Two different sides of the spectrum, Jim Fung Sifu was small and Emin Boztepe Sifu is tall (over 6ft, correct?). I'm sure that makes a big difference between the two lineages.
Didn't Jim Fung Sifu die a couple of years back?
Not too long ago. Just sorta happened all of a sudden. It was a really big surprise to me, he was so..., healthy. And he exudes the aura of the most sweetist man ever. (and that's really hard to be as a WC GM. ! humble and just, well., gentle.)
But, what you say about Emin and Fung is correct as far as I'm concerned. Both their Wing Chun is correct and good. it's just way different ends of the spectrum.
Once again I think of "Prodigal Son".
Only because the movie has one student that wants to desperatley learn wing chun. .. He meets a teacher (that refuses to teach him of course) and is small and asmathic. lol! he can't breathe! and he's a master...
Then the student meets the small guys brother. (who is big, and tall and tells him not to learn that "faggy" WC from his brother. because he's small, sick and "weak".) Well, after almost getting killed by seeing the daugher in the bathroom, the big guy teaches him a different kind of wing chun.
hence, for me... WC/WT.
And the student finds out that he is the "prodigal son" of both "brothers" of Wing Chun because the passed all the art to him. Both small and large wing chun.
If your bigger its just more effecient to go "straight through" like the blitz method. if your way smaller, then, it's best to go "outdoor".
Anyways, he learns both. and Becomes a master by fighting a master. Man! I just know you guys have seen this damn movie! Why do I have to explain it?! lol!
And if you haven't... get netflixs or something! ack! every wing chunner should watch this movie.! both sides of Wing Chun.
Here is the true difference between the two. WT/WC, The approach of attack and defense. Neither is better than the other, just different. (but the same! lol!)
and some aplications work better for different body types against other body types.
Ex. why would I have a large muscular student and drill him so much early on with pivot, and such? when his best defense would be the blitz method as an early student?
or if I have a very small student, short, not so strong then I would focus on their stucture more and rooting right off the batt. (along with alot of pivoting) Because they need it more sooner.
Don't get me wrong.., I wouldn't keep teachings away from a bigger student on purpose just because they're big. I have always tried to teach big fellas, but they usually get an "attitude" and try to just topple me over. (I hate teaching big men!) because they don't usually listen. Until you make then fall on the ground.
(the body always follows the head.
But, smaller folk absorb more, and listen more. (and just learn that sooner because we have to. big people can fight it longer and still try to use their strength)
Just my experience. And, Yes, I'm small. and Emin's big, that's why he has alot of Big Guys as students. How many women sifu's does he have?
How many does GM Fung? (thank you. point made)
Humm,... I'm a Girl. So, I'll pick.... The master that works best for me.

Bummer that I can't afford to move to Austrailia. ack!
But, I can't move to Cali either. (and I'm not a big guy and don't favor getting punched all the time in training. lol! I wish I was tougher, but the good lord didn't build me that way)
That's why I love chatting with you guys. I get to learn by chatting, at least even if its without drilling.