Ok. Anytime you want I will let you come down to my gym. We will put face masks on and you can have an eye gouge off with a boxer who has no training in eye gouging and see how you go.
See my post before that where i put "if you can jab well you should be able to eye gouge jab decently" how ever if i have practiced eye jabs i would put the advantage to myself for it being instinct to go for the eyes when available where as the boxer might not, this is in addition to the rest of the fighting skills like distance, timing, position control etc.
I would put the advantage to anyone woth all the necessary fighting skills plus the dirty tricks being put in their cirrcumlem and being as instinctual to them as a jab is to a boxer. Eye jabs are a pretty good distraction as well all things considered and you can move your open hand faster than a closed one.
and obviously if you put mask on the threat is eliminated, its like wearing a cup for groin strikes and obviously no one is going to agree to a death match in this day and age or allow one. equal to wearing full steel plate and having a validity test for a 3inch blade as a weapon test, so it will change the reaction given and ultimatly not give a fully accurate representation of use. Just as no one would fight someone in full plate with a 3 inch blade, no one is going to eye strike someone with a mask on. I wont punch someone with a hard helmet on at all or its going to be "bye bye hand". Completely unrelated but some people have punched people with helmets on.
Personally, I think it's more reliable to just punch them, in most cases. Where you can surprise them enough, maybe it's a reasonable tool, but if I can hit them cleanly by surprise, why not just hit them?
I could agree in part, i think its got more validity as a fight stopper than a groin strike though as you can actually in a best case scenario (for you) permanently remove function of that persons eye, rather than of something not relevant to a fight like the genitals.
Its something which you should at least have built into your memory as a thing rather than going "oh we can do this i forgot", pretty good distraction as well all things considered even if you don't land or intend to.
Just in general better to have it built into your memory you can hit the groin, hit the eyes, slap the ears, bend and break the fingers etc than not.