Lion vs Tiger

Tiger don't normally top 600 pounds anymore. About 75 years ago this was more common but now a days the average Siberian Tiger weighs at the most 575 pounds, but may sometimes reach 600 pounds.

This is true a tiger even at same weight is stronger, but only slightly. Anatomically they are basicly the same cat. They are very much alike. Since many articles claim that a lion has more fighting experiance I pick the lion.

I mean think about it. Who would win between a human martial artist and a guy who is slightly stronger but has done little martial arts? I pick the guy with more experiance in fighting because skill beats strength in the a certian extent.

But if this martial artist was up against a world's strongest man that knows a little martial arts the out come can be different! But the tiger is not this much stronger.
Without a doubt I think the African Loin would win. Yes, they may be social, passive animals most of the time, although the African lion is faster and stronger. Plus they are my favorite animal, and I vow that some day I will hunt a male african lion with my bow and arrow(of course with a guide who is carring a high powered rifle, just incase it charges after I make the shot)LOL. Now that they are breeding Lion/Tiger hybrids, do you think they could take both a lion or a tiger?!? Hmmmm.



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