Come on!" No one should truely take my sense of humor or themselves that seriously to be offended by a post such as that one, and if you do then you probably have some major issues that go beyond anything that I could say online.

Having said that, no Cobra, I don't believe you.

For one, I already knew that 185 lbs. would be unbelievably large for a female couger (as Lemont pointed out) not to mention that the story in general reeks of fantasy. Your posts, at least thus far in this thread, remind me of this article:

Now, you've told the story. You've admitted that it is far fetched, and that it was likely that people wouldn't believe you, so you shouldn't be offended or suprised to find out that people don't. Now, if you want people to believe your story, and because YOU made the claim, then the burden of Proof is on YOU.

You mentioned that it was covered by a news article? Scan a photo of the article and paste it up here, along with a scanned copy of some I.D. so that we know that it is you, and show us where it colaborates with Lemonts link to confirmed attacks. Then, maybe, I'll start to believe you. But until you can offer some evidence, then I will continue to believe that you're outright lying.

As this relates to my do you feel right now? Do you feel BETTER because I was a bit more honest and serious in my opinions? You see, my joke was making light of a situation, and letting you know that yes, myself and others think your story is far fetched, but I am willing to make light of it and move on. That wasn't good enough for you, so you critiqued me for kidding around instead of honestly disagreeing with you. So, do you feel better now that I have been "more serious"? Probably not. So maybe you and others may now begin to understand why making light of a situation is sometimes more appropriate.

As for this thread, I think I am done now.

Thank you,

PAUL :asian:
PAUL said:
I hope I wasn't too terribly offensive with my little joke-post; obviously I was only kidding, so for any of you who might have taken me too seriously or who might have gotten "offended" by it, all I have to say is, "Come on!" No one should truely take my sense of humor or themselves that seriously to be offended by a post such as that one, and if you do then you probably have some major issues that go beyond anything that I could say online.

Having said that, no Cobra, I don't believe you.

For one, I already knew that 185 lbs. would be unbelievably large for a female couger (as Lemont pointed out) not to mention that the story in general reeks of fantasy. Your posts, at least thus far in this thread, remind me of this article:

Now, you've told the story. You've admitted that it is far fetched, and that it was likely that people wouldn't believe you, so you shouldn't be offended or suprised to find out that people don't. Now, if you want people to believe your story, and because YOU made the claim, then the burden of Proof is on YOU.

You mentioned that it was covered by a news article? Scan a photo of the article and paste it up here, along with a scanned copy of some I.D. so that we know that it is you, and show us where it colaborates with Lemonts link to confirmed attacks. Then, maybe, I'll start to believe you. But until you can offer some evidence, then I will continue to believe that you're outright lying.

As this relates to my do you feel right now? Do you feel BETTER because I was a bit more honest and serious in my opinions? You see, my joke was making light of a situation, and letting you know that yes, myself and others think your story is far fetched, but I am willing to make light of it and move on. That wasn't good enough for you, so you critiqued me for kidding around instead of honestly disagreeing with you. So, do you feel better now that I have been "more serious"? Probably not. So maybe you and others may now begin to understand why making light of a situation is sometimes more appropriate.

As for this thread, I think I am done now.

Thank you,

PAUL :asian:
I know it was a joke (that is why I said Hah ha). But usally when people say jokes, they say what they think at the end. I wasn't really offended, but it kinda seemed weird that at the end you call me a Cra*zy F**er is what kinda made me mad. Where you calling me that, or was it apart of the joke.

As far as proving, it wasn't a news article, it was on the local radio a couple of times and that was it. If you know a site that has all the radio broacasting for the past two years, maybe that would help giving proof.
Cobra said:
I know it was a joke (that is why I said Hah ha). But usally when people say jokes, they say what they think at the end. I wasn't really offended, but it kinda seemed weird that at the end you call me a Cra*zy F**er is what kinda made me mad. Where you calling me that, or was it apart of the joke.

As far as proving, it wasn't a news article, it was on the local radio a couple of times and that was it. If you know a site that has all the radio broacasting for the past two years, maybe that would help giving proof.

Please provide the call letters for the radio statio.

Radio stations tape their broadcasts. Then they are stored for for legal reasons. In case someone calls and complains or makes a complaint to the FCC. Then the Radio station can have an exact copy of what was sent out over the air waves.

So, please provide the call letters and or affliation and then we can request a copy of the tape. It would be easier if you also provided the date of about when it was broadcasted. This would make the search that much easier.

Thank You
Another option vis a vis providing proof to back-up your story would be police reports or hospital records (I'm assuminng you reported it right or received med. attention since it bit you?) or something from the Parks & Wildlife/Conservation Dept. If it was on the radio the police/game-wardens are going to have something and I find it hard to believe there wasn't anything about it it a local paper but I could be wrong there.
Last year in Canada, an old man was attacked by a mountain lion. He was badly mauled. But he killed the cat with his knife.

However, little boys who play with their dogs somehow fantasize that they could kill wild beasts are no different from some wishfull idiots who fantasize about taming predators by jumping onto their backs. " I AM TARZAN!!!!!!!" :rolleyes:
Cobra said:
I know it was a joke (that is why I said Hah ha). But usally when people say jokes, they say what they think at the end. I wasn't really offended, but it kinda seemed weird that at the end you call me a Cra*zy F**er is what kinda made me mad. Where you calling me that, or was it apart of the joke.

Just to clarify, here is what I said:

Crazzy MAAAN. I tell ya...F-in Crazy! But ya see...the human mind can always overcome!

I don't think I am calling anyone anything in my post. So, no, I haven't resorted to name calling so far. I just wanted to clarify that point so there won't be any misunderstanding.

In terms of proof; radio station transcripts, medical records, or whatever. If you say something "out of the ordinary" happened, then the burden of proof is on you to provide evidence outside of your own word.

Wow! What a cool thread! And I only just found it.
Some more food for thought...
I train with a gentleman who works in a game park and, in part, trains the bears. He has some very impressive scars from "playing;" no thanks. (note that these are from a black bear, no where near full grown).
There is one case documented on record of a man killing a lion with a knife (many years ago, I don't recall the full name, it is documented in Peter Capstick's "Death in the Silent Places."
Oyama did indeed kill many bulls with punches. At the slaughter house where they were contained/restrained. An impressive feat of skill/focus to be sure, but not the same as fighting any species of wild cattle, or even a prime Mexican or Spanish fighting bull.
Strength pound for pound: leopards routinely stash their food up in trees to keep it from the other beasts. That is to say the 120 pound cat climbs trees with 3-400# antelope in in its jaws. There are cases of men killing leopards without firearms, but many more cases of the leopards killing men.... Why pick on leopards? Similar size to cougars; fortunately for us north americans the cougar doesnt show the same level of aggression...
And 1/2 pound to crush the windpipe? Source please?
I can't remember where I got this story, but I was wondering if we put Cobra against this animal who would win?

Dosha is a 10-month old mixed breed puppy who wandered away from its owners home in Clearwater, California on April 15th. Saddly, Dosha was hit by a passing car. To put the poor puppy out of of her suffering a police officer at the scene shot dosha in the head with his pistol. The puppy was then transported to an animal control center where she was placed in a plastic bag in the cadaver freezer. Reuturs and The Associated Press report that two hours later, a veterinarian opened the door to the freezer to find Dosha standing up inside the plastic bag, which is the equivalent of a human body bag. Talk about a surprise!!

Of course we have all of the super animal stories yet no one has any stories about an animal easily killed.
Let me break down my opinion for you in terms of how long you would last with all the aforementioned critters.

Chimp (male 140 lbs) about 9 seconds
Leopard you gotta be kidding 2 seconds
Cougar (about 80 lbs) maybe 18-20 seconds
My Dog about 30 seconds

These times are based on the start of aggressive behavior untile your offence has turned into complete defense or you are mamimed, incapacitated waiting (praying) for death. Leopard indeed! Have you not seen a leopard?
I bet my 16 pound housecat could take you down in less than 30 seconds. :ultracool
Man my hose cat has taken me down. He ran straight into the back of my leg when I was walking. Accedental but I was taken down by a house cat.
LOL, just found this thread. Interesting stuff.

Cobra's story does not sound too unrealistic at all. Well, except for the 10 inch knife part. First of all there are no 10 inch knives. There are however 10 inch daggers which most people don't carry.

Many people have killed cougars in self defense (with a knife of course). I'm not sure whether a normal man can really beat any bigger cat (cougar, leopard, or jaguar) unless he is and Grandmaster Martial Artist and is at a good size. Expecially cats, which have the sharpest of claws and are master hunters. I would say a man with a lot of courage vs a male gray wolf would be a somewhat equal chalenge. There have actually been documented cases however in South America of men who have actually strangled jaguars in self defense. I saw it on a documentary some time ago.

Here is actual documented case of a man killing a cougar with a 3 inch pocket knife. He too suffered a lot of injuries himself. The site is below;

humans are weak...anyone that has studied martial arts knows how weakly the body is constructed...(too many pressure points, joints to break, ways to choke, teeth are worthless, slow as heck...etc...)

humans only advantage in the wild is invention and creativity
bignick said:

humans are weak...anyone that has studied martial arts knows how weakly the body is constructed...(too many pressure points, joints to break, ways to choke, teeth are worthless, slow as heck...etc...)

humans only advantage in the wild is invention and creativity

I beg to differ. The human body is a very efficient and effective machine. Pressure points can be resisted, joints are built very stable especially with proper muscle support, our necks are small and not very exposed, the human bite is one of the most damaging in the animal kingdom (mostly due to infection) and slow is a relative term. Most of the "weaknesses" you mention are things that another human might have knowledge of and the ability to exploit, but the average animal won't and can't. Although we are not the most intimidating or powerful creature on the planet, we have a modicum of defensive ability above our intellect. The problem is that modern man often lets his physical abilities waste and fade until we are even less effective physically than we were in previous generations.
Let's have more animal choices! How about feral hogs? I've never been so scared of any animal in my life as I was of a feral hog. Over 150lbs,at least, looked to me more like 300 but it could have been fear, and they are aggressive and will kill you. Not because they are hunting you, but because they are mad and they just want to kill you. How about ostriches and emus? Read Johnny Cash's autobiography, he had one ostrich on his country place, had to fight it when it came at him, He was armed with a stick, and that bird opened him up all the way down his stomach, almost killed him. More choices and anecdotes please.
OULobo said:
The problem is that modern man often lets his physical abilities waste and fade until we are even less effective physically than we were in previous generations.

That's pretty much my point...the human body can be trained up to incredible levels of speed/strength/etc...but relatively few people are in that kind of conditioning

and as for bites being damaging due to infection...that's not gonna help stop an animal attacking you...

also, animals instinctively exploit weakness, they'll go for the throat...they train for it all the time

There is no reason that a feral hog can't weight 300, in fact the larger specimens range in the 400+ lbs. zone and some individuals that are much larger.

As a general comment, people are nuts if you want to face them with just a knife, fortunately for the human race there are some who want to do just that, google "knife hunting boar" and see some results.

Freakin' morons.

Blindside said:
As a general comment, people are nuts if you want to face them with just a knife, fortunately for the human race there are some who want to do just that, google "knife hunting boar" and see some results.

Freakin' morons.
That's where natural selection comes into play.

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