Some thoughts about discussing the martial arts

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Here's a great case in point. I wouldn't consider myself an authority on all things English, but I do have a degree in English Lit with a minor in philosophy, and spend much of my days communicating in writing as a core function of my job. I'm literate and have a pretty good command of the English language.

I've also spent the better part of 20 years working with people of all nationalities and varying degrees of facility with the language, often working through interpreters, relay services or even written notes back and forth in some cases. Add to this that many of these people are disabled in some way, either physically or mentally. So, I have a lot of experience communicating in English under difficult conditions with people who have little to no capacity for the language.

So, the English language is kind of in my wheelhouse. And I disagree with you. Presuming, based upon your remark about people who have studied Engilsh, you are also at least something of an expert on the language, this is a perfect example of where two "experts" can disagree fundamentally.
Except the dictionary disagrees with you. Words have meanings you don't get to change them to fit your piint
Nor am I suggesting otherwise
The dictionary agrees with me completely

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Sure I testify to my experience how many search warrants I've written, how many undercover buys I've made, the quantity of drugs, the felony arrests I've made the classes I've attended the length of my career all factor in. Just like here people tell us the style they train how long they gave trained the rank they hold the seminars they hav3 attended the people they have trained with etc. I've never been asked to prove anything I assume defense attorney check up on what I say and if I were to be caught in a lie my career is over I'll be fired. If someone here gets caught in a lie they usually leave or their word is meaningless.
Hey, missed this one. So yeah. You testify under oath that you have experience necessary to establish you as an expert. And I'm presuming the defense attorneys may produce their own expert who provides a counterpoint to your expert testimony.

We just kind of take your word around here, unless there's something wonky. It's a little different. The vetting process here is much less structured, and much more dependent upon personality and a convincing back story, I'm not saying people ARE fibbing. I'm saying, as you yourself have said many times, people COULD BE fibbing.

Which, leading back to the appeal to authority, means that sometimes... Really every time... We assert something, we should either be providing objective, external support, or understand that we are banking on tenuous credibility and the strength of our personalities.

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-Ronald Shin
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