Fighting in schools

Even better. :p

Miss Tez? I'd like to complain to you about... um... you. Promise you'll do something about it?
Seems a reasonable answer to having some level of oversight without allowing the government to have a hand in it.
Even better. :p

Miss Tez? I'd like to complain to you about... um... you. Promise you'll do something about it?

If you complain to a regulatory body you don't get the person complained about dealing with it, that's against common sense, your peers deal with it, the idea being they don't want their industry brought into disrepute so they do something about it. Now whether that works or not depends on the integrity of the members but you have to admit it's not what you thought it was, a government censor.
Recently we had a case of a journalist who fabricated evidence against a celebrity, the case went to criminal court before it came out it was a fraud and the journalist himself was arrested, charges and taken to court, he was convicted. ‘Fake sheikh’ jailed for 15 months for tampering with evidence in collapsed Tulisa drugs trial
If you complain to a regulatory body you don't get the person complained about dealing with it, that's against common sense, your peers deal with it, the idea being they don't want their industry brought into disrepute so they do something about it.
The point being that they all have vested interests other than being "fair" to the complainant. These vested interests might sometimes align with the complainant due to competitive pressures (trying to reduce the competition), regardless of whether or not the complaint is actually valid. Sometimes it might not align even if the complaint is valid. "Self Policing" of industries rarely works well. The only thing worse than Self Policing is Government Oversight. Unaffiliated Market Watchdogs are most often far better.

Have your say (reply if you want) but I'll just leave it there for fear of treading too close into prohibited Politics discussion.

Peace favor your sword,
The point being that they all have vested interests other than being "fair" to the complainant. These vested interests might sometimes align with the complainant due to competitive pressures (trying to reduce the competition), regardless of whether or not the complaint is actually valid. Sometimes it might not align even if the complaint is valid. "Self Policing" of industries rarely works well. The only thing worse than Self Policing is Government Oversight. Unaffiliated Market Watchdogs are most often far better.

Have your say (reply if you want) but I'll just leave it there for fear of treading too close into prohibited Politics discussion.

Peace favor your sword,

I never said it was fair, I said it wasn't government censorship lol. :)

The "insulting mothers" thing had me smiling with sweet reminiscence. In my neighborhood as a teen, we insulted each others mothers as a national sport, as a joke. It's kind of all we did.

"Your mama is SO fat, other fat mamas revolve around her like moons."

We would never, and I mean never, use something like that with anyone from outside our circle. Point of fact - the people involved remain best friends to this day, some fifty years later. If someone were to insult one of our mothers, we probably wouldn't laugh unless it was a really, really good line. We'd reply, "That's it? That's the best you have about my mom?" Then we would lay them to waste with lines we've been throwing since the dark ages. Each more nasty than the last.

I don't really have a point in all this, just wanted to share. We considered each other's mom (and dad) just like our own. Thy were sacrosanct. And we were just as scared of them as we were of our own parents (when we were 13).

In a tactical Martial sense - if you were to insult MY mom, or anybody I'm friends with, mom - you wouldn't even get a raised eyebrow. But the retort would probably get you to swing.....and miss. And then, obviously, to go to sleep. (And don't worry, your momma would tuck you in)

All I can end this with is......Your f'n momma!

Hey, that's sixties Boston in a nutshell. ;)
The point being that they all have vested interests other than being "fair" to the complainant. These vested interests might sometimes align with the complainant due to competitive pressures (trying to reduce the competition), regardless of whether or not the complaint is actually valid. Sometimes it might not align even if the complaint is valid. "Self Policing" of industries rarely works well. The only thing worse than Self Policing is Government Oversight. Unaffiliated Market Watchdogs are most often far better.

Have your say (reply if you want) but I'll just leave it there for fear of treading too close into prohibited Politics discussion.

Peace favor your sword,
The scuba industry comes to mind.
Oh, he'll still get kicked out anyway. The only acceptable behavior now is to curl up in a fetal position and cry. Any sort of fighting, whether or not it is fighting back, is grounds for punishment. He'll just have to suck that up. Zero Tolerance ("Zero Thought") policies have that effect.
The proper action to take if a student is being punished under zero tolerance is to immediately contact the local TV stations and report it. They will jump on that like a duck on a junebug and the principal will have to put up with cameras and microphones. In addition, contact your lawyer and file a massive lawsuit against the principal and the school board.

Sometimes slapping government morons across the face with The Wet Trout Of Reality (tm) is the only way to get their attention. No one has the right or the authority to say that students cannot defend themselves against a physical assault.