Hi all, ive been a long time lurker on this forum and after reading the majority of posts in the wing chun section ive deceided to post.*
A tiny bit of my background to start with so you get a very rough idea of what i have been doing and where i am coming from.
I live in england and have been practicing wing chun for just over a year. I had very little martial arts experience to begin with. Two lessons of karate and a few of various shoalin kung fu styles as well as reading the tao of jeet kune do and various other books. In my younger days i wouldnt mind a tear up and never went looking for it. So im no pro fighter or triple black belt blah blah. That said i wanted to learn wing chun ever since i was 18 but didnt drive then and foud it hard to find a good teacher. Like 9 years late im living my dream well kind of.
Im currently learning a variation of nick smarts autodefense system. Nick smart trained with learnt from Leung Ting so you have a idea of lineage. My sifu did 18 years of judo then learnt wing chun and currently has been practicing for around 20 years. He was put a system together with wing chun and applying some ground game with it too. Not loads of grappling and ground work but enough to make sure if it goes that way you have a good idea. Probabaly all thinking oh no another watered down modifyied wing chun system! But please trust me although i dont have loads of experience in wing chun im no fool and have visited he majority of other wing chun classes in a 30mile radius and i feel my sifu and the system is best for me. And really i can only speak about myself.
I train for two hours a night wing chun with an hour of gym/cardio workout every tuesday wednesday friday and saturday. Mondays and tursdays is class for two hours but usually i do an hour of gym/cardio work before i go. Sunday is a sparring day with my friend from my wc class. He is good and spend 2 to 3 hours training. Basically because i love wing chun and devote alot of time to it i have accelerated way past the majority of my class mates. I still keep myself grounded and just tell myself im a rubbish fighter regardless of the praise i get from my class mates and sifu. Everybody trains for different reasons. I train to become a good well versed fighter. Majority in my class and most in my limited experience is for the social side and to say i train martial arts and im x belt. I hate belts gives people false confidence in there fighting ability. So now lets get to the point in my heading.*
Basically i have got bored of going to the same class and wiping the floor with most guys. I love a hard spar session but most in traditinal systems most do not seem to want to do that to much at least in my area of england. As i said went to other wc classes and the result was the same. So what can i do to fufil a proper training regime like the good old boys in the 70s and 80s?*
Mma was the answer i thought. So now i have done two training sessions with these guys. Everybody i spoke to said "youl die, your get killed"* etc because of the riducilous media hype etc. I said they are just guys like me who wanna train a bit harder and spar harder. Not kill me, im only training at the moment not competing.*
So looked around at a few classes and decided to get stuck in having only done a month and a half of very part time grappling and ground work. So ive been twice so far now. First time loads of cardio work, half hour of bjj and half hour of solid had sparring in and out of the cage. Now the point of this post is does wing chun work in a cage. I mean proper wing chun not just chain punching like most seem to do. Now we have all read at some time wing chun is to deadly for the cage. In my opinion his is absolute rubbish. Yeah i cant kick the guy in the baby making area or chop a guy in the throat etc so what?*
I just used my footwork, using pak, tan, bong etc and of course straight punches. This first time i had to wear proper boxing gloves (which i have never ever used) and because i had no shin pads no kicks. So i found it hard. I love to kick to bridge the gap then get in and stay in like all good wc. So no kicks found it hard to get the range i wanted. Sparred with about 4 different guys. They all said the same thing mate you ate so hard to fight. The way you fight is great keep doing what you do. I wasnt happy with my fighting that day. But i thought first time in a cage in unfamilar surrounding in big gloves ive never used before and no kicks or thoart shots etc.*
Second time was last night. This time i had gone and bought shin pads. I was allowed to use standard mma gloves too which is what im used to. This time was loads better. Because of the gloves and shin pads i felt alot more confident. Constantly pushing my attacker up the cage using pins and sweep techniques. Bridging the gaps was easier this time with kicks allowed which turned into alot more devistating combos to the head and body. Palms and chops to the floating ribs etc. Various kicking techniques but none about the belt as per my style landed nicely on most.*
Again fought a few different guys. All different guys to my first session and the same response. Hard to fight me and pin me down to a corner or take me down.* The only thing i find hard is im not allowed to elbow but can knee. But as you wc guys know close range is all about the elbows
To sum it all up wing chun does and can work in a cage. Yes you have to adapt some of what you do granted. But you tell me any fight ever were you dont adapt to the surroundings or the fighter your fighting? Yes wc is way more leathal on the street or self defense but still works in a cage if you have a brain and are willing to think about things.*
The guys i was fighting styles included western boxing, silat, kickboxing, wrestling, karate, taewando or however you spell it to name a few. All are either wreslters or bjj as well. So a good mix of styles but there are more. Can anybody else tell me where you can go and test your skill legally against such a wide range of styles and different sized opponents? Also i think it shows alot of your weaknesses that you may not be aware of. Better to find out now than in a proper self defense situation if you couldnt talk your way out of it.*
P.s this is only my experience and only me any questions just post believe i have tried to cover most things. Also please ingore any spelling or puntuation im using my phone and its annoying to do a long post on! Like i said im just a normal guy who likes to train hard. Im not an ego person and dont think im the best or hardest fighter. I think my ability is rubbish.but hey gotta start somewhere!*
Many thanks for reading.
Sent from Samsung Mobile
A tiny bit of my background to start with so you get a very rough idea of what i have been doing and where i am coming from.
I live in england and have been practicing wing chun for just over a year. I had very little martial arts experience to begin with. Two lessons of karate and a few of various shoalin kung fu styles as well as reading the tao of jeet kune do and various other books. In my younger days i wouldnt mind a tear up and never went looking for it. So im no pro fighter or triple black belt blah blah. That said i wanted to learn wing chun ever since i was 18 but didnt drive then and foud it hard to find a good teacher. Like 9 years late im living my dream well kind of.
Im currently learning a variation of nick smarts autodefense system. Nick smart trained with learnt from Leung Ting so you have a idea of lineage. My sifu did 18 years of judo then learnt wing chun and currently has been practicing for around 20 years. He was put a system together with wing chun and applying some ground game with it too. Not loads of grappling and ground work but enough to make sure if it goes that way you have a good idea. Probabaly all thinking oh no another watered down modifyied wing chun system! But please trust me although i dont have loads of experience in wing chun im no fool and have visited he majority of other wing chun classes in a 30mile radius and i feel my sifu and the system is best for me. And really i can only speak about myself.
I train for two hours a night wing chun with an hour of gym/cardio workout every tuesday wednesday friday and saturday. Mondays and tursdays is class for two hours but usually i do an hour of gym/cardio work before i go. Sunday is a sparring day with my friend from my wc class. He is good and spend 2 to 3 hours training. Basically because i love wing chun and devote alot of time to it i have accelerated way past the majority of my class mates. I still keep myself grounded and just tell myself im a rubbish fighter regardless of the praise i get from my class mates and sifu. Everybody trains for different reasons. I train to become a good well versed fighter. Majority in my class and most in my limited experience is for the social side and to say i train martial arts and im x belt. I hate belts gives people false confidence in there fighting ability. So now lets get to the point in my heading.*
Basically i have got bored of going to the same class and wiping the floor with most guys. I love a hard spar session but most in traditinal systems most do not seem to want to do that to much at least in my area of england. As i said went to other wc classes and the result was the same. So what can i do to fufil a proper training regime like the good old boys in the 70s and 80s?*
Mma was the answer i thought. So now i have done two training sessions with these guys. Everybody i spoke to said "youl die, your get killed"* etc because of the riducilous media hype etc. I said they are just guys like me who wanna train a bit harder and spar harder. Not kill me, im only training at the moment not competing.*
So looked around at a few classes and decided to get stuck in having only done a month and a half of very part time grappling and ground work. So ive been twice so far now. First time loads of cardio work, half hour of bjj and half hour of solid had sparring in and out of the cage. Now the point of this post is does wing chun work in a cage. I mean proper wing chun not just chain punching like most seem to do. Now we have all read at some time wing chun is to deadly for the cage. In my opinion his is absolute rubbish. Yeah i cant kick the guy in the baby making area or chop a guy in the throat etc so what?*
I just used my footwork, using pak, tan, bong etc and of course straight punches. This first time i had to wear proper boxing gloves (which i have never ever used) and because i had no shin pads no kicks. So i found it hard. I love to kick to bridge the gap then get in and stay in like all good wc. So no kicks found it hard to get the range i wanted. Sparred with about 4 different guys. They all said the same thing mate you ate so hard to fight. The way you fight is great keep doing what you do. I wasnt happy with my fighting that day. But i thought first time in a cage in unfamilar surrounding in big gloves ive never used before and no kicks or thoart shots etc.*
Second time was last night. This time i had gone and bought shin pads. I was allowed to use standard mma gloves too which is what im used to. This time was loads better. Because of the gloves and shin pads i felt alot more confident. Constantly pushing my attacker up the cage using pins and sweep techniques. Bridging the gaps was easier this time with kicks allowed which turned into alot more devistating combos to the head and body. Palms and chops to the floating ribs etc. Various kicking techniques but none about the belt as per my style landed nicely on most.*
Again fought a few different guys. All different guys to my first session and the same response. Hard to fight me and pin me down to a corner or take me down.* The only thing i find hard is im not allowed to elbow but can knee. But as you wc guys know close range is all about the elbows

To sum it all up wing chun does and can work in a cage. Yes you have to adapt some of what you do granted. But you tell me any fight ever were you dont adapt to the surroundings or the fighter your fighting? Yes wc is way more leathal on the street or self defense but still works in a cage if you have a brain and are willing to think about things.*
The guys i was fighting styles included western boxing, silat, kickboxing, wrestling, karate, taewando or however you spell it to name a few. All are either wreslters or bjj as well. So a good mix of styles but there are more. Can anybody else tell me where you can go and test your skill legally against such a wide range of styles and different sized opponents? Also i think it shows alot of your weaknesses that you may not be aware of. Better to find out now than in a proper self defense situation if you couldnt talk your way out of it.*
P.s this is only my experience and only me any questions just post believe i have tried to cover most things. Also please ingore any spelling or puntuation im using my phone and its annoying to do a long post on! Like i said im just a normal guy who likes to train hard. Im not an ego person and dont think im the best or hardest fighter. I think my ability is rubbish.but hey gotta start somewhere!*
Many thanks for reading.
Sent from Samsung Mobile