Rich Parsons said:
Well if a woman was around 100 lbs = 7.142 857 143 stone and
:rofl: Dude, you're such a geek. :rofl:
and she told me in a very calm voice she was going to kick me in the shin as she climbed up my body by stepping on my knee to reach her thumb into the soft spot around the collar bone and the other hand sticking her hand covered in oil and other fluids into my eye ball, would make me hesitate.
Note: you won't be believable unless you know that you can actually do this. Rich, I imagine, can quite seriously back up the subtle, yet aggressive, comments that he makes. And his credibility is very likely backed up by the visual intimidation factor. So, be sure about what you're threatening, if you're threatening. I would never recommend "writing cheques your body can't cash". The possibility of simply escalating a situation that you cannot handle is far too great.
With that said, the question was about "psyching out" one's opponent. Presumably, this presupposes that the altercation is indeed going to happen. If we're assuming that, then I suppose that "writing cheques your body can't cash" is a viable option if it gives you some time. Personally, I think that your biggest liability in this circumstance is time. Time because we have assumed here that the altercation is happening. Maybe right now.
So, the attack on preparation, in this circumstace, warrants consideration. Many will say that to throw the first attack is a bad idea, inadvisable and potentially criminal. Perhaps....
However, I don't think that one's personal safety ought necessarily exist as a right within the context of one's compliance with the law only. I think that there may be times when a person can only have a reasonable hope of surviving an altercation by utilizing the attack on preparation.
The attack on preparation is, essentially, the recognition of the inevitability of the attack, followed immediately by attacking first. Usually, recognition of the attack's inevitability is verified by some type of physical cue. There are, quite obviously, a miriad of various types of attack that can be utilized at this juncture. Not much point in going in to those here, as this was originally about the "mental" aspect - a psychological attack on preparation, if you will. In that regard, there are a few different strategies that one can employ. However, each must be considered as being followed up by some type of phyisical attack, preferrably, something that will help you close the gap.
- Act crazy. I don't care how, just lose your grip.
- Scream obsenities
- Bark
- Feint
- Feint again
- If you're agile, use it, depending upon your environment. Roll, cartwheel, leap somewhere tactically advantageous.
- Look for environmental weapons, and get them in your hands ASAP. As said upthread, sometimes the threat of using a weapon is enough. Also, know what to do with said environmental weapon. Risk: said weapon is removed from your control, and used to kill you.
- Throw loose pocketstuffs at your attacker's eyes.
- Spit into attacker's face.
- Pretend you have a gun? I don't know if this is a good idea or not. If coupled with acting crazy, it may work. I don't know.....
- As always, just run if you can.