Hey BLACK LIONI have HABITUATED violence and murphys law. Its my perception that it can happen anytime and anywhere no matter what. Its not a shock to me and there is no mysticism behind it. I understand it completely and I accept it. Everyones "perception" and "reality" is different. Actuality on the other hand isnt. Its the same, all the time regardless of what one thinks thier reality is. Reality is= this can or could happen... Actuality is= this does-is- or has happened. makes sense?
I cant be "prepared" for everything but I understand I must be ready for anything.
I had 2 blades on me at a babyshower in a home on a sunday. I am completely unbiased with carrying or having access to tools or labor saving devices. I dont just carry becuase I am in or going to be in a "bad area" .... I carry to church... if that makes sense.
Awareness -Assesment-Assertiveness are all a constant "demeanor" or state of being for me no matter where, what, when, why or how.

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,