Self Promotions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lotus Flower
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The Kai said:

"trained numerous hours"

I hate to break this to you but most Grand masters, Master instructors or even Black Belts have trained for a little longer than numereous hours.
"living Legend" Please don't mistake Durbin's and his self promotiong rewriting of history! Notorious is not Legendary,

ah, okay, and you are?
Jeff Boler said:
Ok, well that's cryptic. What you are essentially stating is, that you can't disprove anything that has been said.

It tells me that you would believe a convicted felon over someone with no criminal record. It tells me that you would believe a person who basically ratted on his own instructor to save his hide. It tells me that you are a child, and unfortunately, have gone through the same thing that Hassan claims happened to him through Mitose. Brainwashing.

Do you not see a pattern here? I do not want to get into personal attacks. Again, I have no problem with Hassan, other than the FACT that he is a convicted felon teaching martial arts. I don't, in my OPINION, think that is right. But that's an issue that I need to discuss with my senator, or other public officials. It doesn't mean that I think Hassan is not capable of being rehabilitated. I clearly believe that he has been.

So go on with the petty comments that keep you from discussing the meat of the topic. If you have nothing of value to say in your defense or that of your instructor, then don't try. Just let it go.
:sadsong: i guess i should go then.....
No, stick around. If you can disprove anything that I have stated, please do so. Maybe then, I wont be holding in the feelings I have towards both men. Maybe then, you wont look like a child.

To get back on the idea of self-promotion. Go visit this document..

What you are looking at is straight out of Durbin's handbook. Through his little bit of instruction that he has through Hassan, he is claiming lineage all the way back to Matsu Higa. Now. I know for a fact that the techniques Hassan teaches, is in no way similar to the techniques of Choki Motobu, or anyone who has studied Motobu Ryu. This isn't based on half-truths, this based on twelve years of instruction under Durbin.

As for Durbin's listing of Thomas Barro Mitose and Bruce Juchnik. He lists them because he requested recognition by both men of his Sokeship title in Kiyojute Ryu, and apparently, they issued those documents to him. Through that, he claims lineage.

Now if that isn't self-promotion, then I don't know what is.
koga ha said:
okay, so now you contacted people personally. what did mitose have to say? how about hassan? or what about the farmer? right, you contacted people that got their information just like you, hear-say.
This just shows that you need to spend much more time on your research before you start challenging other peoples statements.

Now how would you suggest someone talk to the farmer? It would be pretty hard to get a statement from him, since Hassan stabbed and strangled him to death.
koga ha said:
okay, so now you contacted people personally. what did mitose have to say? how about hassan? or what about the farmer? right, you contacted people that got their information just like you, hear-say.

as far as a living legend...i'll let the hmais know that you think their titles are fiction and don't carry merit.
If I'm not mistaken, the "Farmer" is dead correct? Killed By Terry Lee. Should we consult a oujia board, or a medium?
koga ha said:
ah, okay, and you are?
Actually if you go to the name in the cornor you can get my personal profile, and no I'm not a living legend-well maybe with a pen and some imagination???
:supcool: . Ask me tomorrow.
BTW you again were???

John Bishop said:
This just shows that you need to spend much more time on your research before you start challenging other peoples statements.

Now how would you suggest someone talk to the farmer? It would be pretty hard to get a statement from him, since Hassan stabbed and strangled him to death.
it would be hard to talk to mitose too genius; however, you can talk to hassan, but i doubt you would because you know what happened, right? :shrug:

like i said before, hear-say....
First you suggest we should talk to the dead victum, them Mitose (equally dead). Now sarcasim, wow. BTW I did'nt catch your name, maybe you could be good enough to id yourself

koga ha said:
it would be hard to talk to mitose too genius; however, you can talk to hassan, but i doubt you would because you know what happened, right? :shrug:

like i said before, hear-say....

Yes, you have said that this is all hear-say, but haven't been able to prove otherwise.

So let me get this straight, I can talk to two dead guys, or the guy who killed one of the two?

I think I'll stick to believing the court records.
Jeff Boler said:
No, stick around. If you can disprove anything that I have stated, please do so. Maybe then, I wont be holding in the feelings I have towards both men. Maybe then, you wont look like a child.

To get back on the idea of self-promotion. Go visit this document..

What you are looking at is straight out of Durbin's handbook. Through his little bit of instruction that he has through Hassan, he is claiming lineage all the way back to Matsu Higa. Now. I know for a fact that the techniques Hassan teaches, is in no way similar to the techniques of Choki Motobu, or anyone who has studied Motobu Ryu. This isn't based on half-truths, this based on twelve years of instruction under Durbin.

As for Durbin's listing of Thomas Barro Mitose and Bruce Juchnik. He lists them because he requested recognition by both men of his Sokeship title in Kiyojute Ryu, and apparently, they issued those documents to him. Through that, he claims lineage.

Now if that isn't self-promotion, then I don't know what is.
interesting comments...

you have voiced your half truths, but in short time the whole truth will be known.

so what are you saying...your 12 years (2 years more accurate) with durbin is what?
WOW, this is getting pretty heated! The only thing I wish to add is this. Martial arts instructors convey an image of public trust, no, wrong words, not 'convey' but should 'qualify' for the position of public trust period. It doesn't mean you have to be a saint but there are certain lines or parameters that are not to be crossed, ever! Police officers are held to this higher standard of public trust and that is why if someone who has a past felony record need not apply or if a police officer committs a felony, he's history, which goes without saying since he'd be incarcerated for it. As a matter of fact, in most cases, a misdemeanor is more than enough to give a cop the ax. An out of town cop was arrested recently in my community for continuing a fight at a local lounge after our guys had arrived and quelled the disturbance. He had a clean record and was fairly new with his department. He was terminated by his police chief. I, in no way feel it should be that harsh for M.A. instructors but a line does have to be drawn. My point being, police, fire, priests, teachers, coaches and martial arts instructors are all held in a position of public trust. As far as my police profession goes, if you did time for murder/conspiracy and were a 'model' prisoner and 'found God', etc., you still need not apply!

Personally, it doesn't matter to me if this guy is the greatest martial artist that ever came down the pike and can kick all our butts, he should not be in a position of public trust. What is wrong with holding our martial arts to a higher standard. Please don't get me wrong. I don't feel it should be as strict as a police job as I stated previously, for I know some people make mistakes and get into trouble and then change their life around. I've helped some myself and I know many of you reading this have too, but where do we draw the line? I know where I do. Murder is one of them or any crime that shocks the conscience, sex offenders, etc. Well, I'm sure I made my point. No, sorry, this guy should not be teaching, ESPECIALLY since his crimes were that of VIOLENCE while STUDYING A MARTAIL ART perpetrated on an elderly couple. If you ask me that should have been a STIPULATION of his parole-Nothing to do with the martial arts ever again!!! Does anyone think this is unreasonable?
koga ha said:
it would be hard to talk to mitose too genius; however, you can talk to hassan, but i doubt you would because you know what happened, right? :shrug:

like i said before, hear-say....
Your demonstrations of ignorance are astounding. Look into Sigung Bishop's record before you conclude that he just goes on hearsay.
koga ha said:
interesting comments...

you have voiced your half truths, but in short time the whole truth will be known.

The truth is already known. Hassan is a convicted murderer. He studied with Mitose for seven weeks, and now claims some rediculous rank and title. If i'm wrong prove it. Otherwise, you are just making yourself look foolish.

so what are you saying...your 12 years (2 years more accurate) with durbin is what?

It's over. 1987 - 1999. I have the rank certificates to prove it. End of story, nice try.
Karazenpo said:
WOW, this is getting pretty heated! The only thing I wish to add is this. Martial arts instructors convey an image of public trust, no, wrong words, not 'convey' but should 'qualify' for the position of public trust period. It doesn't mean you have to be a saint but there are certain lines or parameters that are not to be crossed, ever! Police officers are held to this higher standard of public trust and that is why if someone who has a past felony record need not apply or if a police officer committs a felony, he's history, which goes without saying since he'd be incarcerated for it. As a matter of fact, in most cases, a misdemeanor is more than enough to give a cop the ax. An out of town cop was arrested recently in my community for continuing a fight at a local lounge after our guys had arrived and quelled the disturbance. He had a clean record and was fairly new with his department. He was terminated by his police chief. I, in no way feel it should be that harsh for M.A. instructors but a line does have to be drawn. My point being, police, fire, priests, teachers, coaches and martial arts instructors are all held in a position of public trust. As far as my police profession goes, if you did time for murder/conspiracy and were a 'model' prisoner and 'found God', etc., you still need not apply!

Personally, it doesn't matter to me if this guy is the greatest martial artist that ever came down the pike and can kick all our butts, he should not be in a position of public trust. What is wrong with holding our martial arts to a higher standard. Please don't get me wrong. I don't feel it should be as strict as a police job as I stated previously, for I know some people make mistakes and get into trouble and then change their life around. I've helped some myself and I know many of you reading this have too, but where do we draw the line? I know where I do. Murder is one of them or any crime that shocks the conscience, sex offenders, etc. Well, I'm sure I made my point. No, sorry, this guy should not be teaching, ESPECIALLY since his crimes were that of VIOLENCE while STUDYING A MARTAIL ART perpetrated on an elderly couple. If you ask me that should have been a STIPULATION of his parole-Nothing to do with the martial arts ever again!!! Does anyone think this is unreasonable?
Prof. Joe,

I totally agree! The Larger MA community rejected John Keehan after his criminal antics and he was a LEGITIMATE 5th degree with Robert Trias, and had been credited with the huge Midwestern expansion of the martial arts. Yet, he was still rejected when he went too far. This fellow with 7 weeks, or "many hours" of training, and a murder on his record wants to be acknowledged as a Grand Master by the MA community?
Fascinating stuff.

Really it boils down to what does a black belt (or certification) mean in the martial arts. It is only as good as the practioner and/or the certifier. Although you and I may look at martial arts as a way of life, many others look at it as a hobby.

The public seeks solice by choosing "certified" public accountants, doctors with degrees and board certifications. Teachers teach in "accredited" schools. And the list goes on. There is some body (or council) that sets the standard; practioners are certified by passing tests; audits of some sort take place to ensure that "best" practices are being followed. Even with all that, there are still "professionals" who practice and fail to meet the standards.

As a martial artist, I don't think we want that type of regulation imposed upon us. By the same token, it would be nice for our students to be able to look at our certificates and feel like their money for lessons is well spent. But I guess our students will just have to evaluate what they learn and its value.

It sucks for the unwary students who get taken by sham martial arts teachers. But there are also sham doctors, accountants and investment counselors.
This guy could have most definitely got into some serious training in the last 30 years or so from some very competent people, I'll give him that. Although, I don't believe all this Koga ha ryu ninjitsu stuff he's selling based on Mitose. He could also be a very talented teacher. I'll give him that too. He could have very well earned/deserved everything he has, including an honorary 7th dan personally from Professor William Kwai Sun Chow, if true, I'll give him that too, but let's face it, he wasn't convicted for spitting on the sidewalk, a barroom brawl, booking & gambling, possession of narcotics..........what we have to remember here is the brutality of this crime and its innocent victims. The details from that trial are horrendous. What if that were Koga ha's grandparents? I wonder how forgiving he would be then? I grant you, if you had no knowledge of this guy, Hassan was Lee, his bio looks like he walks on water. This is only my personal opinion reflected by my almost three decades in law enforcement and working with victims of violent crimes. You know, these days, murderers are not allowed to make money off their crimes with books, movies, etc., not that this is exactly the same scenerio but he was convicted of a violent crime in relation to martial arts and his instructor. I don't think this would be allowed in these days and times. I guess things were much different then or the parole system in California at that time was very, very liberal by not imposing such stipulations to his parole.
Ray said:
Fascinating stuff.

Really it boils down to what does a black belt (or certification) mean in the martial arts. It is only as good as the practioner and/or the certifier. Although you and I may look at martial arts as a way of life, many others look at it as a hobby.

The public seeks solice by choosing "certified" public accountants, doctors with degrees and board certifications. Teachers teach in "accredited" schools. And the list goes on. There is some body (or council) that sets the standard; practioners are certified by passing tests; audits of some sort take place to ensure that "best" practices are being followed. Even with all that, there are still "professionals" who practice and fail to meet the standards.

As a martial artist, I don't think we want that type of regulation imposed upon us. By the same token, it would be nice for our students to be able to look at our certificates and feel like their money for lessons is well spent. But I guess our students will just have to evaluate what they learn and its value.

It sucks for the unwary students who get taken by sham martial arts teachers. But there are also sham doctors, accountants and investment counselors.

I think, in this case, that it has less to do with a large governing body, than the MA community in general. There are a lot of different styles and organizations represented here, but the idea of accepting as valid someone that is a convicted murderer and that claims grand master status after training for a matter of weeks, is repugnant to the average martial artist. There will never be consensus on exactly what should qualify as a master, black belt etc., but when someone this odious comes on the scene, it's usually pretty easy to get people on the same page.
Danjo said:
I think, in this case, that it has less to do with a large governing body, than the MA community in general. There are a lot of different styles and organizations represented here, but the idea of accepting as valid someone that is a convicted murderer and that claims grand master status after training for a matter of weeks, is repugnant to the average martial artist. There will never be consensus on exactly what should qualify as a master, black belt etc., but when someone this odious comes on the scene, it's usually pretty easy to get people on the same page.
I was referring to the thread's subject of self promotion; not whether or not the felon Terry Lee is moral enough (or qualified) to teach martial arts. I do have an opinion on that subject, but since what I know about Mitose and Lee is third hand info I'll keep my opinion private.

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