Danny T
Senior Master
Absolutely!Do the systems that you train in set standards to be the instructor of wing chun and so on?
No.Or are we all instructors of wing chun in a hopelessly generic way?
So I am a high level Wing Chunner who is cross training as a high level Nak Muay who is cross training as a high level Wing Chunner who is cross training as high level Pekiti-Tirsia player who is cross training as a high level... and so on?Once you have codified a system it is a real martial art. It doesn't matter if it is made up. Plenty of martial arts have been.
So you would cross train until you created a system that combines the individual styles.
Or, am I simply a martial artist who is highly trained in several martial arts and a highly trained instructor who instructs several differing systems?
A cross trainer would be one who learns and practices a bit of one and a bit of another to offset something lacking in the other and then trains some in another system to gain a bit of say groundwork because the others don't have it. As a martial artist my individual expression of what I do is certainly mixed yet codified for myself. What I teach is the individual martial systems not a mixed bag of tricks. What my fighters do is to express themselves with what works best for them. Yet when they teach they teach the particular systems. j
I do not consider myself a mixed martial artist nor a cross trainer for I have trained, learned, practiced, and now pass on the complete system not just bits of it.