You soooo crazy! lol!
I love it! I want the red pill!
Time for funny time!
So, "lets do the time warp again!" and "take a step to the left, and a jump to the right! Put your hands on your hips, and everything's alright!"
I'm so on that rocket ship dudes! lol!
By the way, ya'll, I've really enjoyed the discussions and I do apologize for being a butt head at times. This forum has been the great experiement for me. That's why I got on here two years ago in the first place. Better to make mistakes in explaination here and get to riled up online than with students and prospective students. I've learned how folks truely think and feel about wing chun, grappling and fighting in general here.
Unfortunately, people aren't as outspoken about these things in person, (whether to be respectful to us at our 'school', or because they want to be polite, or 'cause hubbie is big and scary looking. lol!)
So there is alot of things I've learned from you all about what about WC/WT turnes people off at a glance, on video, and in class. This way I can teach and explain what their learning better before they get frustrated or disheartened.
And yes, believe it or not, I'm far more diplomatic in person, and do not wish to be hurtful to anyone ever, online or in person. I may despise BJJ but I don't despise the people that take it, I just wish to understand fully why people are so attracted to it, and why they train it. And more importantly, why people are using it to "supplement" their other styles.
Thank you all for your honest responses, and pardon again for getting "riled up" on my part, but this has all been very provocotive conversation and I am a little excitable person. lol! This helps Si-Je be a better big sister, and learn when to cool it down, what verbage is getting through to students, and what is confusing students.
Thanks again, and Happy New Year everyone!!!!
I'll be back to play and talk, but please try not to take too much offence to the things I say. I say mean things sometimes to instigate alternative thought, to put folks on the "defenseive" so they actually think about why and what and the reasons for what they train. Sometimes true analyization and logical critisizm of why we do things comes to fruition better when faced with a little conflict.
Love ya'll all!
And Happy New Year and Holidays again!