Hey! yeah I remember ya! I'm just not living anywhere near richardson these days, can't make it to class through traffic at that time. But, thank you so much for the invite! When I get used to being a "successful" single mom and have a bit more cash, I'll definately go rollin' around to see other chunners.
man, I read a few posts on here about centerline and I just can't stand it. That's a good example why I've taken a "break" from talking about WC/WT online lately. "hubbie" (I like to call him "mr. wonderful" lol!) didn't teach me very much of WT much less the better stuff from Fung.
That's been hard to realize and deal with (on top of other things, which I won't go into detail. just trust me when I say... he's a bad... bad... man)
But, the bright side!

I found another teacher who is very good at whatever "lineage" he practices. (I don't much care, other than the fact he teaches me what will work for me.)
P.S. Mookman, I'm not givin' up Dai sau. lol! he really wants me to, but he showed me a totally simalar technique that is used differently than off a hook punch. neat! But, it's still dai sau. lol!
Me and old hubbie have been seperated for almost a year now with no help for me raising the kiddo, or anything. fact. he's been sleeping and living with other women. (I find this out because the message me and "confess" their "sins" to living with him for a couple of months. hey., if the dude isn't gonna tell you he's married, then how can I be mad at a chick I never met? lol!) But, the fun part. He came by the gym to test my teacher out. lol!
Got slapped about, he did. So sorry I wasn't there to see it. (actually, glad I wasn't. 'cause he lets me bring my 3 year old to class, as distracting as that is, and I wouldn't have liked to have a domestic "thing" happen in class.) That's why I haven't been training these past 8 months. Because of my ******** husband. He'll just find out where I'm taking and **** it all up. And disturb my child.
Honestly,. I don't think that a "man" that abandons their family gets "visitation rights". And they don't have the right to come to your work, school, or kwoon and cause and scene and embarrase you and damage my daughter for life. no thank you.
My fault for falling for a guy and such. won't do it again. anyways.
I really like Sifu.
He knows his ****, and is teaching me more about "centerline" than I knew before. I mean. I knew it, but just couldn't apply it with the crap that "hubbie" half assed taught me.
For the record, I know NOTHING of WT (apparently) because he only taught me bits and peices, and I know NOTHING of WC (from Fung) because he, again didn't teach me all of it or didn't know much of it.
Everything I've said on here about WC/WT was my own "theory". Always was. Albiet flawed, but, my own observations from taking the art and learning a wee bit.
I've got a loooooong way to go. And I'm looking foreward to the journey. Wtih me and my daughter.