Senior Master
Why are you calling people trolls...what does that mean?
a troll is someone who goes on message boards & intentionally makes people angry or otherwise messes with them.
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Why are you calling people trolls...what does that mean?
for the record, i did critique anti-grappling without use of cliches, & hopefully i didn't attack you or your husband's character. the "grappler" in those videos just didn't look like a good grappler. if he is a judo/jujitsuka, he is either dumbing down his technique or he simply isn't very good.
at any rate, happy new years, all the best,
I just read the new messages and seldom pay attention to where they are.Why are you here? Do you have something productive to say? Is this why you went on the women's side and called my video a fake to prove a point?
What IS your point?
I speak my mind, and I'm truthful on here. If that's not appreciated then fine, I don't need to hear crap from you. BJJ man.
I'm trying to really find out why people believe this BJJ crap. Did you see the video of the BJJ guy getting his back broken? no? You didn't bother to look at it or comment.
So, I apologize for possibly offending people while speaking my mind and getting to excited about the discussion and all you have to say is that I'm a troll.
This is why I "forget" to be polite or diplomatic. What is the point with being nice with people like you? But, I didn't post that for YOU.
I've given many explainations of technique often here, no one can comment on the WT anti-grappling WC defense and theory against grappling without falling back on old addages and cliches and attacking my person and my husband. I find this pitafull.
You don't agree with me, then don't bother with me. you won't change my mind, I won't change yours.
You want to call that video a fake on the women's site, then prove it. I don't care.
I posted that for the women's input, not yours. I'm so tired of men putting their two cents in when it's not asked for! I wanted to know what WOMEN'S thoughts were on this situation, fake or not. Just the idea of a tiny little child defending herself in that fashion. Do they think it's wrong? Over excessive? Impractical? What? At least in theory. But, now that you've posted that it is "probably a fake" then none of them will feel comfortable to respond or give an opinion.
Who's the troll now?
Who's shanghiing who?
Your messing up my experiment, and I don't apprectiate it. I don't want to "fight" with the women like I do the men, the men pick on me 'cause I'm a girl. I'm used to it, and I'll give it back. The women are different. I want to understand what they think and want. Not you. Didn't ask YOU.
I want to know what women think, not men. I KNOW what men think. yawn!
A troll. lol!
If that's what I am then you owe me a toll to pass my bridge! lol!
man, nevermind, it's new years, and I can't let a dude like you ruin my night.
Peace out, troll toll payer!
What? I told you he sparred with the 10 year BJJ teacher of BJJ and JKD often. He's fought BJJ elsewhere and for real, but that is taboo. He's used it against kids in the USMC, and has fought and sparred with BJJ many many times. That was an example of a time I saw myself.
And no, we are NOT travelling out of state for him to fight. Again, can NOT afford to travel like that. We are getting him registered to fight in TEXAS with TAMMA one of the largest MMA organizations in the nation. Is this not satisfactory? Do you require we travel to Cali?
And, again, I haven't claimed WC is "ultimate" you guys keep typing that one in FOR ME. lol! I explain why I believe it is effecient and more practical to BJJ, and yes, in some real self defense scenarios, is superior, but the WORD ultimate wasn't from my actual post, unless quoting or referring to one of you stating your assumption from my statements.
I'm strong on WC/WT, big deal. Others are just as bad or confident with BJJ. So what?
Opinions and preferences, and I am intitled to have mine too.
I still see no smart comments on the BJJ practitioner that got his back snapped right in half. Just smart talk about how I don't understand it and that's why I don't want to use it. I don't want to use it because I don't want my back broken, or my body slammed on the hard concrete, or to muscle up a large man by the knees and throw him to the ground as he drags me with him. These things coming to mind do NOT tempt me to join the ranks of BJJ.![]()
Cut and dry guys, the stand up arts, of kicking punching and strikes, allows that person to better defend against multiple opponents. Takes downs put you at a disadvantage with more then one aggressor, with all that rolling around on the ground. If you are fighting more then one person you had better stay up and moving. I am talking street not cage. If three guys confront you, and you are a stand up fighter I would venture to say you could have at least 2 on the ground in a bad way, real fast. If I am a grappler facing 3 guys, I can only concentrate on one at a time. Just my thoughts. And also by the way I have used the groin kick in the street very successfully. It is the pelvic bone you are striking, with that front kick. Very painful.
The traditional arts cover ground techniques, but it is more on how to deal with them rather then roll with them. A self defense art is something that can be used anywhere, I would hope. What about the LEO we have on board. I know you have all the toys at your disposal, but if it comes down to it, do you want to roll around on the ground with them, along with your firearm? I have been to a lot of DT classes, and a lot are different, do some instructors teach grappling within that context?
Come on man...Its her husband...Come on If she doesn't think her Hubbie can beat every man on earth that what type of wife should she be....She is a woman who devoted to her husband...she is suppose to believe he is undefeated....
come on man get real...now your throwing low blows....
Doesn't your wife think your the best in the world too?
So. Basically you're admitting to being a troll? Wow.
I'm not yelling at you, darlin'. lol! just yelling at that mean guy that called me a "troll".
But, a couple of folks here have tried to imply that what I say my huband did he didn't actually do.
I know I'm a girl, and I married the 'sifu' and of course I'm biased.
But, he's a different kind of teacher than what has been the norm. I thought he was awesome before ever there was a thought of dating! lol! that was NEVER my origional thought. That's all him. lol! Anyways...
ask hubbie why he likes Si-Je (man, I'm getting to hate that title. It doesn't seem to fit me. never did, just call me Nikki)
Either way, even if we weren't together, he's the best martial artist I've ever seen in my life, in person.
And I've seen quite a few.
One thing my mom once said. " you don't have to travel the world. If you wait enough, the world will come to you!" lol!
I love that. such a Texan thing to say.
But, she's a homebody, not me so much, I've traveled a bit more than her, but it doesn't matter.
If you wait enough, the world will come to you. That's the Tao, dude. ;p
But, if you don't want to believe me about hubbie, I can understand. Wait for the video! lol!
then, don't give me anymore excuses!
It is what it is. and he is what he is. an awesome marine, fighter, martial arist, and teacher. ya'll should really meet him.
You'd love him, and I'd hate that my mouth might make you guys not like him before you know. I'm uppity because he's sooo cool.
I don't know many people who know all of the wing chun system. from two masters.
So what Emin didn't know all WT when hubbie trained from him, he gained a different understanding from NOT knowing.
And Sifu Jim Fung system taught him all the forms, weapons forms, and mook jong, and CHI. Good combo with the anti-grappling and extra "aggression" of the "blitz" defense of Sifu Emin. Good stuff I tell you! lol!
If you don't believe me, then fine. I don't want to fight. But, attack me, not hubbie.
I'm the sh*1 talker, not him. lol!
he's the real thing.
Why are you here? Do you have something productive to say? Is this why you went on the women's side and called my video a fake to prove a point?
What IS your point?
I speak my mind, and I'm truthful on here. If that's not appreciated then fine, I don't need to hear crap from you. BJJ man.
I'm trying to really find out why people believe this BJJ crap. Did you see the video of the BJJ guy getting his back broken? no? You didn't bother to look at it or comment.
So, I apologize for possibly offending people while speaking my mind and getting to excited about the discussion and all you have to say is that I'm a troll.
This is why I "forget" to be polite or diplomatic. What is the point with being nice with people like you? But, I didn't post that for YOU.
I've given many explainations of technique often here, no one can comment on the WT anti-grappling WC defense and theory against grappling without falling back on old addages and cliches and attacking my person and my husband. I find this pitafull.
You don't agree with me, then don't bother with me. you won't change my mind, I won't change yours.
You want to call that video a fake on the women's site, then prove it. I don't care.
I posted that for the women's input, not yours. I'm so tired of men putting their two cents in when it's not asked for! I wanted to know what WOMEN'S thoughts were on this situation, fake or not. Just the idea of a tiny little child defending herself in that fashion. Do they think it's wrong? Over excessive? Impractical? What? At least in theory. But, now that you've posted that it is "probably a fake" then none of them will feel comfortable to respond or give an opinion.
Who's the troll now?
Who's shanghiing who?
Your messing up my experiment, and I don't apprectiate it. I don't want to "fight" with the women like I do the men, the men pick on me 'cause I'm a girl. I'm used to it, and I'll give it back. The women are different. I want to understand what they think and want. Not you. Didn't ask YOU.
I want to know what women think, not men. I KNOW what men think. yawn!
A troll. lol!
If that's what I am then you owe me a toll to pass my bridge! lol!
man, nevermind, it's new years, and I can't let a dude like you ruin my night.
Peace out, troll toll payer!
I've never advocated rolling on the ground in a real fight, esp. with the chances of more than 1 person. I do advocate the study of how a grappler works, so that the stand up techs. can better adapt.
Oh and sije...I think it may be a good idea for you to refresh yourself on the forums rules. Trolling is a big no-no here. Messing up your experiment?? Hmmmmm
I don't like BJJ because it is not a good art. This is my opinion. That it is not a good art for one that trains MA with the goal of realistic self defense mainly Wing Chun.
I feel that BJJ would lessen and diminish the art of Wing Chun, keeping people from continuing to further their understanding and training in the advanced concepts and techniques of Wing Chun. I.e. - instead of learning to kick and hit an opponent from a "grappling" distance, people would resort to BJJ. Thus, losing that range of WT/WC possibly forever.
What arrogance SteveBJJ. To state that BJJ is the only wrestling art in existance and that it is because of BJJ that anti-grappling was created. There are far better wresting styles out there than BJJ, that have been tested longer in combat, and over much longer periods of time. Wrestling has been around since the beginning of time, are you going to give BJJ credit for the MA styles of thousands of years ago?
This is why I don't like BJJ and some of it's practicioners. The arrogance and misguided view of the very history of martial arts is astounding! lol!
I saw an interview of a Gracie teacher on t.v. a couple of years ago bragging to the camera and his student's that BJJ was the first martial art invented on Earth, that all martial arts stems from it. I was FLOOORED!
And people believed this without question.
I'm just asking you to question, to think outside of the box. You BJJ guys spout the same jargon and speak word for word verbatum the same arguments like your pod people and your minds are not your own. No matter who I talk to or hear talking about BJJ ya'll say the very same statements like you memorized them in class or something. ???? I just don't get that mentality.
Someone wants to talk to you.![]()