Damn bro, relax, I didn't mean to hit a sore spot.
I'm not nor ever will be your bro. Sore spot yes in some ways in other ways it's you. Your posts seem designed to get to annoy people, you've upset many on the thread about the US combatives by disrespecting the American Marines and service people ( not my words by the words but of quite a few of the posters, it's also my opinion though), that's never going to go down well. Your posts have a sneering quality about them.
Last week was Yom Ha'Shoah , my mother was the only survivor of a big Dutch family who were in the camps. Then it was memorial of one of my students, then it was Yom Hazikaron, yesterday. We are blessed if we get old, to die young is to die unfulfilled and unfulfilling.
As for the rape comments, I have had to deal with the aftermath of a few rapes, the investigation, the court cases and the lasting damage it does to people ( one was a male victim) some people are destroyed by it and one victim killed herself so yes I get pretty fierce. I don't want anyone else to get hurt, which you may think unrealistic being a 'smart' guy but it's an ideal and without ideals we are nothing. We are the sum of our experiences and people's ignorant throwaway lines that they think are smart, well, they just aren't.
On the subject of styles, all styles work, all are useful and effective however the human factor means that mistakes, ego, misunderstandings and often sheer stupidity get in the way so styles get watered down, bragged about and generally buggered about, instead of blaming styles look to the instructors and coaches. BJJ and MMA can be as badly taught as any other style, I 've seen it. There is no one panacea that gives protection, no magic style so get over it, get old disgracefully and..... Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. ( Dylan Thomas)