Tiger/Crane Set

You can get GrandMaster Tak Wah Eng on youtube.com doing it. Here's the link:

I would honestly get this version over a kempo person's version. it's more traditional because he's directly linked to wong fei hong.

Interesting video clip. It's vairly different from other versions of the Tiger/Crane I have seen, and I'm not talking about the kenpo versions either. thanks for pointing it out.
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The Tiger/Crane is not "the" hung gar form, it's Gun Gee Fuk Fu. Tiger/Crane set is a shortened version of that form.

Is not the Gun Gee Fuk Fu the Taming the Tiger set? It was my understanding that set is a separate Hung Gar set, distinct from Tiger/Crane.
The four core pillar hand sets of Hung-Ga are:
-Subduing the tiger in an "I" pattern
-Tiger crane double form
-5 animals (some Hung-Ga lineages call it 5 elements/5 animals)
-Iron Wire

There are some repeating movements between them but trust me -the word short does not apply to any of these particular forms.

Sifu Tak Wah Eng style is Fu Jow not Hung-Ga. So his lineage wouldn't have connection to Wong Fei-Hung. This might explain the difference in his Tiger Crane pattern from Traditional Hung-Ga.
The four core pillar hand sets of Hung-Ga are:
-Subduing the tiger in an "I" pattern
-Tiger crane double form
-5 animals (some Hung-Ga lineages call it 5 elements/5 animals)
-Iron Wire

There are some repeating movements between them but trust me -the word short does not apply to any of these particular forms.

Sifu Tak Wah Eng style is Fu Jow not Hung-Ga. So his lineage wouldn't have connection to Wong Fei-Hung. This might explain the difference in his Tiger Crane pattern from Traditional Hung-Ga.

Sifu Tak Wah Eng does teach Hung Ga as well as Fu Jow and he's created his own style now. He does teach the Hung Ga form the Tiger/Crane Set as well as Gun Gee Fuk Fu.
Sifu Tak Wah Eng does teach Hung Ga as well as Fu Jow and he's created his own style now. He does teach the Hung Ga form the Tiger/Crane Set as well as Gun Gee Fuk Fu.

These are very popular hand sets, many schools have a version of them in their curriculum. This doesn't make them a Traditional Hung-Ga school. Go check out:
You will only see references to Southern Shaolin - not Hung-Ga &/or Wong Fei Hung.

This takes nothing away from the high level skill of Sifu Tak Wah Eng, he's a very talented kung fu instructor out of NYC Chinatown.
These are very popular hand sets, many schools have a version of them in their curriculum. This doesn't make them a Traditional Hung-Ga school. Go check out:
You will only see references to Southern Shaolin - not Hung-Ga &/or Wong Fei Hung.

This takes nothing away from the high level skill of Sifu Tak Wah Eng, he's a very talented kung fu instructor out of NYC Chinatown.

He's the Grandmaster who introduced Mattera and Damasco to the Abbott of the shaolin temple.

An at one time was damascos teacher. He cut ties with damasco like cerio did to mattera. I wonder why?
These are very popular hand sets, many schools have a version of them in their curriculum. This doesn't make them a Traditional Hung-Ga school. Go check out:
You will only see references to Southern Shaolin - not Hung-Ga &/or Wong Fei Hung.

This takes nothing away from the high level skill of Sifu Tak Wah Eng, he's a very talented kung fu instructor out of NYC Chinatown.

That's because the Hung-Ga is part of his past experiences. He's working on a lot of Wu-shu now and adding that into his system.
That's because the Hung-Ga is part of his past experiences. He's working on a lot of Wu-shu now and adding that into his system.
The requirements for Traditional Hung-Ga is a lot more than learning a couple of forms before moving on to something else. Your original statement about a connection to Wong Fei Hung lineage is misleading. Sifu Tak Wah Eng has excellent kung fu skill but is not a Hung-Ga Sifu.

Please go take a better look at the web pages again.

Also remember Hung-Ga practitioners are proud of their style & wouldn't call it anything but that. Especially for the amount of hard work put into meeting the demands of the style.
The requirements for Traditional Hung-Ga is a lot more than learning a couple of forms before moving on to something else. Your original statement about a connection to Wong Fei Hung lineage is misleading. Sifu Tak Wah Eng has excellent kung fu skill but is not a Hung-Ga Sifu.

Please go take a better look at the web pages again.

Also remember Hung-Ga practitioners are proud of their style & wouldn't call it anything but that. Especially for the amount of hard work put into meeting the demands of the style.

First things first, the takwahfederation.com page is out of date. The last seminar he has on there was from 2004 and I know he's done more since then. Anways...

If you look on a different thread on this forum, you will see from an instructor from GrandMaster Wai Hong that you have to study Hung-Ga in order to study Fu Jow Pai (I found it by searching for Iron Palm Training). Wai Hong used to teach Hung-Ga as part of his curriculum from what I understand and that's where Sifu Tak Wah Eng learned Hung-Ga.

If you look at the websites, it doesn't say anything about the training he received from GrandMaster Wai Hong which include Fu Jow Pai and Iron Palm. Here's the link to Wai Hong's page that says he studied Hung-Ga


He learned that from GrandMaster Wong Moon Toy. Here's the link to that page:


He was taught by his uncle GrandMaster Wong Bil Hong who learned from Wong Fei Hung. Here's the Link to that page:

The requirements for Traditional Hung-Ga is a lot more than learning a couple of forms before moving on to something else. Your original statement about a connection to Wong Fei Hung lineage is misleading. Sifu Tak Wah Eng has excellent kung fu skill but is not a Hung-Ga Sifu.

Please go take a better look at the web pages again.

Also remember Hung-Ga practitioners are proud of their style & wouldn't call it anything but that. Especially for the amount of hard work put into meeting the demands of the style.

First things first, the takwahfederation.com page is out of date. The last seminar he has on there was from 2004 and I know he's done more since then. Also, in my posts, did you see me say anywhere that he was a Hung Ga sifu? I didn't say that. I said he studied Hung Ga and is directly linked to Wong Fei Hong's lineage. Anways, here is my proof.

If you look on a different thread on this forum, you will see from an instructor from GrandMaster Wai Hong that you have to study Hung-Ga in order to study Fu Jow Pai (I found it by searching for Iron Palm Training). Wai Hong used to teach Hung-Ga as part of his curriculum from what I understand and that's where Sifu Tak Wah Eng learned Hung-Ga.

If you look at the websites, it doesn't say anything about the training he received from GrandMaster Wai Hong which include Fu Jow Pai and Iron Palm. Here's the link to Wai Hong's page that says he studied Hung-Ga


He learned that from GrandMaster Wong Moon Toy. Here's the link to that page:


He was taught by his uncle GrandMaster Wong Bil Hong who learned from Wong Fei Hung. Here's the Link to that page:


so, um, please tell me, how is Hung Ga isn't in Master Tak's lineage?
"The Tiger/Crane is not "the" hung gar form, it's Gun Gee Fuk Fu. Tiger/Crane set is a shortened version of that form."

Your statement clearly demonstrates a lack of the most basic knowledge of Hung-Ga.

Subduing the tiger (gung ji fook fu) is the first form learned, which sets the foundation. Tiger Crane double form (fu hok seung ying kuen) is the most popular form & the core of style. They are separate long forms, each with distinct training goals.

Once again your statements concerning Hung-Ga are inaccurate & misleading.

First things first, the takwahfederation.com page is out of date. The last seminar he has on there was from 2004 and I know he's done more since then.
The topic of our debate would not be affected by updating the web site or not. Seminar dates are irrelevant.

Also, in my posts, did you see me say anywhere that he was a Hung Ga sifu?
That's my point, you can't teach the complete Hung-Ga style unless you are a Hung-Ga sifu.
If you look on a different thread on this forum, you will see from an instructor from GrandMaster Wai Hong that you have to study Hung-Ga in order to study Fu Jow Pai (I found it by searching for Iron Palm Training). Wai Hong used to teach Hung-Ga as part of his curriculum from what I understand and that's where Sifu Tak Wah Eng learned Hung-Ga.
My debate is with you & not these other Fu Jow Pai Sifu. There is a life times worth of study in Hung-Ga, there just isn't that much time to acquire all of the styles knowledge & then go learn another. I'm sure certain aspects of Hung-Ga are part of the Fu Jow Pai but not the entire system. Again, my debate is with your inaccurate statements about Hung-Ga.
"The Tiger/Crane is not "the" hung gar form, it's Gun Gee Fuk Fu. Tiger/Crane set is a shortened version of that form."

Your statement clearly demonstrates a lack of the most basic knowledge of Hung-Ga.

Subduing the tiger (gung ji fook fu) is the first form learned, which sets the foundation. Tiger Crane double form (fu hok seung ying kuen) is the most popular form & the core of style. They are separate long forms, each with distinct training goals.

Once again your statements concerning Hung-Ga are inaccurate & misleading.

The topic of our debate would not be affected by updating the web site or not. Seminar dates are irrelevant.

That's my point, you can't teach the complete Hung-Ga style unless you are a Hung-Ga sifu.

My debate is with you & not these other Fu Jow Pai Sifu. There is a life times worth of study in Hung-Ga, there just isn't that much time to acquire all of the styles knowledge & then go learn another. I'm sure certain aspects of Hung-Ga are part of the Fu Jow Pai but not the entire system. Again, my debate is with your inaccurate statements about Hung-Ga.

Ok, first off, you're just being mean and pretty much closing your mind to the opinion of anyone else. I'm going by what my instructor told me. He considers Gunji to be "the" hung gar form because it is the first form taught...the foundation. Do you study any other styles of Martial Arts? If you don't then let me just tell you that the cream of the material is always in the beginning...there's always something new to be learned from your beginner material even as you advance.

As per your comment on the website, I was merely making a reference to the FACT that not everything is on there. Once again, you also misquoted me. I never said he taught the whole system. I said he has Hung Ga in his system...never ONCE did I say that the whole curriculum was taught. I didn't ask for you to have a debate with me, a student, as well as with a student of Fu Jow Pai, did I? I was using that as a basis for proving my argument. You pretty much challenged me to prove that Sifu Tak Wah Eng has a direct lineage to Wong Fei Hong. I did the research and that's what I was proving.

Open your mind to new ideas...it seems a bit closed right now.
Grammar check...I meant to say that I didn't mean for you to have a debate with me, a student, as well as a separate Sifu of Fu Jow Pai. Sorry.
Ok, first off, you're just being mean and pretty much closing your mind to the opinion of anyone else.
I'm sorry if you perceive my responses as mean, it's not my intention. I'm far from being closed minded. I stand by what I know is right - Fu Hok is not a shortened version of Gung Ji.
I'm going by what my instructor told me. He considers Gunji to be "the" hung gar form because it is the first form taught...the foundation.
I'm going by what I've been taught as well. I'm not going to argue about the different interpretations between schools. I'm satisified with agreeing to disagree. There is probably more similarities between the systems than differences anyway.
Do you study any other styles of Martial Arts? If you don't then let me just tell you that the cream of the material is always in the beginning...there's always something new to be learned from your beginner material even as you advance.
Let me tell you something - Fu Hok Seung Ying Kuen is not a shortend version of Gung Ji Fook Fu. No Traditional Hung-Ga practitioner would agree with you on this.
prove that Sifu Tak Wah Eng has a direct lineage to Wong Fei Hong. I did the research and that's what I was proving.
Yes, I did question the connection to Wong Fei Hung lineage because of your statement. It's that far off the mark.
Open your mind to new ideas...it seems a bit closed right now.
Disagreeing with you doesn't make me closed minded.

Please, keep the conversation polite and respectful.

-Mike Slosek
-MT Super Moderator-
Go to ESPY-TV. Pull up Tak Wah Eng videos (Black Tiger Kung-Fu). I believe DVD letter C has the Tiger/Crane form. There are also Tiger/Crane forms available from Hung Gar instructors although I don't know off how where to find them.

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