Wing Chun/Tsun + Brazillian Jiujitsu =

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I worked with a police officer that did get taken to the ground in a crowd on a 4th of July drunken brawl. He was shot with his own firearm because he tried to wrestle them and handcuff them from the ground. Too many people in the crowd, him being down on the ground he had no way to defend himself.
He was a Marine from the Vietnam era, not a wimpy or undertrained man.
Well somepeople live in these areas...Others have relatives that live in these sometime we may have jobs that require us to drive to these places or maybe there is girl that really want to get with that lives in that type of hood...or maybe a friend from work lives in never know why you might end down there in that area...but you must be aware you could be there...

You can't always advoid danger...sometimes the way to find saftey is with in the heart of danger. But if your in an area like that...the last place you want to take your attacker is to ground...chances are your attacker is not trying to go down...So why bring him to the ground unless you land a knock out punch to his face...

i just want to say regarding alleys filled with broken drug, where are these places & why the hell would i be there? one of the first rules of self defense should be to avoid dangerous places whenever possible. i'm not a cop or a junkie, so i really don't see myself getting jumped in a urine-soaked alley by a gang of drug fiends.

Come on man...Its her husband...Come on If she doesn't think her Hubbie can beat every man on earth that what type of wife should she be....She is a woman who devoted to her husband...she is suppose to believe he is undefeated....

come on man get your throwing low blows....

Doesn't your wife think your the best in the world too?

So, hubby trains WC, hubby has fought BJJ people in your was that 10yr guy right, hubby is undefeated.

See Sije...its comments like this that you make, and then you wonder why people claim that you say WC is the ultimate, that hubby is the best in the world.

Umm...yeah, ok.
Well I say it then for you all...

Wing Chun is ultimate other Art can defend aganist it

With Wing Chun you learn how to punch so hard you can punch through brick walls with out hurting your hand...So when the BJJ guy comes shooting for your legs you punch through your gloves to his skull...He is dead now...with a light force he will be unconscious...

Wing chun has the levitating foot technique that if your are ever attacked by one hundred men you can simple jump on top of buildings then use your light skills to jump from roof to roof to kinda of looks like your flying up on the roof like in old gung fu movies,,,,

Wing Chun has the piercing kick technique...Not only will it send your foe flying 20 feet in the air but the impact will burst their kidneys

Wing Chun has an iron body technique that can with stand knives, swords,AK-47 bullets, Grenandes and Even Nuclear bombs...When You chi up, not even hirshoshima can kill you..

Wing Chun has the immovable stance technique one time I saw a master in wing Chun save a little girl by planting his feet into the ground so that he could redirect the energy of a bus that was about to hit him. By using the chi from the ground in his stance He simply deflected the bus with Kwun sau and then Tan Sau and then pak Sau...Not even a Train going 70mph hour can move you out your stance

Wing Chun has the 10 feet chi blast...That means from ten feet away I can send my Chi to you and cause you fall out...

Wing Chun is the best style in the world...Blocks as fast as a Cheetah

Oh lets not talk about the Iron palm...I once saw a sifu break 18 layers of solid iron with his palms....not bricks but he broke Iron slabs...that were each one inch thick...

Wing Chun is best Combat system in the world if your think you can beat it your crazy....

But the only way you can do all these things i mention above is that you choose either the green pill or blue pill?

Choose the right pill?

Then fly to mars so you learn the hidden secrets from the martian masters of Wing Chun.....

I hope to see you all there...i got my shuttle ticket already schedule to leave January 20th 2012...

Bon Voyage...

What? I told you he sparred with the 10 year BJJ teacher of BJJ and JKD often. He's fought BJJ elsewhere and for real, but that is taboo. He's used it against kids in the USMC, and has fought and sparred with BJJ many many times. That was an example of a time I saw myself.

And no, we are NOT travelling out of state for him to fight. Again, can NOT afford to travel like that. We are getting him registered to fight in TEXAS with TAMMA one of the largest MMA organizations in the nation. Is this not satisfactory? Do you require we travel to Cali?

And, again, I haven't claimed WC is "ultimate" you guys keep typing that one in FOR ME. lol! I explain why I believe it is effecient and more practical to BJJ, and yes, in some real self defense scenarios, is superior, but the WORD ultimate wasn't from my actual post, unless quoting or referring to one of you stating your assumption from my statements.
I'm strong on WC/WT, big deal. Others are just as bad or confident with BJJ. So what?
Opinions and preferences, and I am intitled to have mine too.

I still see no smart comments on the BJJ practitioner that got his back snapped right in half. Just smart talk about how I don't understand it and that's why I don't want to use it. I don't want to use it because I don't want my back broken, or my body slammed on the hard concrete, or to muscle up a large man by the knees and throw him to the ground as he drags me with him. These things coming to mind do NOT tempt me to join the ranks of BJJ. ;)
Well I say it then for you all...

Wing Chun is ultimate other Art can defend aganist it

With Wing Chun you learn how to punch so hard you can punch through brick walls with out hurting your hand...So when the BJJ guy comes shooting for your legs you punch through your gloves to his skull...He is dead now...with a light force he will be unconscious...

Wing chun has the levitating foot technique that if your are ever attacked by one hundred men you can simple jump on top of buildings then use your light skills to jump from roof to roof to kinda of looks like your flying up on the roof like in old gung fu movies,,,,

Wing Chun has the piercing kick technique...Not only will it send your foe flying 20 feet in the air but the impact will burst their kidneys

Wing Chun has an iron body technique that can with stand knives, swords,AK-47 bullets, Grenandes and Even Nuclear bombs...When You chi up, not even hirshoshima can kill you..

Wing Chun has the immovable stance technique one time I saw a master in wing Chun save a little girl by planting his feet into the ground so that he could redirect the energy of a bus that was about to hit him. By using the chi from the ground in his stance He simply deflected the bus with Kwun sau and then Tan Sau and then pak Sau...Not even a Train going 70mph hour can move you out your stance

Wing Chun has the 10 feet chi blast...That means from ten feet away I can send my Chi to you and cause you fall out...

Wing Chun is the best style in the world...Blocks as fast as a Cheetah

Oh lets not talk about the Iron palm...I once saw a sifu break 18 layers of solid iron with his palms....not bricks but he broke Iron slabs...that were each one inch thick...

Wing Chun is best Combat system in the world if your think you can beat it your crazy....

But the only way you can do all these things i mention above is that you choose either the green pill or blue pill?

Choose the right pill?

Then fly to mars so you learn the hidden secrets from the martian masters of Wing Chun.....

I hope to see you all there...i got my shuttle ticket already schedule to leave January 20th 2012...

Bon Voyage...

I am trying to be somewhat informative where grappling and standup are concerned, and I know from reading your posts, you have a way of eliciting a certain response. This last post has me a little concerned, tell me everything is ok. J
You soooo crazy! lol!
I love it! I want the red pill! :)
Time for funny time!

So, "lets do the time warp again!" and "take a step to the left, and a jump to the right! Put your hands on your hips, and everything's alright!"
I'm so on that rocket ship dudes! lol!

By the way, ya'll, I've really enjoyed the discussions and I do apologize for being a butt head at times. This forum has been the great experiement for me. That's why I got on here two years ago in the first place. Better to make mistakes in explaination here and get to riled up online than with students and prospective students. I've learned how folks truely think and feel about wing chun, grappling and fighting in general here.
Unfortunately, people aren't as outspoken about these things in person, (whether to be respectful to us at our 'school', or because they want to be polite, or 'cause hubbie is big and scary looking. lol!)
So there is alot of things I've learned from you all about what about WC/WT turnes people off at a glance, on video, and in class. This way I can teach and explain what their learning better before they get frustrated or disheartened.
And yes, believe it or not, I'm far more diplomatic in person, and do not wish to be hurtful to anyone ever, online or in person. I may despise BJJ but I don't despise the people that take it, I just wish to understand fully why people are so attracted to it, and why they train it. And more importantly, why people are using it to "supplement" their other styles.
Thank you all for your honest responses, and pardon again for getting "riled up" on my part, but this has all been very provocotive conversation and I am a little excitable person. lol! This helps Si-Je be a better big sister, and learn when to cool it down, what verbage is getting through to students, and what is confusing students.

Thanks again, and Happy New Year everyone!!!!

I'll be back to play and talk, but please try not to take too much offence to the things I say. I say mean things sometimes to instigate alternative thought, to put folks on the "defenseive" so they actually think about why and what and the reasons for what they train. Sometimes true analyization and logical critisizm of why we do things comes to fruition better when faced with a little conflict.
Love ya'll all!
And Happy New Year and Holidays again! :)
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Season what did you mean when you said?: "you have a way of eliciting a certain response."

What is Eliciting?

As for me I am grrrrrrreat. What about you?

I am trying to be somewhat informative where grappling and standup are concerned, and I know from reading your posts, you have a way of eliciting a certain response. This last post has me a little concerned, tell me everything is ok. J
Season what did you mean when you said?: "you have a way of eliciting a certain response."

What is Eliciting?

As for me I am grrrrrrreat. What about you?

Nothing disrespectful, you have a way of wording certain posts in such a way, to see what kind of response you may get. You had mentioned in another thread, I think, that you did it to generate conversation. The post about going to Mars may be one of those posts. I donÂ’t know if I am great, but I definitely get by. :asian:
nO nO SORRY MY FRIEND This post was purely Humor...nothing more just funny if you asked me...I think onlookers will be able to agree with me on that post...

Any art that can do all the following I list would be an unbeatable art...

Nothing disrespectful, you have a way of wording certain posts in such a way, to see what kind of response you may get. You had mentioned in another thread, I think, that you did it to generate conversation. The post about going to Mars may be one of those posts. I donÂ’t know if I am great, but I definitely get by. :asian:
nO nO SORRY MY FRIEND This post was purely Humor...nothing more just funny if you asked me...I think onlookers will be able to agree with me on that post...

Any art that can do all the following I list would be an unbeatable art...

Unbeatable indeed, and would definitely surpass any of those grappler types. W/C er's have a good sense of humor.
Ha Ha...My Friend If i could jump on roof tops and knock people out with my chi from ten feet...I wouldn't be here on computer...I will be in ring in Thaliand trying to get that million dollar gold from the

But seriously...did I have you going there for a minute like i was serious?

I mean iron body that can with stand nuclear destruction?


i love to meet that guy...his Iron body is stronger than iron..

Unbeatable indeed, and would definitely surpass any of those grappler types. W/C er's have a good sense of humor.
Well somepeople live in these areas...Others have relatives that live in these sometime we may have jobs that require us to drive to these places or maybe there is girl that really want to get with that lives in that type of hood...or maybe a friend from work lives in never know why you might end down there in that area...but you must be aware you could be there...

You can't always advoid danger...sometimes the way to find saftey is with in the heart of danger. But if your in an area like that...the last place you want to take your attacker is to ground...chances are your attacker is not trying to go down...So why bring him to the ground unless you land a knock out punch to his face...

well i do see your point...but nevertheless, i think if i lived somewhere like that part of my "self defense" would consist of saving enough money for a car or to move to a better neighborhood! don't get me wrong, my neighborhood isn't great, but generally feel pretty safe day to day. i guess if i were that worried i'd have gotten my concealed carry license by now.

at any rate, i do enjoy our little discussions over here on the WC board as well, & don't mean any offense to anyone. i think grappling gets a bad wrap sometimes & i just can't let it slide. i train striking arts too for all the reasons mentioned above by others, but grappling arts have their place as well, even for self-defense. & it's where my heart is. there's just no accounting for taste, is there? lol

one thing i admire about grappling is that it gives you the ability to control someone without hurting them. i haven't really been in a life or death hand to hand situation (& i hope i never am), but there have been many times that if i hadn't been able to control somebody, i would have had a full-fledged fight on my hands. i mean it's really nice to know that you can rip out someone's eye's & crush their groin, but i just don't want to do that to my buddy who drank too much, you know? or explain it to the police.

it's basic escalation of force. there are things i'm willing to fight for that i'm not willing to kill or maim for.

So. Basically you're admitting to being a troll? Wow.
You soooo crazy! lol!
I love it! I want the red pill! :)
Time for funny time!

So, "lets do the time warp again!" and "take a step to the left, and a jump to the right! Put your hands on your hips, and everything's alright!"
I'm so on that rocket ship dudes! lol!

By the way, ya'll, I've really enjoyed the discussions and I do apologize for being a butt head at times. This forum has been the great experiement for me. That's why I got on here two years ago in the first place. Better to make mistakes in explaination here and get to riled up online than with students and prospective students. I've learned how folks truely think and feel about wing chun, grappling and fighting in general here.
Unfortunately, people aren't as outspoken about these things in person, (whether to be respectful to us at our 'school', or because they want to be polite, or 'cause hubbie is big and scary looking. lol!)
So there is alot of things I've learned from you all about what about WC/WT turnes people off at a glance, on video, and in class. This way I can teach and explain what their learning better before they get frustrated or disheartened.
And yes, believe it or not, I'm far more diplomatic in person, and do not wish to be hurtful to anyone ever, online or in person. I may despise BJJ but I don't despise the people that take it, I just wish to understand fully why people are so attracted to it, and why they train it. And more importantly, why people are using it to "supplement" their other styles.
Thank you all for your honest responses, and pardon again for getting "riled up" on my part, but this has all been very provocotive conversation and I am a little excitable person. lol! This helps Si-Je be a better big sister, and learn when to cool it down, what verbage is getting through to students, and what is confusing students.

Thanks again, and Happy New Year everyone!!!!

I'll be back to play and talk, but please try not to take too much offence to the things I say. I say mean things sometimes to instigate alternative thought, to put folks on the "defenseive" so they actually think about why and what and the reasons for what they train. Sometimes true analyization and logical critisizm of why we do things comes to fruition better when faced with a little conflict.
Love ya'll all!
And Happy New Year and Holidays again! :)
Well somepeople live in these areas...Others have relatives that live in these sometime we may have jobs that require us to drive to these places or maybe there is girl that really want to get with that lives in that type of hood...or maybe a friend from work lives in never know why you might end down there in that area...but you must be aware you could be there...

You can't always advoid danger...sometimes the way to find saftey is with in the heart of danger. But if your in an area like that...the last place you want to take your attacker is to ground...chances are your attacker is not trying to go down...So why bring him to the ground unless you land a knock out punch to his face...

I was thinking more in the line of slamming them to the ground. If I do it right, break fall or tuck the chin will not help. This is where I feel that a well placed strike before the slam will stun him and he may not get up for a while.
Just heard a news a news report, and 88 year old woman was attacked by a NAKED 44 year old man who broke into her home and attacked her, rubbing his body up against hers. She yelled "no!"
And grabed and twisted his testicles until he ran out screaming.
You can't teach an 88 year old woman BJJ. But all the "rules" of "combat" go out the window when you have to defend yourself against someone you could'nt "physically" ever defeat.
Enter, Wing Chun. :)
So. Basically you're admitting to being a troll? Wow.

Why are you here? Do you have something productive to say? Is this why you went on the women's side and called my video a fake to prove a point?
What IS your point?

I speak my mind, and I'm truthful on here. If that's not appreciated then fine, I don't need to hear crap from you. BJJ man.
I'm trying to really find out why people believe this BJJ crap. Did you see the video of the BJJ guy getting his back broken? no? You didn't bother to look at it or comment.
So, I apologize for possibly offending people while speaking my mind and getting to excited about the discussion and all you have to say is that I'm a troll.
This is why I "forget" to be polite or diplomatic. What is the point with being nice with people like you? But, I didn't post that for YOU.
I've given many explainations of technique often here, no one can comment on the WT anti-grappling WC defense and theory against grappling without falling back on old addages and cliches and attacking my person and my husband. I find this pitafull.
You don't agree with me, then don't bother with me. you won't change my mind, I won't change yours.
You want to call that video a fake on the women's site, then prove it. I don't care.
I posted that for the women's input, not yours. I'm so tired of men putting their two cents in when it's not asked for! I wanted to know what WOMEN'S thoughts were on this situation, fake or not. Just the idea of a tiny little child defending herself in that fashion. Do they think it's wrong? Over excessive? Impractical? What? At least in theory. But, now that you've posted that it is "probably a fake" then none of them will feel comfortable to respond or give an opinion.
Who's the troll now?
Who's shanghiing who?
Your messing up my experiment, and I don't apprectiate it. I don't want to "fight" with the women like I do the men, the men pick on me 'cause I'm a girl. I'm used to it, and I'll give it back. The women are different. I want to understand what they think and want. Not you. Didn't ask YOU.
I want to know what women think, not men. I KNOW what men think. yawn!
A troll. lol!
If that's what I am then you owe me a toll to pass my bridge! lol!
man, nevermind, it's new years, and I can't let a dude like you ruin my night.
Peace out, troll toll payer!
I've given many explainations of technique often here, no one can comment on the WT anti-grappling WC defense and theory against grappling without falling back on old addages and cliches and attacking my person and my husband. I find this pitafull.

for the record, i did critique anti-grappling without use of cliches, & hopefully i didn't attack you or your husband's character. the "grappler" in those videos just didn't look like a good grappler. if he is a judo/jujitsuka, he is either dumbing down his technique or he simply isn't very good.

at any rate, happy new years, all the best,

Yea, I feel have a desire to study you said its where your heart is...Some of us...or Hearts are on pure WC...alls you have to say is Wing Chun combined with BJJ and thats enough to I am not offended...Don't take it as if I am. I am just curious. I see the days of Martial Art purity converting to Mixed Art fighting. Which may have its place...In fact in a fight I am going to use what ever works...if its grappling...grabbing groin...shooting for your legs grabbing behind your knees to flip you on your back so crack your head an then stomp your face...Then so be depends on situtation and if I feel I can pull it off...Like if some is stupid enough to try a frontal head lock I may hit them gonads and then do the shoot. But I am not wrestler...As a matter fact there is shoot for the legs so to speak in Bil Jee. But most people don't really catch it. I did when I thought about why on earth would someone bend over an reach between their legs. Lol...if someone is behind you or trying to grab from behind...why not bend over grab that leg an pull if you can...

well i do see your point...but nevertheless, i think if i lived somewhere like that part of my "self defense" would consist of saving enough money for a car or to move to a better neighborhood! don't get me wrong, my neighborhood isn't great, but generally feel pretty safe day to day. i guess if i were that worried i'd have gotten my concealed carry license by now.

at any rate, i do enjoy our little discussions over here on the WC board as well, & don't mean any offense to anyone. i think grappling gets a bad wrap sometimes & i just can't let it slide. i train striking arts too for all the reasons mentioned above by others, but grappling arts have their place as well, even for self-defense. & it's where my heart is. there's just no accounting for taste, is there? lol

one thing i admire about grappling is that it gives you the ability to control someone without hurting them. i haven't really been in a life or death hand to hand situation (& i hope i never am), but there have been many times that if i hadn't been able to control somebody, i would have had a full-fledged fight on my hands. i mean it's really nice to know that you can rip out someone's eye's & crush their groin, but i just don't want to do that to my buddy who drank too much, you know? or explain it to the police.

it's basic escalation of force. there are things i'm willing to fight for that i'm not willing to kill or maim for.

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