Several years ago, my son came home from school with the complaint of being bullied. Now we had originally gone thru the PC steps on, if this should happen's, what to do. First, inform your teacher. He said he did so. OK, first step taken. Two days later, it happened again. Now he went to the second step, informing the next higher up in the teacher ranks. He did so. Next day, again it happened. This time I told him to defend himself. Next day, I get a call at work from the principle. Your son is being suspended for fighting and it may lead to an expulsion. I said I'll be right down and he informed me that there was no need for me to come. I came anyway and walked straight into his office. He insisted there was no need for me being there and I responded, if you don't want to go to jail, then you better review your situation. Go to jail, are you crazy? he said! I repeated the threat and even asked him to call the police. He said, what are you attempting to prove? I'm not attempting to prove anything, but I am willing to let a court decide the matter. What matter he asked? The matter of child endangerment I replied. How can you justify that? Well for starters, his homeroom teacher was notified and did nothing. His guidance teacher was then notified and again she did nothing. Two of your teachers were notified that physical violence was ongoing and did nothing. I can make a case for child endangerment, if you want to push the issue. Needless to say, the issue was resolved without further conflict and nothing went on my sons record. There's a lot more at stake for someone being bullied than just the threat of a school record. Letting yourself be hit, could result in serious injury. It most likely would not happen, but I wouldn't want my child to become the fluke statistic. The mental side also takes a hit and for some, they may have a very difficult time dealing with the aspect of being a self imposed victim.
We live in very difficult times. Schools with armed guards, metal detectors, cameras and a team of lawyers to stave off litigations. Gang crap and moral decay being almost glorified on the tube and watching the court system being played with merry-go-round music. The country is in the toilet and the politicans hands are on the flusher lever. :toilclaw: