Can you get an advocate from an asperger association.
It is *extremely* difficult to get services in Washington State - at least, it has been for me. I don't think this mom even has her boy in the system yet, largely because of the toe-dragging. I'm working on convincing her that he NEEDS to get into the system.
If this bully has already broken the boys nose. Where is the lawsuit? The school should have suspened or even expelled the bullies. This episode is making me angry at the asperger boys parents for not aggressively defending their son with all LEGAL recourse.
Props for trying. Ous.
The parents are pressing charges on the boy who broke his nose and with some prodding, they have spoken with the teachers ... but I'm confounded why they don't want to go to the principal. I'm with you - the other kid verbally assaulted the boy and should be dealt with firmly. The school has advised Mom and Dad to get a legal protection order against the kid who broke his nose and it looks like they are pursuing it.
I'll be dealing with the mom who told my daughter to shut up when she was defending the bully.