WOW, this is getting pretty heated! The only thing I wish to add is this. Martial arts instructors convey an image of public trust, no, wrong words, not 'convey' but should 'qualify' for the position of public trust period. It doesn't mean you have to be a saint but there are certain lines or parameters that are not to be crossed, ever! Police officers are held to this higher standard of public trust and that is why if someone who has a past felony record need not apply or if a police officer committs a felony, he's history, which goes without saying since he'd be incarcerated for it. As a matter of fact, in most cases, a misdemeanor is more than enough to give a cop the ax. An out of town cop was arrested recently in my community for continuing a fight at a local lounge after our guys had arrived and quelled the disturbance. He had a clean record and was fairly new with his department. He was terminated by his police chief. I, in no way feel it should be that harsh for M.A. instructors but a line does have to be drawn. My point being, police, fire, priests, teachers, coaches and martial arts instructors are all held in a position of public trust. As far as my police profession goes, if you did time for murder/conspiracy and were a 'model' prisoner and 'found God', etc., you still need not apply!
Personally, it doesn't matter to me if this guy is the greatest martial artist that ever came down the pike and can kick all our butts, he should not be in a position of public trust. What is wrong with holding our martial arts to a higher standard. Please don't get me wrong. I don't feel it should be as strict as a police job as I stated previously, for I know some people make mistakes and get into trouble and then change their life around. I've helped some myself and I know many of you reading this have too, but where do we draw the line? I know where I do. Murder is one of them or any crime that shocks the conscience, sex offenders, etc. Well, I'm sure I made my point. No, sorry, this guy should not be teaching, ESPECIALLY since his crimes were that of VIOLENCE while STUDYING A MARTAIL ART perpetrated on an elderly couple. If you ask me that should have been a STIPULATION of his parole-Nothing to do with the martial arts ever again!!! Does anyone think this is unreasonable?