The Myth of Pressure Testing How MMA has failed the martial arts.
The blog above is the epitome of what I find wrong with the mentality of a lot of traditional martial artist. I'm not sure why so many decry the value of mma when martial artists should embrace mma. If they think the fighters are good they're welcome to fight or go to an mma gym and prove their skill is superior to mma.
Here are the blogs points:
1) mma is supposed to be a proving ground where all martial arts can test and see who's best.
This may have been the goal of the early ufc matches but it no longer is the case. Mma is a sport and ruleset and the rules vary between organizations.
2) mma sparring is ineffective because it doesn't allow multiple opponents, killing blows or weapons. It isn't realistic enough.
There are some venues that are basically mma with multiple opponents and teams you can find it on YouTube. It's a little ridiculous though. There are also weapons venues arising like sfw and some hema organizations. Do you employ deadly kill shots in your training? Against a resisting opponent in real time? Get real, you're never gonna see public death matches and no one trains this way. Mma is a specialty like boxing or a forms competition it demonstrates skill of the individual under specific settings.
3)tai chi, Silat, xing yi, bagua, and other Kung fu styles are reality based and they prepare you for every scenario.
I think we see the agenda here. The guy is a traditionalist and is obviously biased. The above systems are far from rbsd but can probably be applied with an rbsd mindset as can mma. But I doubt the majority of schools train this way.
4) mma has horribly failed as a means to effectively test the martial arts.
I'm glad the author is a fan of pressure testing but I'd like him to propose how we do test martial arts effectively. Perhaps some kind of thunderdome format?
Do I think mma is the ultimate test for martial arts? No, I don't train or really even watch mma, but it's a solid format to assess striking and grappling in all ranges. Unlike these traditionalists I can concede that everything I do isn't the best but I can and train to do some things very well. these guys need to admit mma builds fighters with good striking and grappling and leave it at that. They are fundamental areas of fighting and self defense and are a strong base to build upon.