Boxer's punch.......stronger than Carnivora bite?

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Cobra said:
Look at one of the only other topics about fighting animals which is Arms are to apes, as legs are to humans in the Tae Kwon Do section for my awnser on why a made threads having to do with that topic.

Umm...that isnt the only post you've made about animals. What about Man vs. Beast??? Forget about that one??

Now as far as you posting on my threads I don't have a problem with that, but it seams that you have something against me or something. Calm down, and if you really wanted to know why I am intersted in the topic, you should of asked nicer like the member who I did reply to on why I created these three animal posts in the Arms are to Apes as Legs are to humans thread.

Dude, I dont have anything against you. I dont even know you. I tried to find a little about you, but your profile looks a little empty. Maybe some background on your training would be nice. And in one of my posts, I did ask what this had to do with the martial arts, but never got an answer. So tell me....what is the interest/fixation with these topics??

MJS said:
Umm...that isnt the only post you've made about animals. What about Man vs. Beast??? Forget about that one??

I said one of the only other wons, it can still mean there is oe other. And no I didn't forget about that thread, that is why I said 3/8 meaing three threads that I have created have that topic.
honestly, MJS. It was you who first brought rudeness here... who cares if we do or don't plan on fighting wild animals soon. None of us as martial artists should be planning to fight at all, we just have the knowledge in case the situation arises, so why rule out the possibility of fighting wild animals?
WLMantisKid said:
honestly, MJS. It was you who first brought rudeness here... who cares if we do or don't plan on fighting wild animals soon. None of us as martial artists should be planning to fight at all, we just have the knowledge in case the situation arises, so why rule out the possibility of fighting wild animals?

I simply asked what this topic had to do with the arts. If you think that I was rude, thats fine. I"m not going to lose sleep over it. I just thought that the topic was a little odd. As for fighting...I dont go out and look for fights, but one should always be prepared and never assume that a fight wont find you. But as for fighting wild animals...again, I dont know what part of the world you're from but where I live I dont have to worry about a lion or bear. Let me ask you this. Do you honestly feel that if YOU ever came face to face with a bear that you'd be able to defend yourself?? IMO, I think that you need to come back to reality and leave "Fantasy Island"

I dunno but the blatant use of cursing in your first post comes off as rude, if you didnt mean that way then I'm sorry. Just stating how it came off that way.

Wild animals exist everywhere in the world... dogs can be quite formidable, and are found in most parts of the world. And martial artists do travel away from where they live from time to time (if you get out of the house) and honestly, you may not need the skills to fight one... but this is all moot. It's a place for hypothetical discussion.
WLMantisKid said:
I dunno but the blatant use of cursing in your first post comes off as rude, if you didnt mean that way then I'm sorry. Just stating how it came off that way.

I dont think that the word 'hell' is such a vulgar word compared to some others, but if I offended you, sorry about that.

Wild animals exist everywhere in the world... dogs can be quite formidable, and are found in most parts of the world. And martial artists do travel away from where they live from time to time (if you get out of the house) and honestly, you may not need the skills to fight one... but this is all moot. It's a place for hypothetical discussion.

You're right..this is all moot. And I do get out of my house and I do own a dog. Let me just ask you this. If its so easy as you make it sound to fight an animal such as a dog, then why is it that police depts. all over the world use dogs to track and capture suspects? If they were so easy to fight off, then why is it the suspect cowers in fear when the dog approaches?? And you're right on another is a place for discussion. But I still dont see the comparison.

MJS said:
Let me just ask you this. If its so easy as you make it sound to fight an animal such as a dog, then why is it that police depts. all over the world use dogs to track and capture suspects? If they were so easy to fight off, then why is it the suspect cowers in fear when the dog approaches??

The K-9 units are primarily used for tracking and drug interdiction, secondary roles include suspect apprehention and PR. There is a natural reaction of shock and fear that effects most people when presented with an aggressive relatively large animal, that and the dog's speed are the value of using a dog on a suspect. It really isn't the capacity for damage that makes the dog valuble, it is the opposite, the idea that they will likely attack non-vitals and so in trials, have a good chance of not being viewed as excessive force. Suspects have significantly injured K-9s (and been charged with assaulting an officer) during suspect pursuits, and so they are often viewed as too valuble an investment to put at risk in such a way. Still I have seen these pooches in action and I wouldn't want to be on the end of those snapping jaws. They enjoy their work too much.
OULobo said:
The K-9 units are primarily used for tracking and drug interdiction, secondary roles include suspect apprehention and PR. There is a natural reaction of shock and fear that effects most people when presented with an aggressive relatively large animal, that and the dog's speed are the value of using a dog on a suspect. It really isn't the capacity for damage that makes the dog valuble, it is the opposite, the idea that they will likely attack non-vitals and so in trials, have a good chance of not being viewed as excessive force. Suspects have significantly injured K-9s (and been charged with assaulting an officer) during suspect pursuits, and so they are often viewed as too valuble an investment to put at risk in such a way. Still I have seen these pooches in action and I wouldn't want to be on the end of those snapping jaws. They enjoy their work too much.

Thank you for the reply! That is true, the K-9s are used for drug searching and tracks. I have seen them in action in the prison system, and its certainly an amazing effect that they have on the inmates!!LOL! As for the areas that they target..mostly the legs and arms, and yes, they have been injured in the line of duty. Its amazing though, regardless of whether the suspect hits the dog, they still maintain their grip.

Thanks again for the reply.

I didn't say it was easy to fight a dog, I said someone may very well be attacked by one... and every little bit of knowledge about your opponent helps. I know myself it's not easy to fight dogs. I learned that with my half crippled and aged rottweiler.
Mantis Kid,

Check out this thread here:

Cobra makes an outlandish claim about half way down the thread how he killed a Couger while he was hiking. However, he has yet to bring any verifiable evidence to support his unbelievable story. I may not "know for sure," but most of us with an ounce of critical thinking skills aren't buying it.

So, givin that history, when Cobra posts a THIRD thread on fighting animals, it is a little hard for most of us, myself included, to take the thread seriously.

That might explain MJS's "rudeness." He's not usually rude, but how else is he supposed to react to what most of us believe is (at this point) a B.S. conversation started by someone who appears to like to B.S. people? Personally, I'll take rudeness over B.S. just about any day.

I hope that your not offended by my post here, because that isn't my intent. My intent is to bring a little history to the table, in case your wondering why it's a little difficult for many to take this conversation seriously.

Point taken and noted.

I agree that we CAN fight animals, I just disagree that any of us lack the training necessary to, without injury, take down something like a large cat or wolf. We can fight it, but fscked if we're gonna get out of it without being scratched up and bitten.
PAUL said:
Mantis Kid,

Check out this thread here:

Cobra makes an outlandish claim about half way down the thread how he killed a Couger while he was hiking. However, he has yet to bring any verifiable evidence to support his unbelievable story. I may not "know for sure," but most of us with an ounce of critical thinking skills aren't buying it.

So, givin that history, when Cobra posts a THIRD thread on fighting animals, it is a little hard for most of us, myself included, to take the thread seriously.

That might explain MJS's "rudeness." He's not usually rude, but how else is he supposed to react to what most of us believe is (at this point) a B.S. conversation started by someone who appears to like to B.S. people? Personally, I'll take rudeness over B.S. just about any day.

I hope that your not offended by my post here, because that isn't my intent. My intent is to bring a little history to the table, in case your wondering why it's a little difficult for many to take this conversation seriously.


Paul- Thank you sir for this post! I certainly hope that this clears some things up!!! :asian: :asian:

MJS said:
Paul- Thank you sir for this post! I certainly hope that this clears some things up!!! :asian: :asian:

Ok let me clear this up. MJS and Paul have you noticed something about that thread? How when I started the thread with my first post. Why didn't I bring up the story in the beginning? Maybe because I knew that if I say that people will call me a liar and no one would beleive me (which is exactly what is going on!). Now I braught it up only cause someone said that a 50 pound Lynx massacred a man. It just made me want to say it.

Now the Man vs. Beast topic was about fighting beasts unarmed, right. Why would I bring up a story of me attcking a cougar with a weapon? Shouldn't I just say I beat up the cougar with my martial arts? And let me clarify, a 10 inch knife is like a tiny sword. Anyone I think could beat a cougar with a 10 inch knife (not even 2 or 3 inches). Or maybe not, who knows. So you don't believe me, but it is comming down to why I didn't say the story in the beginning.

In a later thread I explained to forget I said. So why don't you guys just forget I said that? Wether you believe that or not, just forget I said that!
Cobra said:
Ok let me clear this up. MJS and Paul have you noticed something about that thread? How when I started the thread with my first post. Why didn't I bring up the story in the beginning? Maybe because I knew that if I say that people will call me a liar and no one would beleive me (which is exactly what is going on!). Now I braught it up only cause someone said that a 50 pound Lynx massacred a man. It just made me want to say it.

Now the Man vs. Beast topic was about fighting beasts unarmed, right. Why would I bring up a story of me attcking a cougar with a weapon? Shouldn't I just say I beat up the cougar with my martial arts? And let me clarify, a 10 inch knife is like a tiny sword. Anyone I think could beat a cougar with a 10 inch knife (not even 2 or 3 inches). Or maybe not, who knows. So you don't believe me, but it is comming down to why I didn't say the story in the beginning.

In a later thread I explained to forget I said. So why don't you guys just forget I said that? Wether you believe that or not, just forget I said that!

And you're just realizing that now???? LOL! Dude, then you wonder why people are saying the things that they do. It SEEMS to me, that you got yourself caught in a little fantasy that now you're desperately trying to get yourself out of. However, it does not appear to be working to good.

In a later thread I explained to forget I said. So why don't you guys just forget I said that? Wether you believe that or not, just forget I said that!

It would be much easier to forget that you said it if the subject was dropped. However, you posting 2 more threads on fighting animals after that first thread where you told the couger story makes it difficult.

If this was a thread on something completely different, then MJS wouldn't have responded the way he did, and I wouldn't have brought up your story.

But since the subject matter is essentially very similar, well, we remember.

Now, maybe, your seeing the exact problem with lying (or being precieved as lying) on the internet. This is the written word, and its archived. When you say something outlandish, you risk it being brought up at a later time.

Having said that, I am not in the business of chasing you around to try to "debunk" or "slam" everything you say, cobra. So you don't have to worry about me chasing you through multiple threads to slam on you because, believe it or not, I do have a life.

However, when you bring up a subject matter for a third time that is directly related to your story, it is hard to forget what you said.

I hope you understand.
MJS said:
And you're just realizing that now???? LOL! Dude, then you wonder why people are saying the things that they do. It SEEMS to me, that you got yourself caught in a little fantasy that now you're desperately trying to get yourself out of. However, it does not appear to be working to good.

Getting out of fantasy? You seem to always bring that up, you think I think it was a fantasy. So far, only you and Paul keep bringing it up. I told a story, and you don't believe me, so now you are going to hound on me on that for all the time on these forums?

In history, there is a perfect example of people like you. Assume I was lying and are at fault or something. When Germany lost WWI, All France and Britian could do is make Germany miserabal. Miserabal for one error, infact many people see it as not even their error. But what happened about 20 years later? Germany became a ultranationist, ultracist, ultraevil, country. Why, cause of France and Britian's continuasly going on about stuff that happened at a previous war.

Now I am not say that you are making me miserable or saying you are going to make me evil, but what you are doing is similar. QUIT TALKING ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE! Let's look to the future.
PAUL said:
It would be much easier to forget that you said it if the subject was dropped. However, you posting 2 more threads on fighting animals after that first thread where you told the couger story makes it difficult.

If this was a thread on something completely different, then MJS wouldn't have responded the way he did, and I wouldn't have brought up your story.

But since the subject matter is essentially very similar, well, we remember.

Now, maybe, your seeing the exact problem with lying (or being precieved as lying) on the internet. This is the written word, and its archived. When you say something outlandish, you risk it being brought up at a later time.

Having said that, I am not in the business of chasing you around to try to "debunk" or "slam" everything you say, cobra. So you don't have to worry about me chasing you through multiple threads to slam on you because, believe it or not, I do have a life.

However, when you bring up a subject matter for a third time that is directly related to your story, it is hard to forget what you said.

I hope you understand.
Honestly though, what does this have to do with fighting animals. I am merely asking a comparsion or question about something, and happens to do with animals. BIG DEAL! Just because it has animals in it doesn't mean it is the same topic as the Man vs. Beast thread. That is very closeminded and ignorant. That is like saying if I talk about sports a lot, it means all I talk about is baseball a lot too, even if it has nothing ot do with baseball.
Maybe if you hadn't made a claim to have killed a large cat without sustaining major injury...
WLMantisKid said:
Maybe if you hadn't made a claim to have killed a large cat without sustaining major injury...
I honsetly didn't think people like MJS would always come back to it. People are entitled to believe what they think. But when people are continually going back to it, it is not cool anymore at all.

Now I understand Paul a lot on what he saying. Unlike MJS, he didn't keep going back to it until now. But atleast Paul is being polite about it.
Cobra said:
Honestly though, what does this have to do with fighting animals. I am merely asking a comparsion or question about something, and happens to do with animals. BIG DEAL! Just because it has animals in it doesn't mean it is the same topic as the Man vs. Beast thread. That is very closeminded and ignorant. That is like saying if I talk about sports a lot, it means all I talk about is baseball a lot too, even if it has nothing ot do with baseball.

Lets say you said on a thread that you played professional football, and someone asked "what team," and you were unable to answer or provide a real name, or any proof of the claim, so most didn't believe you. Then, you went on another thread and started talking about baseball. Someone is going to ask, "So, are you going to claim that you played Baseball too?" Another person is going to ask, "Why do you keep insisting that we talk about sports?" And, eventually, someone will bring up your previous claim. It is just a natural reaction.

Besides, this thread isn't as different from the other as baseball is from football.

Regardless, your using the term "Ignorant" like Micheal Jackson does when he denies that he had plastic surgury, or when he can't see how anyone would think that there was anything wrong with an adult male of his age sleeping with young boys. I am just saying that for your sake you might not want to throw that term around in this circumstance. Especially not after your WWII analogy.

Now, I said that I am not going to intentionally chase you around with your claim on that thread, and I ment it. I am not going to intentionally chase you around trying to debunk or harrass you. But, I can't promise that things aren't going to come up, as they did in this thread. I will try to drop it, if you'll actually drop it also instead of setting yourself up so wonderfully for the subject to be brought up again.


btw...thank you for recognize that I am trying my best to be polite about this matter. :asian:

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