Tiger/Crane Set?

punisher73 said:
I have seen both the Tracy version and the Hung Gar (Wing Lam lineage) version of the form. There are some similiarities but alot of differences so that you wouldn't know it was the same thing.

If I remember correctly from reading about the form, it was introduced through Jimmy Wong to AK. I don't remember what his lineage/background was though.
I know the hung gar version of the form as I also hold a black belt in kung fu. It's a great form and really builds the endurance...great for competition.

The tiger and crane form (fu hok surng ying) came from Jimmy Woo and Ed Parker began temporarily teaching this form in the early 1960s until he had devised more advanced Kenpo forms. Like the Panther Set, several modifications were made to the form before dropping it altogether.

Since it is not an EPAK form, however, it really doesn't belong in a Kenpo division.

Hope that helps.

Jamie Seabrook
Found this a little while ago...


Also, here is a response from Steve Hearring about the subject...

Hey Bryan!

A lot of the old timers, (Kenpo practitioners from the late 50Â’s and early 60Â’s), still practice Tiger/Crane. I enjoy it also; the extreme exercise in combination with the breath training, you just canÂ’t beat!

Buck Sam Kong wrote a book through Ohara publication in 1983. I think this is part of Black Belt Magazine Corporation. I found it was almost impossible to follow, but had good historical information.

Sifu James Ibrao, a old Kenpo Black Belt from the 50Â’s, has a video which I think you can purchase through Del WessonÂ’s production company at absofree@pacbell.net. Sifu Ibrao also has a video on Bun Ji Kune, (Book Set) which was the form you were supposed to learn before Tiger/Crane.

My version of Tiger/Crane is a little different than Sifu IbraoÂ’s but still close enough to recognize as being from the same family!

Hope this helps, your family in Martial Arts,


I wonder if we could get a group buy? Anyone interested, I'll ask if there is interest.
here's Master Tak Wah Eng doing the tiger/crane set:

Enjoy! It's a bit old, but it's a great clip
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Is there any site on the web that would have a video of the Tiger/Crane Set? I study Shaolin Kempo and I had learned a form called the Tiger Set. Someone later on told me that it was the Tiger/Crane set and it came from American Kempo. I am getting conflicting answers. I need to check it out. We don't have too many Parker or Tracy Kempo practitioners around here. Any help would be fantastic!!!


Thanks & Take care. :)

There is a Tak Wah Eng Video with Tiger Crane Set which has alot of upper body dynamic tension in it. It appears almost exactly the same as one of the Hung Gar forms. There is also a Tak Wah Eng video with a Tiger Crane form that is a two person form. It is on ESPY-TV.

Did you used to hang out with Andy at the Santa Ana SK studio?