@K-man, yes thank you for showing me that the opponent may also have reckoned with his own defeat. I would imagine this opponent was otherwise considered invincible and but yes I am with you.. Goodness I do not know how you have read my mind with what you said and but yes I understand too that he might well surprised at how long we had stood against him.. I am very grateful for your pov thank you my friend that all makes sense thank you

@Tez thank you for making your points and I understand what you are saying yes and I would imagine you have dealt with much of that kind of altercation.. I wonder can I ask you specifically a question please? What would you do in a situation where you are NOT permitted to tapout this opponent will not permit you to tapout, you know what would happen and but you are in so much pain the only thing you can think is to tapout? What would you do then? Thank you so much Janna xoxo
@sgt_mac, thank you sir yes I agree entirely with what you are saying and but are you genuinely so blase bout either he or you going to die? Sometimes I would have that mindset whereby I would not care one way or the other and but instinct usurps even that mindset which - like you said - is also a high level thought [do not care if I live or die].. instinct takes over and we are forced to fight and suddenly we cannot consciously be so nonchalant. We HAVE to fight. We HAVE to survive. We cannot say we do not care. We DO care. And but we are being beaten. You already know that you can be beaten. How do you overcome the idea that THIS is IT? Thank you I would appreciate any reply you would give thank you
@morph thank you my friend yes outside-the-box blue-sky thinking is laudable and a sign surely of a good fighter yes I agree and but you know sometimes all that is gone from you and you figure you can maybe take one more in the gut and you are finished then everything becomes desperate and thinking time has evaporated like a drip in the desert. Is there anything at all you can do to prevent the fulfilment of your own prophecy of potential defeat [for when we admit it, we simultaneously envision it I think it becomes like a prophecy, no?] I do not know if I am being so cogent I hope you follow what I am trying to present? Thank you even regardless, Jenna xo
@Suke no sir we do not want you becoming martial arts mystic Meg then we have nothing to get hold of but puffs of protoplasm haha.. And but yes I follow what you are saying and thank you indeed.. Yes when it kicks off then thinking too many moves ahead puts us en route to a hiding I think. I would not disagree at all you are entirely correct and only I think the surprise is when you realise that THIS opponent is relentless relentless relentless not like sparring a friend you give him the time out sig and all is good. Would I dare to switch the track on you only a little detour and ask you what you would do then while you are going a few with your southern-style KF and your opponent ignores your T-sign to pause; bloodies up your face, ignores your plea you realise something has gone awry. This is the surpise moment you had not expected like some kind of nightmare and but you cannot ask why. Whoever this is, he is your match and better. You are feeling as if you have hit the bag until you have no more punches left. Now what are your options? That is maybe too much, you would maybe excuse me for that I am sorry I would still be wondering what you would do though? Thank you my friend you are always wise for counsel thank you Jenna xo
@Daniel Sullivan, Daniel thank you for replying also and would you tell me how you think you would do then as a "42yo desk jockey" as you have said just there, if you are pushed into a corner by whomever this opponent is that by all other measures you would reckon as being a superior fighter. What do you do when your fight is not working? When even YOUR best techniques hard-drilled over the years are showing as second-rate against this opponent? What do you do? What extra can you bring to bear? Survival, yes, exactly that is how singleminded you are.. I do not know I am just being general I am sorry if this seems awfully contrived. Thank you again though either way, I am always grateful, Jenna
@BLACKLION, thank you my friend you know I would appreciate what you are saying specially.. And I understand yes that all living things have a weakness that is more profound than you would know. Though it is asking too much that we apprehend the weakness in all things, having not met all opponents.. Yes I understand mind controls body that is the very point and but when body is beaten so much then mind cannot always stand up and shout "I AM STILL HERE!" And then is that it? Is that the end? What do you do? Tell me my friend because I know you are a fighter always. Can you imagine that you have met your match and you know it? He has everything over you. What do you do when every muscle and sinew and thought inside you is telling you that you are beat? I am sorry you would forgive me if that is just a dumb question I do not mean it to sound that way. Thank you your input is valuable you know Jenna xo