Wing Chun competing in Cage

Be careful when looking at real fighting and saying what is is or isn't wing chun. Wing Chun done for real at full speed with the adreneline pumping facing someone that wants to hurt you is not going to look like class.

Also we all are the same 2 arms 2 legs. Wing Chun concepts that work will appear or come out in other arts just as things you may usally see in other arts will come out in wing chun.

As for the rear leg weighting . Not all wing chun uses that exclusively. 50/50 footwork is used in the knives and some front leg weighting can be found in some pole and knife forms as well.
Sure, its not all correct, but chain punching none the less.
And he knocked Silva down :)

I hate to burst any bubble here but that was boxing....plain and simple, and with horizontal fist, heavy on the front foot, this is not Wing Chun. It is boxing. Boxing as well as Karate, Thai Boxing, Hikuta, or any other martial art system will have straight punches too and chain them together. The only Wing Chun-esque similarity that my novice eyes can see is he has his center line control.
Be careful when looking at real fighting and saying what is is or isn't wing chun. Wing Chun done for real at full speed with the adreneline pumping facing someone that wants to hurt you is not going to look like class.

Also we all are the same 2 arms 2 legs. Wing Chun concepts that work will appear or come out in other arts just as things you may usally see in other arts will come out in wing chun.

As for the rear leg weighting . Not all wing chun uses that exclusively. 50/50 footwork is used in the knives and some front leg weighting can be found in some pole and knife forms as well.

I never got to the weapons, but in our class HEAVY EMPHASIS was put on the 80/20 weight distribution. Quite honestly, I never made friends with that part of Wing Chun and felt immobile as hell in that stance. I find the JKD/Jun Fan movement much freer and normal "to me". The teacher made the stances work a could stay rooted like a tree in any situation as did his assistant, so I am in no way saying it does not work....just not for me with years of Karate, kickboxing, and TKD in my background. I like boxing footwork and am finding the footwork in JKD/Kali to be more effective for me.

Any good striking styles are going to meet on some ends and be similar to a point. Speaking of point, good one Hunt1.
I never got to the weapons, but in our class HEAVY EMPHASIS was put on the 80/20 weight distribution.
It's a shame more folks aren't taught the weapons concepts early. I teach them in the first 6 months because you can not fight effectively against trained folks without them.

Back leg weighting has its uses and a purpose but the footwork is far more varied then that and wing chun Kuen Kiut are very clear on quick changeable footwork

. " The teacher made the stances work a could stay rooted like a tree in any situation as did his assistant, so I am in no way saying it does not work"

Thats ok I will say it. If it worked they way you were taught you would see it in the UFC. These people spend their lives training and if they win the can make millions. If something works you will see it. if you don't see it there is a reason.

The idea is not to root like a tree it is to be able to link and unlink your body at will as you move at speed. You maintains tructure and "root" only for a moment when needed.
Yep I think it is a major diservice that alot of WCers do to the rest of the MA world. The idea that only WC has thought of things like centre line or relaxation or going with the flow etc this list goes on and on and on......
Different interpretations on here, will leave it there.

You are correct, but centerline control "happens" in other arts as opposed to being a detailed and integral curriculum to WC/WT/VT. For example:

Karate/Tae Kwon Do: Front leg front kicks, reverse punches
Boxing: Jabs, jab/cross (which is what I see when watching Vitor), flurry
Muay Thai: Cross/knee, elbows into Clinch
Fillipino Arts: Gunting and Panatukan (to an extent force the opponents offline)

WC/WT/VT goes deeper into it and are "centerline hogs" in everything from stances to techniques, but it is far from being absent in other systems.
You are correct, but centerline control "happens" in other arts as opposed to being a detailed and integral curriculum to WC/WT/VT. For example:

Karate/Tae Kwon Do: Front leg front kicks, reverse punches
Boxing: Jabs, jab/cross (which is what I see when watching Vitor), flurry
Muay Thai: Cross/knee, elbows into Clinch
Fillipino Arts: Gunting and Panatukan (to an extent force the opponents offline)

WC/WT/VT goes deeper into it and are "centerline hogs" in everything from stances to techniques, but it is far from being absent in other systems.

Definately. Some chunners o the extreme with centre line theory. Wan Kam Leung really emaphasises how there are like 10 different centre lines in the body etc

Obviously most arts will have a loose emphasis on the centre line but only because the good points of attack are all down the centre line (the head, the groin, the throat etc)

Wing chun really does exploit the centre line extremely well and it is important in clinching, chi sao, fighting drills, formwork, EVERYTHING
Hey Si-Je, remember me. I'm sorry to hear the news. If your still interested in training, come up to the Fretz Rec. Centrer in Richardson. I teach on Mon. and Wed. nights from 7-830pm. Hope to see you soon!
Hey Si-Je, remember me. I'm sorry to hear the news. If your still interested in training, come up to the Fretz Rec. Centrer in Richardson. I teach on Mon. and Wed. nights from 7-830pm. Hope to see you soon!

Hey! yeah I remember ya! I'm just not living anywhere near richardson these days, can't make it to class through traffic at that time. But, thank you so much for the invite! When I get used to being a "successful" single mom and have a bit more cash, I'll definately go rollin' around to see other chunners.

man, I read a few posts on here about centerline and I just can't stand it. That's a good example why I've taken a "break" from talking about WC/WT online lately. "hubbie" (I like to call him "mr. wonderful" lol!) didn't teach me very much of WT much less the better stuff from Fung.
That's been hard to realize and deal with (on top of other things, which I won't go into detail. just trust me when I say... he's a bad... bad... man)

But, the bright side! :) I found another teacher who is very good at whatever "lineage" he practices. (I don't much care, other than the fact he teaches me what will work for me.)

P.S. Mookman, I'm not givin' up Dai sau. lol! he really wants me to, but he showed me a totally simalar technique that is used differently than off a hook punch. neat! But, it's still dai sau. lol!

Me and old hubbie have been seperated for almost a year now with no help for me raising the kiddo, or anything. fact. he's been sleeping and living with other women. (I find this out because the message me and "confess" their "sins" to living with him for a couple of months. hey., if the dude isn't gonna tell you he's married, then how can I be mad at a chick I never met? lol!) But, the fun part. He came by the gym to test my teacher out. lol!
Got slapped about, he did. So sorry I wasn't there to see it. (actually, glad I wasn't. 'cause he lets me bring my 3 year old to class, as distracting as that is, and I wouldn't have liked to have a domestic "thing" happen in class.) That's why I haven't been training these past 8 months. Because of my ******** husband. He'll just find out where I'm taking and **** it all up. And disturb my child.

Honestly,. I don't think that a "man" that abandons their family gets "visitation rights". And they don't have the right to come to your work, school, or kwoon and cause and scene and embarrase you and damage my daughter for life. no thank you.
My fault for falling for a guy and such. won't do it again. anyways.
I really like Sifu.
He knows his ****, and is teaching me more about "centerline" than I knew before. I mean. I knew it, but just couldn't apply it with the crap that "hubbie" half assed taught me.

For the record, I know NOTHING of WT (apparently) because he only taught me bits and peices, and I know NOTHING of WC (from Fung) because he, again didn't teach me all of it or didn't know much of it.
Everything I've said on here about WC/WT was my own "theory". Always was. Albiet flawed, but, my own observations from taking the art and learning a wee bit.
I've got a loooooong way to go. And I'm looking foreward to the journey. Wtih me and my daughter. ;)
Si-je, if you're description here is anywhere close to accurate -- contact a domestic violence victim's services person or support group. You're describing some very heavy, very scary circumstances, and they can help you do things like get protection orders against him. You're descripton here is bordering on stalking and on mental/psychological abuse.
Si-je, if you're description here is anywhere close to accurate -- contact a domestic violence victim's services person or support group. You're describing some very heavy, very scary circumstances, and they can help you do things like get protection orders against him. You're descripton here is bordering on stalking and on mental/psychological abuse.

Thanks. I know. You really think so?
you have no idea!
Can't get a protection order, he hasn't hurt me lately. and to get a protection order you have to be "victised" recently. So, since that hasn't happened in like 4 years, the state won't give me a protection order. lol! great...
I just have to disapear, with my kiddo. Like I've done for the past 9 months.
Still trying to get a divorce, but it's so expensive! ack! (they want 5,000 just to get it all done. freakin' lawyers!)
I'm just supporting us and staying under the radar.

I still think it's neat that "Sifu" "slapped" him around a bit. Hey, if he's gonna go to someonelses's school and act the fool then he deserves it! lol! (still wish I could have seen it!)
he actually met my husband, that's probably why he's giving me free lessons, and doesn't mind if I have to bring kiddo to class. It's not like they have a "daycare", they just let her be, well, herself. I can't explain it. . totally cool guy..

No, really , ?! stalking.! ha! If Jesse knew where I worked or lived then the "game" woudl be over. I'd lose the job or the home we've been living at for the past 6 months.
I won't let that happen. don't worry. I know how to "disapear" from right under your nose. It's pretty easy. ;)

Your a sweet guy. thanks for the concern.
I'm just glad I can seriously train now, and that I've found a Sifu that understands why I HAVE to train.
Man! Dude! you made me cry. now, I've got to go somke a cig and drink a beer and get ready for bed.
Ya'll are nice folks, and I'm sorry for every talking trash to any one of you.
I was in a different place then. lol!
I found out that he made posts in my name later. so, oopps.
Should have made a password even a hubbie wouldn't know. That's why I've been gone so long.
I still KNOW that a gal can defend herself from a guy stronger, taller, and with more training than her. Been there done that. lol!
All it takes is heart.
yes, heart.
And need.
Just for all the gals out there that have it rough, you can kick his ***! And split too!
Hey! yeah I remember ya! I'm just not living anywhere near richardson these days, can't make it to class through traffic at that time. But, thank you so much for the invite! When I get used to being a "successful" single mom and have a bit more cash, I'll definately go rollin' around to see other chunners.

man, I read a few posts on here about centerline and I just can't stand it. That's a good example why I've taken a "break" from talking about WC/WT online lately. "hubbie" (I like to call him "mr. wonderful" lol!) didn't teach me very much of WT much less the better stuff from Fung.
That's been hard to realize and deal with (on top of other things, which I won't go into detail. just trust me when I say... he's a bad... bad... man)

But, the bright side! :) I found another teacher who is very good at whatever "lineage" he practices. (I don't much care, other than the fact he teaches me what will work for me.)

P.S. Mookman, I'm not givin' up Dai sau. lol! he really wants me to, but he showed me a totally simalar technique that is used differently than off a hook punch. neat! But, it's still dai sau. lol!

Me and old hubbie have been seperated for almost a year now with no help for me raising the kiddo, or anything. fact. he's been sleeping and living with other women. (I find this out because the message me and "confess" their "sins" to living with him for a couple of months. hey., if the dude isn't gonna tell you he's married, then how can I be mad at a chick I never met? lol!) But, the fun part. He came by the gym to test my teacher out. lol!
Got slapped about, he did. So sorry I wasn't there to see it. (actually, glad I wasn't. 'cause he lets me bring my 3 year old to class, as distracting as that is, and I wouldn't have liked to have a domestic "thing" happen in class.) That's why I haven't been training these past 8 months. Because of my ******** husband. He'll just find out where I'm taking and **** it all up. And disturb my child.

Honestly,. I don't think that a "man" that abandons their family gets "visitation rights". And they don't have the right to come to your work, school, or kwoon and cause and scene and embarrase you and damage my daughter for life. no thank you.
My fault for falling for a guy and such. won't do it again. anyways.
I really like Sifu.
He knows his ****, and is teaching me more about "centerline" than I knew before. I mean. I knew it, but just couldn't apply it with the crap that "hubbie" half assed taught me.

For the record, I know NOTHING of WT (apparently) because he only taught me bits and peices, and I know NOTHING of WC (from Fung) because he, again didn't teach me all of it or didn't know much of it.
Everything I've said on here about WC/WT was my own "theory". Always was. Albiet flawed, but, my own observations from taking the art and learning a wee bit.
I've got a loooooong way to go. And I'm looking foreward to the journey. Wtih me and my daughter. ;)
Oh my word!! I am so sorry to hear this!!
Welll the good news is that I will be going to America this year for two weeks (probably Chicago). I will give you free training and I will talk to your husband if you want. In the meantime, enjoy life. Times get hard, but the human spirit always endures. You seem to have a passion for training - so enjoy it. Bad people get bad things happening to them. Bullies end up getting stood up to, and usually end up in jail. Don't let him drag you down, and if you need a chat, we are always here... x
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