Five forms to Black Belt

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rob_Broad
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John Busto
John Gilmore

have become the first graduates from the Black Belt and Instructor training programs respectively.

Odd that Mr. Gilmore was not the first Black Belt and the first teacher?

I know we used to have Book Set and Tiger and Crane in our system. But I bet Doc would say that it is almost impossible to learn something like this purely by video. Wouldn't it be? I mean I know I could learn the form but there would be nuances or even glaring instances where I would be doing something "wrong" or less than optimal.

The tapes might be a great reference for the forms and how to teach them though once you know them properly.
Originally posted by cdhall
I know we used to have Book Set and Tiger and Crane in our system. But I bet Doc would say that it is almost impossible to learn something like this purely by video. Wouldn't it be? I mean I know I could learn the form but there would be nuances or even glaring instances where I would be doing something "wrong" or less than optimal.

The tapes might be a great reference for the forms and how to teach them though once you know them properly.

I don't know book set or tiger and crane but I have seen the descriptions of the forms somewhere on the 'net. After taking a look see all I can tell you is your not going to learn via video tape or reading the descriptions. Your going to have to have someone standing beside you helping along move by move.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I don't know book set or tiger and crane but I have seen the descriptions of the forms somewhere on the 'net. After taking a look see all I can tell you is your not going to learn via video tape or reading the descriptions. Your going to have to have someone standing beside you helping along move by move.

I'm going to ask Mr. Duffy about this. He knows Book Set and Tiger and Crane. If he likes Mr. Ibrao's tapes he may want to teach this... he might like all the forms and it would give us another class to offer if he is interested. :confused:
Actually , Neither Book Set, nor Tiger Crane would be that difficult to learn from tape, provided the cameras are positioned correctly.

I know someone who learn six long from video, and then, in a visit to his former instructor had it corrected and polished. And it wasn't that bad... But he was already a good black belt.
Originally posted by Sigung86
Actually , Neither Book Set, nor Tiger Crane would be that difficult to learn from tape, provided the cameras are positioned correctly.


Thanks Dan,

I'm pretty sure I could mimic the moves but wouldn't there be something like a weight shift or foot position or something I'd be likely to miss in the form that might be important or make a difference?
Originally posted by Kenpomachine
I know someone who learn six long from video, and then, in a visit to his former instructor had it corrected and polished. And it wasn't that bad...

Yes. This would be the way to do it. I'd think that ideally, you'd want to get the moves, but before you really started to work it hard, you'd want to get the instructor (Mr. Ibrao) to go through the whole thing for you. That would be best. I'm thinking Mr. Duffy might go for that idea since he has the stuff already. He could bring Mr. Ibrao to camp or something and go over 1-2 forms there perhaps.

I don't know. He may just tell me to do Long 3 on the left side and shut up. :eek:
Originally posted by cdhall
I don't know. He may just tell me to do Long 3 on the left side and shut up. :eek:

:rofl: That is all just too true!!:rofl: :rofl:

Although I would like to learn them, eventually in time if applicable.
Originally posted by cdhall
I don't know. He may just tell me to do Long 3 on the left side and shut up. :eek:

Is there? It's quite simmetrical.
Or you're talking about short 3? Or is that I'm getting crazy?
Just a variation is all. Start the form off of the left side instead of the right. It's always up for a heated arguement.
I see the reason for this in short 3, but the benefit you can get by doing it in long 3 is not that big.
Originally posted by cdhall
Thanks Dan,

I'm pretty sure I could mimic the moves but wouldn't there be something like a weight shift or foot position or something I'd be likely to miss in the form that might be important or make a difference?

Hi Doug,

With good camera work, I would venture not. Having been able to do both for a long number of years, I watched the Tracy Training Videos and they are pretty spot on, and would not be that difficult to learn from.

The trick to learning anything by video is careful, very careful observation, and the ability to "NOT" over complicate things in your mind. If there's not an elephant in the raspberry patch, don't try to create one. :lol:

Actually, the quality of most of the big name instructor tapes are very good. But you have to remember that I have long been an advocate of learning by distance with video. I tried to get my "ancient of days" instructor to do so back in 72, but he felt that there might be much that might be missed. And he really didn't think the Video Camera/Video Recorder/Players would ever come down in price enough to be a household item. :eek:

I didn't have the benefit of years of harping on him like Vic LeRoux did on Chuck Sullivan, otherwise, you might very well have been chasing down and lusting after my videos (LOL!!! Now there's a thought that is scary!)

If the video is clear and the explanation by the instructor is good, I wouldn't have a problem, at all, with learning something from a video tape. It's just motion, not magic! :idea: And most certainly not something to be afraid of.

Take care and be well my friend ...

Dan Farmer
Originally posted by Kenpomachine
I see the reason for this in short 3, but the benefit you can get by doing it in long 3 is not that big.

I was just trying to indicate that he my rather me do something Kenpo related than bug him about something else. Even if it was a very esoteric exercise.

I'm not up on which forms are required on both sides, but you are right in that Long 3 (like Long 4) is "symmetrical." I don't think my original teacher required both sides of a form after Long 2.

I think Mr. Duffy says that Theoretically you need to be able to do Short 1-Long 3 on both sides and I think this is supported by Infinite Insights Book 5. I'm not sure. Normally I'd look it up, but I guess I'm getting lazy. :eek:
Originally posted by cdhall
I think Mr. Duffy says that Theoretically you need to be able to do Short 1-Long 3 on both sides and I think this is supported by Infinite Insights Book 5. I'm not sure. Normally I'd look it up, but I guess I'm getting lazy. :eek:

Nah! But they are in the book that way. I was only required to do the forms on one side. Now I'm going back through doing them on my own on both sides. If I were to say it would be do short 1 - short 3 on both sides but who am I, just a peon:shrug: .
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Nah! But they are in the book that way. I was only required to do the forms on one side. Now I'm going back through doing them on my own on both sides. If I were to say it would be do short 1 - short 3 on both sides but who am I, just a peon:shrug: .

Thanks Jason.

"Long 3 Right & Left Sides" is listed as a 3rd Brown Requirement on pg 81 of Book 5.

If anyone else was curious. :D
Originally posted by Rob_Broad
With a style like the Five Forms to Black Belt, I believe you are expected to have a very strong grasp of all the mechanics of the form. James Ibrao has always had high standards so I believe he will be watching the submissions with a very keen eye.
I am interested in Sifu Ibrao's program and will be purchasing it in the near future....He is very available to speak with and willing to help. If nothing else it will give me something to work on at home. I am moving to a remote are of west virginia and the closest Kenpo instructor is 4-5 hours from my new home. I plan on training once per month with that instructor but want something else for at home.
marshallbd said:
I am interested in Sifu Ibrao's program and will be purchasing it in the near future....He is very available to speak with and willing to help. If nothing else it will give me something to work on at home. I am moving to a remote are of west virginia and the closest Kenpo instructor is 4-5 hours from my new home. I plan on training once per month with that instructor but want something else for at home.
KenpoTess said:
Hey Beau.. you have your Capitals on~!!
Sorry....didn't notice that....see what happens when you get into a hurry? So how was the seminar with Mr C? I'm so sorry I couldn't make it....I actually started out that way and broke down....

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