Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
Ta Mo teaches the Shaolin monks
Aaaaah maybeÂ…. Likely noÂ… or teaches them what?
Shaolin is great. Shaolin is cool. Shaolin is the Sun Source of martial arts.
Well of course, you mean you DOUBT THIS :uhyeah:
Obviously that is not true and there are historical records to prove it
Ninjas (sic) are pretty cool, too.
Well DUH, of course Ninja are cool

But sadly there appears to be no Ninja link here :uhyeah:
Vigorous handwaving, offering of Kool Aid, cloud shaped drawings.
Lets leave David Koresh and the Branch Davidians out of this, they have little or nothing to do with Chinese martial arts, kenpo/kempo and thatÂ’s my story and I am sticking to it :supcool:
My teacher's teacher's teacher inherits the Real Shaolin Traditions.
Doubtful, unless your teacherÂ’s teacher is a VERY old Chinese guy
The Keeper's of the Flame are Billy Bob's School of Kempo Ryu Bujutsu Ninja Fu Fighting Concepts.
I am a First Degree Black Sash under Sensei Sifu Grandmaster Billy Bob
HEY!! :eye-popping: now letÂ’s just leave Billy Bob out of this OK :rpo:

So far the Historical Chinese origin of Kenpo/Kempo appears to be the Tang Dynasty which coincidentally is the same dynasty that Shaolin is actually written about. But considering the closed nature of Shaolin at the time it does not seem likely to me that Kempo/Kenpo is from Shaolin