There are many roads to Rome.
Correct and if you are traveling on the road, I can tell you that no matter what road you take you will only have these options.
- Travel by vehicle
- Travel by animal
- Travel by foot
No matter what you train or how special the training is. Those 3 things will always exist for everyone who chooses to travel the road. Those are the realities of travelling on the road. If you are using something outside of that, then you are not on the road. This is how martial arts is. If you want to be good at what you train, then you must use what you train. There are no exceptions to this. I don't know why Traditional Martial Arts believe that they are outside of these types of realities.
It's the one thing that frustrates me the most about TMA which I cherish. "The rules apply to everyone else except TMA." This is the worst type of poison for TMA.
One guy punches bags, another punches makiwara, both learn to punch effectively.
Again. If the road you are using is punching then there are certain realities that will apply for all who travel the road of punching.
1. Punch Structure - There will always be a punch structure that one will need to maintain
2. Surface Conditioning - conditioning of the hand or fist, or both
3. Impact Conditioning - Joints and ligaments will become conditioned to the impact
4. Powering the Punch - How the punch is powered
The Road isn't what I'm punching. The Road is the act of punching. What I'm punching is just a description of what the road is made of. Is it dirt, pavement, stone, grass. It is the context in which I apply punching. Punching is not road. The road is not Punching. No matter what type punch that I do. The 4 things that I listed above will always be a component of punching.
I am confident you have good balance and structure from your training, but I can certainly show you a way to train stance and stability that you haven’t seen that will certainly improve your ability
I don't doubt this. I can also guarantee that I can already the name the components you will train me on because those components exist regardless of the training method. For example, whatever you train me in is going to contain the following.
1. Standing
2. Structure
3. Balance
Whatever you teach me will not fall outside of those realities. How you stand and how I stand may be different, but we must still travel the same paths.
Oh by the way. I'm not letting you off the hook. You said you can do something to help improve my stance, I've already made it known that I keep an opened mind.. lol. So if this is something that I can start learning long distance then I'm willing to try. Unfortunately I can't more than that. Life recently dumped an extra load of challenges which makes any traveling difficult.
All other things being equal, trainers and methods vary, humans are varied, that’s what makes a competitive sport.
Humans are varied but the options will still be the same. It will involve the following.
1. Mind
2. Body
3. Limbs.
Sort of like running which has the same things. Even those without legs are bound to.
1. Mind
2. Body
3. Limbs.
If "The Road" is the track, then people will be required to be developed along the same paths.