Five forms to Black Belt

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rob_Broad
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KenpoTess said:
No problem Beau :) when one types in Caps it means 'Yelling' on the internet.

Seminar was fantastic
See This Thread
Thanks for the Link and the explanation...I am lost when it comes to "nettiquet" (sp?). It took me forever to realize what LOL meant!
marshallbd said:
I have seen the Gom Gong Kuen video and, technically, is a good production. It shows the form from several angles, repeating the moves several times. The form was broken down into about a dozen parts, each part being explained fully by Sifu Ibrao. Sifu performed the form at the end of the video.

I begin this system in January and will post my progress. Please forgive my ignorance in advance for I am old and new to MA.

Thank you,

Look at's a great system but no forms. The thing about forms starting and ending on the same spot and facing front came about with the advent of tournament karate, in the old forms it didn't matter. Look at Professor Chow, I'd say he built a 'pretty good' foundation with only Naihanchi shodan!
GouRonin said:
...that Ed Parker said that if a person knew his system's Long 4 form, backwards and forewards, then he would hang a black belt on that person anyday.
The operative word is KNEW. NOT be able to perform.
Doc said:
The operative word is KNEW. NOT be able to perform.
Additionally I started and studied at Ark Wongs Kwoon in LA's Chinatown in the fifties and early part of the sixties, and "learned" the Splashing Hands and Five Animal Forms. However it meant nothing to me until I met Parker later and he began to explain to me what the hell I was doing. Doing and knowing aren't the same. You can learn to do on video but you can't know from video.
Ha Ha ha Ha ha 5 forms to black

Honestly, if some scmuck wants to buy his belt this way, is it ggod. Sure under these conditions
1.) Don't tell people that you actually got your ranking thru the mail! Please make up a story about actually practicing the art live
2.) Don't teach. Period
3.) Don't compete, ever. reverse the situation, your skills are so awesome that you don't want to hurt anyone
4.) Don't ever demonstrate your skills, again claim your are just protecting those around you
5.) Don't ever talk about the dedication, sacrifice, effort, sweat, bruises you recieved during your "training days"
6.) If you meet some fool, doing the whole "Dojo" thing. Please do not attempt to ever say "Yeah, I know" or "Yeah been there". Do not equate the ardous wait next to your mail box for 10 months with that "Dojo" thing

Please go ahead and
1.) decribe your training program as "reasonable priced" or "No sweat, to Black belt"
2.) Throw a few historical names into your descripitions, instead of personal antedotes
3.)Now that you've invested 9-10months into your training and have recieved your "No Sweat Black Belt", by all means please go for the Internal arts programs (only 10 more months). and we will mail you the Super Kung Fu Certificate in the mail. If you don't have that kind of time, we offer a 4 month Jeet Kune Do free form tape

anyone got any other suggestions?

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