Why the hate between TMA and MMA?

I'm forced to disagree with Tez here. Styles like Bjj, Muay Thai, and MMA in general have a lower chance of being taught poorly because there is a standard to adhere to and practitioners of those styles tend to travel around to other gyms to practice with other people.

Can these styles be taught poorly? Sure. However, its going to occur at a much lower rate than a random Karate or Kung Fu school, because they're more than likely training in a vacuum.

Well of course you'd disagree, you are never going to miss a chance to put down a TMA and talk up your BJJ.:D
@ Mods. The site is messing around again. You write something, think it hasn't posted and click again so there's a double post. It's happening to the threads too, we've got a couple of duplicate ones. Can you remove the duplicates perhaps?
I'm not nor ever will be your bro. Sore spot yes in some ways in other ways it's you. Your posts seem designed to get to annoy people, you've upset many on the thread about the US combatives by disrespecting the American Marines and service people ( not my words by the words but of quite a few of the posters, it's also my opinion though), that's never going to go down well. Your posts have a sneering quality about them.
Last week was Yom Ha'Shoah , my mother was the only survivor of a big Dutch family who were in the camps. Then it was memorial of one of my students, then it was Yom Hazikaron, yesterday. We are blessed if we get old, to die young is to die unfulfilled and unfulfilling.

As for the rape comments, I have had to deal with the aftermath of a few rapes, the investigation, the court cases and the lasting damage it does to people ( one was a male victim) some people are destroyed by it and one victim killed herself so yes I get pretty fierce. I don't want anyone else to get hurt, which you may think unrealistic being a 'smart' guy but it's an ideal and without ideals we are nothing. We are the sum of our experiences and people's ignorant throwaway lines that they think are smart, well, they just aren't.

On the subject of styles, all styles work, all are useful and effective however the human factor means that mistakes, ego, misunderstandings and often sheer stupidity get in the way so styles get watered down, bragged about and generally buggered about, instead of blaming styles look to the instructors and coaches. BJJ and MMA can be as badly taught as any other style, I 've seen it. There is no one panacea that gives protection, no magic style so get over it, get old disgracefully and..... Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. ( Dylan Thomas)

You had me at "Your posts seem designed to get to annoy people". Maybe I'll read the rest later. You just need to calm down and chill, mate?
You had me at "Your posts seem designed to get to annoy people". Maybe I'll read the rest later. You just need to calm down and chill, mate?

Ah dear boy, there you go again, You shouldn't assign emotions to people when reading their posts, as if people only post things that disagree with you when they are in a temper or upset. You flatter yourself that you can upset me, if I were to care what you thought then perhaps you could upset me but I don't. I offered a logical, reasoned explanation written in calmness with a cat sat on my lap. You don't like it not surprisingly. however I was looking at your posts over the time you've been here, they snarl, snark and generally are full of disdain so yes you do seem to annoy people. As I said your remarks about American Marines was bang out of order for quite a few people...understandably.
Oh and dear boy? I'm not your mate, not in any sense of the word. Enjoy your day.
Ah dear boy, there you go again, You shouldn't assign emotions to people when reading their posts, as if people only post things that disagree with you when they are in a temper or upset. You flatter yourself that you can upset me, if I were to care what you thought then perhaps you could upset me but I don't. I offered a logical, reasoned explanation written in calmness with a cat sat on my lap. You don't like it not surprisingly. however I was looking at your posts over the time you've been here, they snarl, snark and generally are full of disdain so yes you do seem to annoy people. As I said your remarks about American Marines was bang out of order for quite a few people...understandably.
Oh and dear boy? I'm not your mate, not in any sense of the word. Enjoy your day.
Picture or it didn't happen. I have in mind, for some reason, a cat that looks like Winston Churchill.
On the subject of styles, all styles work, all are useful and effective however the human factor means that mistakes, ego, misunderstandings and often sheer stupidity get in the way so styles get watered down, bragged about and generally buggered about, instead of blaming styles look to the instructors and coaches. BJJ and MMA can be as badly taught as any other style, I 've seen it. There is no one panacea that gives protection, no magic style so get over it,

There are distinct elements though. That combine rather than negate each other.

A good style.

A good instructor

And good students.

Ok this is going to get a bit scattered as I have a few ideas I want to shoehorn in here.

I have a friend who wants to loose weight. She has employed a personal trainer. And is drinking coconut water eating protine bars and all these things.

She also eats chips.

And I have explained she cant have both. She has to do all of it to get the results. That is not me being mean. That is just the way it is. Now I dont care if she doesn't loose weight. I am not judging that. I am just laying down the cause for the effect. Now what I get back is the excuses. But I train. But I dont eat fruit after 8. (I really got that one.) And even the excuses are fine. But they wont help her loose weight. There are some things you just can't cleverly argue you way around.

Martial arts is very much the same. Without all the elements you just dont get the results.

Now I put myself in the category of a bad student. I like sleep ins and pizzas. And that will hold back my martial arts progression. Thats fine I accept that. There is no clever argument why I am actually a good student.

Now styles inherent equality is always an interesting argument. Because we can allways find a style to beat up on regardles as to how much we subscribe to the ideal of all styles have merit.

like this internal power thread where everyone who defended all styles took a turn to jump on this one.
There's plenty of very good authorities who will tell you that your friend's way of trying to lose weight won't work, there's a lot of different thought on which diets work and which don't so your friend may not lose weight and it won't be her fault. Much like martial arts people have their own thoughts on how you lose weight and what works for them and everyone else is wrong!

I never find videos convincing truth about any subject so never take them as proof of anything. One of the best BJJers in this country works in the film industry ( actually got an Oscar for his work on Les Mis) and he was telling us a while back how much you can do with film with very little effort just with editing and angles so no even home videos are suspect.
There's plenty of very good authorities who will tell you that your friend's way of trying to lose weight won't work, there's a lot of different thought on which diets work and which don't so your friend may not lose weight and it won't be her fault. Much like martial arts people have their own thoughts on how you lose weight and what works for them and everyone else is wrong!

I never find videos convincing truth about any subject so never take them as proof of anything. One of the best BJJers in this country works in the film industry ( actually got an Oscar for his work on Les Mis) and he was telling us a while back how much you can do with film with very little effort just with editing and angles so no even home videos are suspect.

I tend to agree with Dr rudi. regarding weight loss.

You are pretty quick to jump on bad martial systems yourself by the way.
Ah dear boy, there you go again, You shouldn't assign emotions to people when reading their posts, as if people only post things that disagree with you when they are in a temper or upset. You flatter yourself that you can upset me, if I were to care what you thought then perhaps you could upset me but I don't. I offered a logical, reasoned explanation written in calmness with a cat sat on my lap. You don't like it not surprisingly. however I was looking at your posts over the time you've been here, they snarl, snark and generally are full of disdain so yes you do seem to annoy people. As I said your remarks about American Marines was bang out of order for quite a few people...understandably.
Oh and dear boy? I'm not your mate, not in any sense of the word. Enjoy your day.

Ah wise old man, you're the one flying off the handle and typing massive essays about how great it is to get old...going off into wild tangents, just because I said it's better to be young.
Ah wise old man, you're the one flying off the handle and typing massive essays about how great it is to get old...going off into wild tangents, just because I said it's better to be young.

'Wise old man' eh, shows how much you know. :D

I do thank you though for showing I was correct in your posting habits, and showing it's better to be old than stupid. Your latest post denigrating the American Marine Corps is a must read, tells us everything we need to know.
You had me at "Your posts seem designed to get to annoy people". Maybe I'll read the rest later. You just need to calm down and chill, mate?
In my opinion, you should read more. Maybe more of Tez3's post, more books on philosophy... maybe Buddhism? That'd be a good, offsetting thought structure for you.

Or not, I guess.
Ah dear boy, there you go again, You shouldn't assign emotions to people when reading their posts, as if people only post things that disagree with you when they are in a temper or upset. You flatter yourself that you can upset me, if I were to care what you thought then perhaps you could upset me but I don't. I offered a logical, reasoned explanation written in calmness with a cat sat on my lap. You don't like it not surprisingly. however I was looking at your posts over the time you've been here, they snarl, snark and generally are full of disdain so yes you do seem to annoy people. As I said your remarks about American Marines was bang out of order for quite a few people...understandably.
Oh and dear boy? I'm not your mate, not in any sense of the word. Enjoy your day.

OK, I just read that post four times.... it was interesting.

First time through, I did it with something I imagine an older, lady British librarian (not saying Tez is a librarian so leave that be) saying it, which was rather soothing.

Then with a sort of Paris Hilton (remember the way she talked?) voice in my head ... that was disturbing.

And then worse of all, with a sort of Kim Kardashian vacuous vocal treatment.

And then I did it with Rocky Balboa. Bam! Perfect. For the soliliquiy not for Tez's voice, so let that be again.

The reading of text-based communication from another person to oneself in the privacy of one's own mind is an interesting experiment in personal security vs egoism, I've found.
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