Glad to do it to, but in your book (and for sure in Kevin's book) I am apparently a fraud.
Most of you are happy to have GM Kimm's Hap Ki Do Bible on your shelf
;(Let's exaggerate, shall we...) but, if lineage alone is the qualifying factor of being Hap Ki Do, the author of the best book on your art can not even be recognized by you.
Excuse me, but the author of any work need not be a definative expert in that field - as long as the sources are documented.
Does this not make you think at least a little bit about the problem with your and Kevin's take on this?
The only problem is the continuing effort to make Hapkido generic.
It would be the easiest thing in the world for me to just say the hell with even discussing this, but I believe that this would let you and Kevin get away with doing even more damage Hap Ki Do than already has been afflicted on the art.
Here I take great umbrigde to this comment. No one else seems to think that talking about a list of traceble lineage back to Choi/Ji is doing damage - except YOU - maybe because you stand to lose money, prestige - who knows and WHO CARES - but you will not make a statement like that about me pal when your lineage in Hapkido is SO shaky! No one here, including ME has taken a direct hit at you. How about the damages done by constantly writing of the notion that "you are trying to keep us apart..."? Frankly, it seems the only poeople a list worries are those who do no have lineage with Choi/Ji - but how funny is it that over and over, I for one have said that people should train and do whatever they want - have fun, but if it has no connection to Choi/Ji, it ain't Hapkido.
Yes, be proud of your lineage, but that does not make you an authority on who teaches Hap Ki Do.
Who said we were - take a breath and think BEFORE you type.
What is the REAL agenda you and Kevin have???
Can't speak for Stuart, but my AGENDA (Man, you are so overdramatic.) is maybe to let people have an original view of Hapkido - I could care less if that flys in the face of many of you that call what you do Hapkido.
It surely is not promoting Hap Ki Do.
? Seems to me that NON Hap Ki Do people like GM Seo, GM Kimm, JR, myself, and other "non continuous" lineage people are doing one hell of a lot more for Hap Ki Do than you folks are.
How the hell do you know what I do or not - get down off you high horse and stop acting like this thread is about you - it isn't. My dojang is by choice in a city with a population of some 5 million people - YOU cannot say the same - just because I don't jump on the internet and tell everyone every single move I make, don't be so self righteous as to think you know me or what I do. I was about to blow my own horn here and make a list, but that brings me right down to your level - and I won't bend that low.
You can't gain Hap Ki Do recognition by working the typewriter regardless of your lineage,
(you should know - as hard as you try)
and I suggest you try doing something more positive on the mat (in Jackson or one of my seminars in Canada).
Yeah, come do non-Hapkido right (your assessment)? So, the only way we are "positive" is to pay you - now we can all see you single agenda - to protect the LITTLE turf you have for financial gain - sad really.
You're welcome anytime, and I will NOT harbor ill will, that simply is not my style

MY goal is to promote goodwill among those who love Hap Ki Do.