Wing Chun competing in Cage

Oh, I'm sure they are squeezing money out of us. But, this is the big organization in Texas, their the largest MMA organization in the U.S (that's what they claim anyways. lol)
But still, because of his age he's still going to have to pay a doctor a lot of cash for the exams he has to take to be okay'd to fight.

He's starting his new job as a personal trainer this week, so when he gets that certification I'll submit a copy of it to TAMMA to prove that he's been training himself and is qualified to do so. Maybe along with his Minor in sports physiology from college to go with it so he doesn't have to pay the fees to a MMA gym or another personal trainer for a month.
I'm afraid that by the time we get all this together we may not make the fight date. But, at least he'll be on the list to fight in Texas. It's becoming a real pain in the ***, and the wallet.
Jobs are disapearing everywhere and it's getting harder to fund this stuff.

I wish we could find some "like minded" martial artists for him to spar with and video to send to a promoter. :)
No takers yet.
Just curious as to how this is going. May is just around the corner. Did all of the pre-fight stuff, such as physical, paperwork, trainers, etc. happen without any issues?
We've gotten most of the physical done, need to pay the large fee for the body stress test. He's getting his personal trainer certification this week and that should suffice for his "trainer" requirement. Truth is, there isn't a fight trainer that can work him like he'd need to train for using wing chun in the cage. Unless we got ahold of another wing chun man.
So for him to train himself is the best way. Otherwise, it's just a waste of money.
I can't believe how costly it is to just get into the cage. It's ridiculous and very frustrating.
will have to check up with the promoter, he was telling me he was having trouble with the state getting approval for the fight. I'll see if he's still on schedule.
Okay guys. We're still on it. I'm impatient and excited too. Fact being, we be poor folks, and this is taking a bit of time. He's gotten the most of his physical and he just needs the "stress performance test" (whatever that is) for the doctors to sign off on him. But, that's a costly one.

He's gotten his personal trainer certificate and has been working at the gym for the past two weeks now. Good thing too, because that's his second job and if he wasn't at a Gym all day he couldn't do conditioning.

The promoter e-mailed me last month, and said he'd get with us when he's got it all together. I'll have to e-mail him back since it's getting so close. He told me the only heavyweight on the card right now is Hubbie. So, that could be a problem if he can't find another heavyweight.

Plus, we're wanting to just register him with the state of Texas because it's just cheaper and would cover all kinds of fighting arenas. TXMMA is just expensive, and the gig doesn't pay a dime. (not meaning to get hung up so much on money, but it would be nice that if/WHEN he wins to have some compensation for his risk and the cost to get him in there, not to mention feed him! lol!)
Registering with the state would be okay, if the guy wasn't doing the fight on a military base sponsored by TXMMA. ack! We're probably gonna have to cough up the $250 to register him with them. Still waiting on the second jobs pay to kick in. Plus, we've gotta move from here! It's way too harry living out here in ghetto town East Dallas!

As a bonus, he got jumped by four guys on the train this afternoon while commuting from one job to the other. Lovely. :(
He was standing in the space where two cars meet crossing from one car to another and got jumped for accidentally stepping on some punks shoe. So freaking Hollywood!
He told me all he remembers really doing is bui gee, knees and elbows. Extreme close quarters combat right there, not much room for anything else. I'm kinda worried because Texas self-defense law covers you at your car, job, home, and even the parking lot of your work, but nothing on the newly formed mass transit system.
But a few witnesses vouched for him, although the cops tried to say he used "excessive force." Why? you ask?
Because he bui gee'ed the guy with the knife in the throat and when he dropped to the floor had to step on him to defend from the other three guys. Oops dude when to the hospital. And the other three were dropped with strikes to the throat.
He's a little more "viscious" than I on first contact.
Well, after talking to the other witnesses the cops asked hubbie if he wanted to press charges. "Hell yea!" He says. The cop laughs and says, "So you beat their *** and then press charges too, huh?"
Only in Texas! :)
Ye-haw! lol!

On a serious note, I'm glad he's okay and that is really scary. Although I really don't worry about him hardly at all. He's scary over-trained for defending himself. Me on the other hand, My two year old and I travel those trains weekly to shop for groceries, go to church and whatnot. The trains are getting bad these days, I quit riding them alone with my daugher and just stick to the buses. There has been too many cops looking for people on the trains these past couple of weeks. Now, I see why.
Oh, yeah, another expense.... Get a car! lol!

At least I know for sure he won't get hurt in the ring. Only worried about him hurting someone else in the ring. That's what he's nervous about too.
Thanks for letting us know what is going on with your hubbie. I'm glad he got to teach those punks a lesson. I didn't know you guys live in Dallas. I teach wing chun in Dallas myself. I live in Arlington/Ft. Worth. I was taught my wing chun at Authentic Kung Fu in Ft. Worth, SiFu Steve Cottrell. Where did he train?
He trained with Sifu Emin Boztepe and Sifu Jim Fung when he was stationed in Austrailia in the U.S.M.C. So, he does a combination of the two styles. Their very similar. Just that EMBAS seems to favor the "blitz defense" alot and the Fung style more on energy. Both do many of the same techniques, pretty much the same forms, same principles, just different application.
EBMAS has the anti-grappling and Fung system focus's on "breaking the structure" more. Both very cool stuff.

I was exposed to Cotrell's wing chun oddly enough when I studied JJJ back in the 90's. The system I took incorporated alot of his Wing Chun in the Aiki and Goshin style Ju-Jitsu they taught. It wasn't a complete system of what Cotrell teaches just parts, no chi sau at all or don chi. The forms were totally different. But, I know all the flow drills and most of the training patterns like that. That's what got me interested in taking Wing Chun exclusively.
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm glad to see that SiFu's wing chun influenced someone into becoming a full time chunner. If you guys are interested in training sometime, write back and let me know.
Si-Je, do not discuss the details of your husband's altercation on the train. This becomes a written statement about his ability and what happened, and if his attackers decided to press charges against him for "excessive force", your statements do not help him. Particularly the comments about him being way over-trained for self defense.

Zip it. Now.
Si-Je, do not discuss the details of your husband's altercation on the train. This becomes a written statement about his ability and what happened, and if his attackers decided to press charges against him for "excessive force", your statements do not help him. Particularly the comments about him being way over-trained for self defense.

Zip it. Now.

Well the dude had a weapon on him, he's talked to the detective and hubbies filling charges against the four men. Texas is different when it comes to self defense.
But, thanks the warning about making a written statement online. It doesn't work that way here. My statements are strickly "hearsy", and his training is well documented through marine force recon, and his past 20+ years of martial arts training. That isn't a crime here to be trained in self defense.
Deadly force is legal if your life is threatened here. He didn't use anything near that level of force and was outnumbered 4 to 1.
I remember when I lived in Massachuttes for a year or so. Their laws are really weird. He would have gone to jail up there in this instance. You have no rights at all to defend yourself up in new england, and I'm guessing most of the northern states are similar.
But, down here it's a different deal. And that little adventure is over now. Statement made, charges pressed on the 4 attackers. Done deal.
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm glad to see that SiFu's wing chun influenced someone into becoming a full time chunner. If you guys are interested in training sometime, write back and let me know.

That would be really cool! Your in Fort Worth?
Well the dude had a weapon on him, he's talked to the detective and hubbies filling charges against the four men. Texas is different when it comes to self defense.
But, thanks the warning about making a written statement online. It doesn't work that way here. My statements are strickly "hearsy", and his training is well documented through marine force recon, and his past 20+ years of martial arts training. That isn't a crime here to be trained in self defense.
Deadly force is legal if your life is threatened here. He didn't use anything near that level of force and was outnumbered 4 to 1.
I remember when I lived in Massachuttes for a year or so. Their laws are really weird. He would have gone to jail up there in this instance. You have no rights at all to defend yourself up in new england, and I'm guessing most of the northern states are similar.
But, down here it's a different deal. And that little adventure is over now. Statement made, charges pressed on the 4 attackers. Done deal.

Its sad that we live in a world where the bad guys sue

Common sense dictates that if you go up to someone with three other guys with the intention of hurting them, YOU SHOULD AUTOMATICALLY LOSE YOUR HUMAN RIGHTS

I hate all the namby pamby people in thsi day and age who are on the side of the criminal (or stupid people as I like to call them).

Its like going into a zoo and trying to attack a tiger. If you are stupid enough to do it, you deserve what you get. End of story

I actually once got attacked by 8 guys in the middle of a reasonablly busy high street (I live in London). I managed to come away with two of the attacker's items of clothing, their sunglasses and their mountain bike
I held back a bit because I didnt want to get arrested (especially with loads of witnesses around) and I got a couple of knocks for my trouble When the police turned up they told me I should have gone in all fists blazing because it was a threat to my life!!

It is such a fine line between going in just a little too hard and ending up in trouble, and not going in hard enough and ending up in trouble!
Well the dude had a weapon on him, he's talked to the detective and hubbies filling charges against the four men. Texas is different when it comes to self defense.
But, thanks the warning about making a written statement online. It doesn't work that way here. My statements are strickly "hearsy", and his training is well documented through marine force recon, and his past 20+ years of martial arts training. That isn't a crime here to be trained in self defense.
Deadly force is legal if your life is threatened here. He didn't use anything near that level of force and was outnumbered 4 to 1.
I remember when I lived in Massachuttes for a year or so. Their laws are really weird. He would have gone to jail up there in this instance. You have no rights at all to defend yourself up in new england, and I'm guessing most of the northern states are similar.
But, down here it's a different deal. And that little adventure is over now. Statement made, charges pressed on the 4 attackers. Done deal.

you never know where trouble might come from, nor how it might find you. Best to just keep silent on the details of what happened. You never know.

Glad to hear he came out OK in the incident.
Okay guys. We're still on it. I'm impatient and excited too. Fact being, we be poor folks, and this is taking a bit of time. He's gotten the most of his physical and he just needs the "stress performance test" (whatever that is) for the doctors to sign off on him. But, that's a costly one.

He's gotten his personal trainer certificate and has been working at the gym for the past two weeks now. Good thing too, because that's his second job and if he wasn't at a Gym all day he couldn't do conditioning.

The promoter e-mailed me last month, and said he'd get with us when he's got it all together. I'll have to e-mail him back since it's getting so close. He told me the only heavyweight on the card right now is Hubbie. So, that could be a problem if he can't find another heavyweight.

Plus, we're wanting to just register him with the state of Texas because it's just cheaper and would cover all kinds of fighting arenas. TXMMA is just expensive, and the gig doesn't pay a dime. (not meaning to get hung up so much on money, but it would be nice that if/WHEN he wins to have some compensation for his risk and the cost to get him in there, not to mention feed him! lol!)
Registering with the state would be okay, if the guy wasn't doing the fight on a military base sponsored by TXMMA. ack! We're probably gonna have to cough up the $250 to register him with them. Still waiting on the second jobs pay to kick in. Plus, we've gotta move from here! It's way too harry living out here in ghetto town East Dallas!

As a bonus, he got jumped by four guys on the train this afternoon while commuting from one job to the other. Lovely. :(
He was standing in the space where two cars meet crossing from one car to another and got jumped for accidentally stepping on some punks shoe. So freaking Hollywood!
He told me all he remembers really doing is bui gee, knees and elbows. Extreme close quarters combat right there, not much room for anything else. I'm kinda worried because Texas self-defense law covers you at your car, job, home, and even the parking lot of your work, but nothing on the newly formed mass transit system.
But a few witnesses vouched for him, although the cops tried to say he used "excessive force." Why? you ask?
Because he bui gee'ed the guy with the knife in the throat and when he dropped to the floor had to step on him to defend from the other three guys. Oops dude when to the hospital. And the other three were dropped with strikes to the throat.
He's a little more "viscious" than I on first contact.
Well, after talking to the other witnesses the cops asked hubbie if he wanted to press charges. "Hell yea!" He says. The cop laughs and says, "So you beat their *** and then press charges too, huh?"
Only in Texas! :)
Ye-haw! lol!

On a serious note, I'm glad he's okay and that is really scary. Although I really don't worry about him hardly at all. He's scary over-trained for defending himself. Me on the other hand, My two year old and I travel those trains weekly to shop for groceries, go to church and whatnot. The trains are getting bad these days, I quit riding them alone with my daugher and just stick to the buses. There has been too many cops looking for people on the trains these past couple of weeks. Now, I see why.
Oh, yeah, another expense.... Get a car! lol!

At least I know for sure he won't get hurt in the ring. Only worried about him hurting someone else in the ring. That's what he's nervous about too.

Wing chun baby! Glad your hubbie's not hurt. Good luck to him in mma fight.
Just wondering if this fight ever happened? If so, how did it go?
rule #1 of dealing with promoters: don't talk a lot about the fight until it actually happens.
