Wing Chun competing in Cage

Yes sir I am, I've been desperately looking for training/sparring partners too! I've been trying craigslist, that wingchunfightclub forum place.. was on the verge of posting here again too... any chance you'd be interested in getting together one of these days sir?

btw, thanks for your comment mook :)
Nab I'm sorry I put so much emphasis on size. your teachers should be great for teaching you what works best for you.
I just had a teacher that had a hard time with showing and drilling techniques in applications that worked better for him than I.

My (hopefully) new teacher is a Chiropractor by trade. Very cool. He's just as tall, but he really has a larger understanding of how the body "moves" and how to break structure without using brute force.

I haven't explained my perspective on the size difference very well. Probably because my instincts and body know more than my head at this stage in my training. And it's hard for me to explain correctly in text.
He can do it so much better! And I'm just now finding out that there were some "bad habits" I was taught that gets me easily trapped and jammed when going against a bigger person. Too much emphasis was taught for me to stay in the opponents center line. (I always favored getting OUT of their centerline) i.e. if I'm in their centerline it's easier for them to attack me, grab, fall on me, kick, etc... Which is what many WC folks focus on is getting out of the opponents centerline.... But not what we focused on.
He was more "headon" in his approach to WT. Frankly because that worked for him 95 percent of the time. So he was more comfortable teaching that way.

lol! I would get all flustered and pissed and tell him, "just wait!" and get a chair and stand on it. "okay, now do that neck takedown." Well, then he'd do something different. and he'd say, "okay, I see what your mean."
Just needed to be reminded that it's a different angle and perspective from down here. Not that he was doing it on purpose. Just needed to be reminded. And he really only taught the one way. (most of our students were big anyway.)

Now, Chiropractor Sifu, he has made a special little bench in his Kwoon for smaller students to stand on to help him "remember" and to show them better. Groovy. I really liked that. Sometimes with a new technique it's easier to work with someone your size until you get comfortable with it and then work with a taller dude. He doesn't have alot of students so they usually work with him one on one. Good to have a "step stool" so to speak for us short folks. :)
Si-Je....Are you in Dallas or Arlington? I know when I looked into WC in Dallas (I lived in Plano) I was impressed by the Sifu at My want to check out just to see another Sifu and what they have to offer and can compare to the potential new teacher you have in mind.

Good luck!
Yes sir I am, I've been desperately looking for training/sparring partners too! I've been trying craigslist, that wingchunfightclub forum place.. was on the verge of posting here again too... any chance you'd be interested in getting together one of these days sir?

btw, thanks for your comment mook :)

Hey I wouldn't mind at all but you would end up teaching me since I stopped taking lessons to enjoy my new motorcycle and the weather but I am looking to get back to taking lessons starting next month. I certainly don't mind being a practice dummy. lol

Are you still with your instructor?
Hey there, Yeah, I'm still with my sifu, and our classes our going quite well, we just had emin boztepes main sidai in the usa come out so we could all test for our levels and train up, it was awesome, to be honest, teaching others is something I really want to do, and It helps me make sure my stuff is solid, it would be my pleasure to do so. I'm searching for a job atm so I'll have a bit of free time for probably another week, we have a class tonight right across from the previous location at the balance fitness gym, I'm sure you'd be more than welcome to pop in any time, our workouts have become a bit more intense, anyways, any time you'd wana get together and practice and what not I would be more than willing to, btw.. do you have any gear? gloves.. headgear.. shinpads.. knee pads.. or any of that junk? I still haven't got any myself as of yet.. anyways, nice hearing from me, drop me a line if you can figure out a time/date that sounds good to ya.
to be honest, teaching others is something I really want to do, and It helps me make sure my stuff is solid, l

Teaching is great , because each time you teach the students that technique you are also ingraining it into yourself.
Not to mention you don't want to look like a dick in front of the students so you always do the technique with correctness and to the best of your ability

It will also help you socially , I used to be quite a shy character before I started teaching .
But once you are out there in front of people with forty pairs of eyes looking at you , and scrutinising your technique then normal social situations no longer seem to be as daunting.

Just make sure you don't get roped into teaching so much that your own training begins to suffer.
You find that with some schools 2 or 3 instructors usually have to carry the bulk of the teaching burden , while some other instructors do the bare minimum and just cruise.

I don't mean to dampen your enthusiasm but just make sure you set limits on how much you will teach and make sure you get your own training in as well.
Ahh, those are some great points, outside of teaching students below my level after given instructions by sifu in class I haven't really had much of a chance of teaching anybody, at least while they were willing :P
If I were to be teaching outside of a class I'm sure I could get some stuff I needed to work on practiced as well, but I could definitely use a good revamping of the basics too, I only have 10 months worth of information to cover before someone would be on my level anyways, I would happily take training/helping some sidais than no training at all. Thanks for your words of wisdom and warning tho, you have good points as always and it's good to keep your head outside of the box which was not the case for me in this moment.
Ace, WT in Plano is Primo! it's straight up WT Emin style. I've never been out there because my teacher is not well liked. or whatever. ...

As for teaching.,...
It was my favorite thing to do. My teaching style changes with the student, and I never learned a specific "chart" set of teaching (although that would have really helped me not teach folks too much too fast. My bad habbit. But, some people get it sooner.)
And for the ones that don't, well..., their my favorite. Because they question you at every turn. (pain in the *** student@ ack! now I have to stop and think. or..., better yet., feel)
And answer. well.
But, hubbie kept switching the teaching "chart" from one or the other of two different lineages trying to "meld" them.
I just didn't know what to teach. (or even what to start with!)

Dai sau or blitz method? (two totally different "approches to wing chun". but, to "mix" them IS wing chun! ack! where to start?!)
Chain punch or chain palm strike/dai sau(chop to the throat. which is what dai sau should always "go" for. Unless your going for the eyes. lol!)
basic stance (YGM whatever stance) or one leg forward stance?! (I love/hate that stance. Love it because when you get further in WT training you'll do that stance effective. But.,,.. if you do it to "early" and too eagerly then you just have a telegraphing and awkward stance. i.e. don't do it unless you have your opponent's leg "in check" with the stance. otherwise, why do it?!)

But, you find that all of that has it's place in the world of wing chun. Given the right moment, energy or force you "find yourself" in another "weird" position that your "Sifu" never taught you to be in. Is this position or "technique" wrong?
I say, NOT!
if it works. At least, most if not ALL of the time, then train it no matter what other people say. (especially, if it works for you.)
but, we should all share why we think the way we do.

I always told student's to "listen to their body". If the body wants to do a thing, then find out why, or for the meantime just follow that nature and see if it works. If it doesn't, then make sure you know WHY.
Then, ask your Sifu. lol!
. . . .But, hubbie kept switching the teaching "chart" from one or the other of two different lineages trying to "meld" them.
I just didn't know what to teach. (or even what to start with!)

May I ask, what 2 lineages?

I tried 'melding' two different lineages twenty years ago and found it didn't work so well. So now I only teach one, my current teachers WC lineage. I find it works much better and doesn't confuse the students. Easier for them to find their path to mastering WC for themselves.
May I ask, what 2 lineages?

I tried 'melding' two different lineages twenty years ago and found it didn't work so well. So now I only teach one, my current teachers WC lineage. I find it works much better and doesn't confuse the students. Easier for them to find their path to mastering WC for themselves.

Sifu Fung and Sifu Emin.
Two different sides of the spectrum, Jim Fung Sifu was small and Emin Boztepe Sifu is tall (over 6ft, correct?). I'm sure that makes a big difference between the two lineages.

Didn't Jim Fung Sifu die a couple of years back?

Yeah he was my Sifu , he died of throat cancer .
He kept on training almost right up until a couple of days before he died , his wife said that he would practice his kicks and forms.
Strangely enough death rates from throat cancer for people from Hong Kong are apparently supposed to be pretty high for some reason.
Two different sides of the spectrum, Jim Fung Sifu was small and Emin Boztepe Sifu is tall (over 6ft, correct?). I'm sure that makes a big difference between the two lineages.

Didn't Jim Fung Sifu die a couple of years back?
Not too long ago. Just sorta happened all of a sudden. It was a really big surprise to me, he was so..., healthy. And he exudes the aura of the most sweetist man ever. (and that's really hard to be as a WC GM. ! humble and just, well., gentle.)

But, what you say about Emin and Fung is correct as far as I'm concerned. Both their Wing Chun is correct and good. it's just way different ends of the spectrum.

Once again I think of "Prodigal Son".
Only because the movie has one student that wants to desperatley learn wing chun. .. He meets a teacher (that refuses to teach him of course) and is small and asmathic. lol! he can't breathe! and he's a master...
Then the student meets the small guys brother. (who is big, and tall and tells him not to learn that "faggy" WC from his brother. because he's small, sick and "weak".) Well, after almost getting killed by seeing the daugher in the bathroom, the big guy teaches him a different kind of wing chun.
hence, for me... WC/WT.
And the student finds out that he is the "prodigal son" of both "brothers" of Wing Chun because the passed all the art to him. Both small and large wing chun.
If your bigger its just more effecient to go "straight through" like the blitz method. if your way smaller, then, it's best to go "outdoor".

Anyways, he learns both. and Becomes a master by fighting a master. Man! I just know you guys have seen this damn movie! Why do I have to explain it?! lol!
And if you haven't... get netflixs or something! ack! every wing chunner should watch this movie.! both sides of Wing Chun.

Here is the true difference between the two. WT/WC, The approach of attack and defense. Neither is better than the other, just different. (but the same! lol!)
and some aplications work better for different body types against other body types.

Ex. why would I have a large muscular student and drill him so much early on with pivot, and such? when his best defense would be the blitz method as an early student?
or if I have a very small student, short, not so strong then I would focus on their stucture more and rooting right off the batt. (along with alot of pivoting) Because they need it more sooner.

Don't get me wrong.., I wouldn't keep teachings away from a bigger student on purpose just because they're big. I have always tried to teach big fellas, but they usually get an "attitude" and try to just topple me over. (I hate teaching big men!) because they don't usually listen. Until you make then fall on the ground.
(the body always follows the head. ;)

But, smaller folk absorb more, and listen more. (and just learn that sooner because we have to. big people can fight it longer and still try to use their strength)
Just my experience. And, Yes, I'm small. and Emin's big, that's why he has alot of Big Guys as students. How many women sifu's does he have?
How many does GM Fung? (thank you. point made)

Humm,... I'm a Girl. So, I'll pick.... The master that works best for me. :)
Bummer that I can't afford to move to Austrailia. ack!
But, I can't move to Cali either. (and I'm not a big guy and don't favor getting punched all the time in training. lol! I wish I was tougher, but the good lord didn't build me that way)

That's why I love chatting with you guys. I get to learn by chatting, at least even if its without drilling. :(
Yep Sifu Jim was small , just slightly taller than me in fact , but he had very heavy hands.
He had the disease for quite a while its just that he didn't tell any of the senior instructors until it was quite well advanced , before that he would still show up and teach them as per usual.

I remember once that Si- Suk Ah Keung come out from Hong Kong for a visit to the school once . He was another of Sigung Tsui's senior students
he wasn't too far behind Sifu Jim in terms of skill , but even smaller still in stature .

Every big guy in the place wanted a piece of him and a shot at the title , it was quite hilarious to see big guys getting thrown all over the place in Chi Sau.
It would start off gentle enough as he just tested their stance with out exerting any effort.

But then you would start to see the tell tale signs of power being applied as his opponents stance started to rock back and forth as they struggled to maintain balance.

Then the trapping and hitting would start , any time they tried to apply force against him they found themselves uprooted or pivoted off to the side and their defence compromised.
But unfortunately we lost him as well in a motor cycle accident just one week after Sifu Jims death.

It would have been extremely hard at that time for Sigung to lose two of his top students one after the other , people who he pretty much regarded as son's.
I think their skill came down to the fact that they were taught by a man who could not rely at all on physical strength only on his skill .

Sigung Tsui although slightly tall was extremely skinny even as a young man , so he couldn't use brute strength even if he wanted to.
Not only that he was a fanatical trainer doing the SLT constantly and practicing stuff like pivoting for five hours .
I couldn't even imagine doing pivoting for one hour let alone five.
That's quite a remarkable story, seems almost like history to me, like the good ol days when kung fu practitioners ran rampant in packs up and down the streets!

A Wing Chun-esque technique would be Vitor’s thunder fist flurry over Wandy at UFC – Ultimate Brazil.
I see where your coming from Domino but they were classic boxing jab cross punches. Look at the elbow elevation, horizontal punches, driving with the leading leg, etc....none of which is WC.

The only Wc-esque thing there was the rapidity of the combos but even that is a boxing staple.
I see where your coming from Domino but they were classic boxing jab cross punches. Look at the elbow elevation, horizontal punches, driving with the leading leg, etc....none of which is WC.

The only Wc-esque thing there was the rapidity of the combos but even that is a boxing staple.

Not to mention Vitor was very heavy on the front foot.
Yep very heavy. I have seen this in a number of places with the claim it is WC.

Anybody esle think its WC?

Coz it aint anything like what I was taught