Wing Chun competing in Cage

I'm glad your back too , sorry to hear about your impending divorce.
Its never a pleasant thing , but sometimes it is the best thing for both people invoved.

I hope that you can still find some where else to study Wing Chun , you can't let the years you have already put in go to waste.

It can be a hard road back once you stop , even if you just train at home , it can be just the tonic for helping you forget about all your troubles for a while.
I am glad you are back, or at least posting.

Same here. Si je... and I hope you stick with Wing Chun... there are a lot of good 'chunners to work with in Texas. Good luck.
Sorry to hear things didn't go as you hoped. Glad to hear you are keeping up your training. A few of us here, myself included, found MA training to be a great way to bang out (literally!) some of the stress of divorce. :D
Thanks all, sorry,.. didn't mean to bum you all out. Stuff happens. I have found a new teacher from a totally different lineage that I've never heard of before.
He's a chiropractor by profession, so he doesn't teach for a living. He's kinda picky. And it seems so far he really knows his physiology.
Alot of stuff I posted Hubbie didn't agree with me. he trained me mostly in WT which works best for a larger person, and I only got bits and peices of Grandmaster Fungs teachings (unfortunately!) but, as a small person working with bigger people, you eventually figure some stuff out for yourself. Even if it's through painful trial and error. lol!
He's a great martial artist, and I really supported him competing because that's what he likes to do. apparently it's easier to get a san shao fight than an mma fight. i mean wow! I just couldn't seem to get him a for sure deal on a fight!
And we both really wanted to do it because so many people are "screaming" for proof of WC effeciency in the "ring". It would have been fun win or lose.
Thanks Mook and seasoned and all for welcoming me back. I did miss chatting. And do apologize for getting "rough" about some topics with some folks. I do have a temper. MA has made it better, but online it's just easier to blow up because you don't have to see or hear the person your chatting with, and that also makes for easier misunderstandings.
I'm better face to face with folks. not so hot tempered at all, actually I come off "meek". lol!
But, I've been really stressed out lately and just downright bitchy for the past 4-6 months.
I would never have mentioned our seperation if someone didn't bother to read my myspace page. lol! I've got family and friends that I know and see offline that go to that page so I changed it to divorced (because they don't have "seperated" as an option) I didn't think it would be such a big deal. :)
But, anyways,.. my new teacher holds much promise. We'll train together a couple of times so he can see where I'm at (Hubbie didn't teach me everything I needed to know to hold the "rank" of si-je. pissed me off! That's why I was going to change my MT name to si-je nevermore) and I can get an idea of what he teaches and we'll go from there. I'm just lucky I found a teacher so soon and so close to my work. He doesn't even charge?!
Oh I don't think you would need to change your name here. If it's turned out you aren't currently a Si-Je (and being a beginner, I'm not too sure I know what one is anyway), then it's surely something you would still aspire to be in the future, so keeping the name would be similar to positive visualization.

I've been through the whole separation thing myself, so hang in there!
Your very sweet. And thank you.
I just feel I shouldn't "teach" officially anymore since I haven't been taught some basic and advanced stuff.
Maybe he slacked off when we got married, but I fought for his school in tournament and won ( my first and hopefully only tournament! lol!)
I wasn't anywhere near a blackbelt or whatever but I won with WC against a Muy Tai/boxing/grappling/ etc. fighter. MMA whatever.

anyway, i still liked the name "si-je nevermore" because It's like a spoof off Edger Allen Poe.
like the raven?! lol!

Anyways, I'll never teach again anyone but my daughter. Or a very close friend because I know.., well.. alot.
and I mix stuff like japanese ju-jitu (traditional) techniques that are totally "perverted" by wing chun. put that together you have "chin na" and no one bothered to teach me that. (I would love to learn that!)

I consider myself a total beginner in WC/WT, but I've learned alot. But, I won't ever join a federation, or become a "si-je" again. It's time I be the student insted of the "assistant teacher" for a teacher that uses that as an excuse to stop teaching me. Get it?
lol! I hope not. your teacher is probably really good.
My new teacher promises to be good too.
And, yeah, seperation sucks.
It just messes up your entire life, since you built that around your "spouse", and then all of a sudden have to be "single".

Oh I don't think you would need to change your name here. If it's turned out you aren't currently a Si-Je (and being a beginner, I'm not too sure I know what one is anyway), then it's surely something you would still aspire to be in the future, so keeping the name would be similar to positive visualization.

I've been through the whole separation thing myself, so hang in there!

-runs over and bear hugs-
It's been a while, I've really missed you. It's been really borning here since you went MIA. I blame it on.... never mind.
I missed having someone quite willing to look at Martial Arts in a three dimensional way.
-hugs again-

I hope you keep posting here!
I'm not a si-je. I have no verifiable rank with any teacher except my hubbie. he trained me for the past 2-3 years (with a small break for 6 months being preggerz) and well. no.
I'm not a si-je.
But, I love to teach folks. Just can't help sharing what I've learned even online.
But, officially. no.
I'm no si-je.
Just a chick that took Wing Chun for about four years, on and off. and learned from a guy that had no official charts to teach from.
So, I teach weird WC/WT. I teach what helped me learn it and get better. and survive sparring. lol!

dude,. hubbie taught me bad chi sau. I went to the new teacher and did chi sau with him and everything hubbie taught me were techniques that crossed my arms for a second. Him and his student capitalized on that.
I must learn anew.
start all over.
I am not wothery.
But, not my fault. fault of my teacher.
That's why most of what I ever said on here about WC/WT was not his viewpoint. it was mine.
misguided maybe, obviously, but... mine.
love you guys!

-si-je nevermore!

Oh I don't think you would need to change your name here. If it's turned out you aren't currently a Si-Je (and being a beginner, I'm not too sure I know what one is anyway), then it's surely something you would still aspire to be in the future, so keeping the name would be similar to positive visualization.

I've been through the whole separation thing myself, so hang in there!
Your very sweet. And thank you.
I just feel I shouldn't "teach" officially anymore since I haven't been taught some basic and advanced stuff.

Why not? You should teach, it will improve your WC because you have to do and prove what you illustrate works. You will learn so much more about the system by teaching, passing it on to others.

anyway, i still liked the name "si-je nevermore" because It's like a spoof off Edger Allen Poe. Nevermore!

I think you should keep the name Si-Je. Si-Je just means older gung fu sister in cantonese. I'm sure you have more skill and knowledge (having 4 years in WC) than a few members on this forum. It wasn't all wasted. Maybe you have more to learn (with this new sifu), but WC is a life learning process. It never stops and gets better and better.

I consider myself a total beginner in WC/WT, but I've learned alot. But, I won't ever join a federation, or become a "si-je" again. It's time I be the student insted of the "assistant teacher" for a teacher that uses that as an excuse to stop teaching me. Get it?
lol! I hope not. your teacher is probably really good.
My new teacher promises to be good too.
And, yeah, seperation sucks.
It just messes up your entire life, since you built that around your "spouse", and then all of a sudden have to be "single".

Sometime joining an organization or federation is good, as long as it grows in skill and knowledge of the art and passes it down to the members. If it's just there to take your money, than it's worthless.

I've been training and teaching WC for 26 years and still consider myself a beginner. Always learning something new. The day you think you've learned all there is to learn in WC (as in anything) is the day the guy or girl right beside you in class will whip up on you and make an example of you, show you there is still more to learn.

Yeah, divorce sux, but its the best way to start new and focus on the important things in life, like close friends, family (that includes WC family), and better WC training! ! ! Worked for me.

Can I ask who the new teacher is and what lineage? Hopefuly he is a smaller framed person. No offense to WC people of 5'10" and larger statue, but smaller WC people do it better. We have to.
Whats that about saying wt is better suited for big strong men? -prepares his tissue paper- wellllllll crap, aint that a shame! Guess it's time to look for a new lineage again! Seriously tho, lol.. might I inquire what insights you have about that little comment? I'm curious to know where your coming from seeing as how I'm even worse than a little fella.. i'm a tall toothpick lookin fella.. Maybe I should go train with samuel kwok or something.. seems to be my same build :P
Welcome back again!
. . . . Seriously tho, lol.. might I inquire what insights you have about that little comment? I'm curious to know where your coming from seeing as how I'm even worse than a little fella.. i'm a tall toothpick lookin fella.. Maybe I should go train with samuel kwok or something.. seems to be my same build :P
Welcome back again!

My Sifu is about 5'6" and 150 lbs. and I have seen him on many an occasion move around guys 250 lbs. and more like they were nothing. In the middle 1980's, he worked with the Dallas Cowboys on how to use balance and leverage to move opponents. And I'm sure you know how big pro linebackers can be.
That seems like a better balanced build than mine tho, I'm 5"11.5 and I weigh like 145... what a crappy body for tcma.. :(
Even if the teacher becomes the student, it doesn't mean that the teacher will necessarily stop being a teacher. Even the wisest and most experienced teacher is still also a student.

Si-Je, even if you no longer teach "officially", it doesn't mean that people will stop learning from you. Besides, there is something to that old phrase, "Never say never." (Though the Raven/Edgar Allen Poe thing is pretty cool. :) )

You have been through a number of major life changes in a very short period of time. It takes time to sort through all those changes...a lot of time. A lot more time than you've had so far.

It sounds like being a student again is exactly what you need at this time. You are learning and growing. Perhaps you will officially teach again in the future and perhaps not. It's not a decision you need to make right now. It's time to focus on you.

As for one's build and WC, I may be speaking from complete WC newbie ignorance here, but I can't imagine that your skill potential would have anything to do with your height and weight. You simply learn to work with what you have and grow your own unique strengths.
I hear lots of leg techniques would suite my build, I've always been rather infatuated with elbows and hand techniques, oh well :P
I don't really want to say who the teacher is because "soon to be ex-hubbie" may read it here. But, he's another big tall guy, and I've only worked with him once. He and his top student were very impressive and both have already shown me techniques I've never seen before. Their tan sau is totally different to the point it doesn't even look like a tan sau.

But, this teacher says he fights alot. Challenges and such. eekk. I've really had enough of all that, and don't have any interest in competition anymore. I did it to promote our school and such, but it wasn't an experience I particuarly enjoyed. Hubbie liked to compete and did so often in San Shao and fighting challeges or sparring "guests" to class. (Those that wanted to test him out) I personally find all that very tiresome. I don't like being challenged and take it more personally. I've been challenged before years ago (more like a friends buddy tried to sucker punch me because my friend told him I was a blackbelt in Ju-Jitsu) Not my cup of tea. (of course he got shoulder thrown to the floor and I had to pin his neck down with my knee and do a standing armbar to keep him from fighting.) lol! good thing I didn't know wing chun in high school!
Anyways, the whole "challenge" this is very "high school" to me. But alot of people seem to think that these competitions are "proof" of effectiveness of a style in the street. That's why x-hubbie wanted to fight in the cage so badly. He may one day.
I'm just outty. Not doing this silly competition crap anymore, it's really a waste of time.

Sparring with other stylists and training is great, but sport competition proves nothing and takes time and focus away from realistic WC/WT training. IMO.

People always scream for "proof" and when one gives proof then they want video, when they get video the argue that it's fake or that the fight wasn't "fair". I've read up all the crap off YouTube for the past couple of years. You just can't give "proof" to people that have already made up their minds and who choose not to believe in the validity of what their given. I've really learned that it's just a sad waste of my time to try to prove these things to people that choose not to learn about something different.

example: x-hubbie fought and won several San Shao fights and yet that's not good enough because you can't fight on the ground. Takedowns are legal and yet he was never takendown so allowing groundfighting wouldn't matter. (check out Cung Le and the comments on his youtube fights. Especially the ones where he's fighting MMA cage now. People talk that he's not a "good enough fighter" because he doesn't fight on the ground, yet he hasn't been taken to the ground either. not for long anyway! Just because you don't use grappling to fight doesn't make your fighting style unbalanced, inferior or wrong.)

His past opponents have all been Muy Tai, BJJ/GJJ trained fighters and beated with WT yet people still won't believe that WC/WT can even hold a candle to these stylists. I'm really tired of this view for it's insulting and just untrue.

So what we couldn't pull off getting him a cage fight. Hell, he was even going to fight for free! Not our fault that the promoters suck. So many people say that it's just so easy to get into a cage match ameture. Well, I disagree. That just wasn't our experience.

Wow, lol! So now I'm bitter. It's just been a huge lesson in futility. Even if he got the fight, won, got it on video and posted it on youtube it still wouldn't be "enough" "proof" for all the MMA fans.

F.Y.I. (as many here may already know) just because a style or fighter uses a choke, throw, or joint lock doen't mean that technique comes origionally from BJJ. lol! Or even japanese ju-jitsu. Many styles have these techniques in their systems. Muy Tai has some even. Chinese chin na, there is a Chinese form of throwing (like Judo, forgot the name) and these styles are older than BJJ and MMA.

This is why I knew at the end, that when people viewed his fight in video that they would "see" him using BJJ or MMA of some sort in some WT techniuqes. They just won't understand what their seeing. I've seen many new students come in that had the same perception issues when they first see the trapping, chin na, and yes, everyone's favorite! the anti-grappling.

As for all the challenging that goes on in WT/WC and eep!, with my new teacher... we say here in Texas: "If your gonna be the fastest gun in the west then your gonna get shot." I really dont' like getting shot. lol! And try to avoid those opportunities. :) I would love to see more WC/WT chunners competing but it's really not a priority. I just can't even stand to watch the MMA matches anymore. Their so predictable, the techniques used are always the same. Everyone fights like everyone else. I would be fun to see a different style of fighting to freshen it up a bit.

And sorry for you folks that really wanted to see a chunner get "trashed" in the ring for disapointing ya. ;) You can watch plenty of video on that on that's all those guys (and gals) on that forum do is train WC/WT, fight and post the video.

Words of wisdom from the "Great" Monty Phython;
"Now for something COMPLETELY different!" and I shall now pull the pin from the holy hand grenade and avoid anymore conversations from the knights who say knee. For I grow weiry of this topic of conversation for like the knights who say knee it has become a skit that went on far longer than it has been funny. The joke is old and moldy. lol! So, I'm gonna go drink me a beer and smoke me a cig for it has just been a really ****** past couple of months and it's high time for Si-Je to have some gear down time, ya'll. :)

(man! it's so great to get to be myself without worrying about "representing" someone else! lol! now I can really be as weird as I feel like it! Man that's groovy!)
I just read my user CP, and the rest of the posts here from earlier. So I wanted to say thank-you to all of you who have been so sweet to my return. :-partyon:
I wasn't going to ever come back because well., lol, I have such a bad rep and really ticked off some folks.
But, I should know better, I'm really kinda a punk *** and I don't really fit in the "status quo" or think like most folks about stuff.

Oh, and I'm opinionated and get passionate about some issues. But, I'm human.
And although I'm "opinionated" these opinions are apt to rapid change upon reciept of new valid knowledge. lol! (yes, I'm a woman, I get to do that..) ;)

But seriously. I've very touched that so many really valued what I've said here and missed me. Thank you again.
I guess in person I'm alot more "diplomatic" with folks more often because well, you have to be. Like I work for a sweet old man that just happens to have the totally opposite views on life, religion, and politics than I. (and it's a bummer because he loves to talk about these opinions often) so, I bite my tounge all day and as a teacher I've bent over backwards to be patient with students and let them figure some things out on their own without me adding my two cents on my personal opinions on MA. I want them to learn, not follow blindly. ;) I'm a mommy so not only to I have to speak in a rated G manner 24/7 but also edit "concepts" of life that she's not ready for. ( you mom's know what I mean, and dad's too) I'm repressed, what can I say? lol!

And here, well, I can just tell it like I feel like telling it (without getting fired, or hurting the feelings of a student, etc...) and I probably use this forum to much to "vent" stuff I can't usually say but still really care about.

So, I've pissed off alot of folks. And was embarressed about supporting hubbie so much and having to fess up to the end of that "support". lol!
I've been crazy busy, moving, blah blah, just bummed OUT! :vu:

So, thanks. Ya'll made me feel alot better. As for the folks that like to poke fun at me. ha! I'm a big girl, I can take it. (and I can always cry when no one's looking. Like, Shauw probla. lol!) You'll just have to get in line 'cause there's alot of people waiting for their turn too. I just didn't feel like dealing with that crap from online folks becasue they can "cut in line" and it's just not as important for me to deal with you folks. You have no effect on the outcome of my life, so why even bother to read it? lol! :321:
But, I do, because I'm bored. So, thank you folks for the entertainment. I'm glad to know that I'm still punk rock like back in the day regardless of the fact I'm getting old and have a kiddo. :headbangin:

Ah, to feel young again and PUNK ROCK! Priceless!
Thank you all, and I missed you too! Guess I'll stay around to entertain and annoy, and hopefully, seriously, to be more helpful too.
Whats that about saying wt is better suited for big strong men? -prepares his tissue paper- wellllllll crap, aint that a shame! Guess it's time to look for a new lineage again! Seriously tho, lol.. might I inquire what insights you have about that little comment? I'm curious to know where your coming from seeing as how I'm even worse than a little fella.. i'm a tall toothpick lookin fella.. Maybe I should go train with samuel kwok or something.. seems to be my same build :P
Welcome back again!

Don't worry about your build , just do the best with what you've got.
I've known many tall toothpick lookin guys that were really good at Chi Sau and that combined with their reach enabled them to control people quite easily.

They were also no slouches in the kicking department either , they had fast penetrating kicks and as with their arms they had a significant reach advantage .
I'm not a si-je. I have no verifiable rank with any teacher except my hubbie. he trained me for the past 2-3 years (with a small break for 6 months being preggerz) and well. no.
I'm not a si-je.
But, I love to teach folks. Just can't help sharing what I've learned even online.
But, officially. no.
I'm no si-je.
Just a chick that took Wing Chun for about four years, on and off. and learned from a guy that had no official charts to teach from.
So, I teach weird WC/WT. I teach what helped me learn it and get better. and survive sparring. lol!

dude,. hubbie taught me bad chi sau. I went to the new teacher and did chi sau with him and everything hubbie taught me were techniques that crossed my arms for a second. Him and his student capitalized on that.
I must learn anew.
start all over.
I am not wothery.
But, not my fault. fault of my teacher.
That's why most of what I ever said on here about WC/WT was not his viewpoint. it was mine.
misguided maybe, obviously, but... mine.
love you guys!

-si-je nevermore!

damn his bad chi sau! keep up the training :asian: