Some thoughts about discussing the martial arts

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I agree, absolutely. But it must be admitted that when you reach that point, you're no longer trying to educate or inform. You're just poking them for the comic relief.

Like I say, Bring on the ridiculous, and I'll bring the ridicule:D
(Oh, where oh where is my little rolling on the floor laughing his lovely *** off smiley??!!)
Like I say, Bring on the ridiculous, and I'll bring the ridicule:D
(Oh, where oh where is my little rolling on the floor laughing his lovely *** off smiley??!!)

I think the auto censor feature went missing with your emoticons LOL
II'd trade "anything goes" just to see that little fella rolling on the floor......:arghh:

Poor elder999, maybe this will cheer you up.





I can't say that I've ever done that-"called" someone "ignorant."
Well I have but only for special cases. :rolleyes: If I dismiss someone making a valid point as ignorant it's like pointing ... one finger pointing to the other person, three pointing back at me. But when you point out something factual that another person summarily dismisses I will stick by the dictionary definition, use the proper word, and call that person ignorant. No statement or idea is ignorant. It is the person making the statement or promoting the idea.

In the end, what frustrates me most is trying to make a point with facts and evidence, and having them dismissed.
Ain't that the truth, especially when a post that has taken the best part of an hour to construct is disregarded with a one word reply.

Well since you ask my one advice is to be honest.
Ah! Honesty. Agreed. Honestly tell a person when they are ignorant. :D

(I really need my 'popcorn' emoticon!)
Some things are a matter of opinion, other are a matter of fact so when a poster comes along and says quite bluntly 'no you don't do that' when you know you do, I believe it would be perfectly in order to call them ignorant. I've pointed this out before. If I tell you I live in Yorkshire, which I know I do and someone tells me I live in Surrey what would you call it? Apart from being ignorant I would assume that person is trolling. It's like back in the bad old days of the study, someone would post oh in X country they do this then someone from that country would come along and post that they don't, yet the original poster would insist that in X they do, how do you contest it? How do you let people know that in X it's not as they say? (I'm using 'country' here rather than style to keep this argument impersonal) The people from X are proud of their country, there may have been issues in their history which is a long one but they like the way it is now, are proud of how hard they've worked for change so when someone ( who has only ever been on a day trip to X) insists on telling people that X is something it's not, those from X would find it hard not to say something and frankly why should they be quiet? Everyone from X is an ambassador for their country, to see their country disrespected, to see it represented as something it's not requires them to stand up for X. How can they not against such lies?
That is a very good point Tez. I think a lot of people automatically apply their own "home" standards to everything they come across, which of course seldom fits when dealing with issues where the setting and background are very different. If your "home" is internet where you deal in "consistent" internet truths within your little group, the fluidity and chaos of a real world might be hard to grasp. Once again it is good to empty your cup.
Something that I think can get overlooked is that this is informal communication. I don't think most of us anguish over our words here, drafting and revising them until they're suitable for submission to a professor for a grade. This is casual conversation, one step removed from a real life round table. Every single poster here has "said" things that they didn't really mean, where their words were misinterpreted or just didn't read the way they intended.

Not everyone here is a great writer. Not everyone here is a world class intellect. Not everyone has 100 years of martial arts experience. But that doesn't mean we can't have constructive conversations about areas of mutual interest.
There's some arts I'd like to have tried like Capoeira, I'm not built for it and I don't have rhythm lol but it would have been fun I think. I've no idea whether it's any good for SD or fighting, never had a chance to study it.
I think the problem would be if I started bashing Capoeira from that basis of ignorance, that's when arguments happen because quite rightly a Capoeira stylist would want to take issue with what I said. Always wanted to try Kendo too, here it's expensive and it's a bit far away from where I am. Is there an old person's style anywhere :playful:

If the posts were simply 'your training style sucks, my way is best' it would be easier to understand but when the posts are 'no you don't train that' it's harder to find a common ground for discussion.

Agreed! :) My like/dislike of an art is pretty much based on what I've seen of it, either on video, in person or what I've heard from others, although in that case, I prefer to get a 1st hand view of it, so I can form my own opinions of it. Of course, just because one school that teaches art X, may suck, that doesn't mean that all schools that teach that art, suck. And while 1 bad apple ruins the bunch, can be said, we probably shouldn't judge everything by 1 school.
i got a question about the little icons in the bottom right hand corner where it shows like, agree, and those other feature(the one left next to the left of the blue letter i) what isthat smily face for?
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