There's a certain level of injury I'm willing to routinely risk. A broken arm is far beyond that point. With a broken arm, my ability to defend myself becomes dramatically reduced for an extended period. That's entirely contrary to the point of my training. Of course, there's always some risk of that happening, anyway, during routine training, but it's much easier to mitigate if I'm not competing against a gorilla who doesn't care about my goals.Depends what your context is. You may for example need to engage in some risk to mitigate a greater risk. So if you were training for a life or death street attack. You may need to risk an injury in a safer environment to gain skills that will protect you in a more dangerous one.
If your context isnt fighting. Then you would train accordingly. Like I do pretty much. I dont take that extra step to become better because the cost of being better is too great.
I like pizza and sleep ins so I dont fight.