Self Promotions

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Karazenpo said:
Please reread my post. No, wrong, the police officer who was off duty was NOT arrested for fighting per se. He was arrested for fighting after my brother police officers told him to knock it off. He simply ignored them, pushed past them and went at it. I'm willing to bet if you were there and he wasn't taken in, you'd be the first to run your butt down to city hall and make a complaint that the cops took care of their own and if that was you, you'd be locked up! C'ome on, I didn't fall off a turnup truck!

how much would you bet? so, your telling me that if i (common citizen) pushed past some officers and started a fight they would let me

the preists, I absolutely agree with but your issue should not be taken up with the legal system, go to the Catholic church, for they are the ones that covered it up. I'm a Catholic and I'm disgusted in the handling of the situation. Better yet, see your friend, he's the one who found God.

why would i go to the church? molesting is molesting and people who are not preists get locked up and not re-located. your disgusted, but you still attend services under the catholic umberlla.

You say: okay, so we know where you draw the line...fine, but to sit there and riddicule someone for something that happened 30+ yrs ago.

I say: Are you kidd'n. You phrase it, 'something that happened'-an elderly man murdered in his home and his wife beaten half to death and you act like it was a DWI conviction! Whewwwwwwww!

sorry for not using a better choice of words, but in no way am i acting like it was a dwi conviction. get real. you know the subject.

You say: so, you say hassan should not be teaching ma...well, obviously from your statement i see why; however, from a pure ma prespective he's the prime candidate and is living proof that the system works in the worst environment.

I say: With all it's flaws it's the only system we have right now and we just have to make the best of it but a little more common sense and sensitvity to victims rights wouldn't hurt either.

let me clear something up for you. "we" don't have the same system. if you don't like the system your using find another. there are plenty to choose from. and don't talk to me about sensitivity.

You say: he wasn't some thug off the streets.

I say: You breed ignorance on that statement. look at how many murderers are described by friends, neighbors and co-workers as church going and pillars within the community! Do you live in a cave?

well, it goes to show that anyone can make a mistake weather it's intentional or not.

You say: violence and martial arts. maybe your art plays patty cake in the backyard or dojo

I say; Your welcome to 'play patty cake with me or any one of my people anytime but it is you that conceals your identity? Insecurity and lack of confidence, ya think? Perhaps you have the wrong instructor because there is more to the martial arts than violence but considering your source of instruction, I understand why you view it that way.

sure, i may take you up on that offer. i know there is a lot more the the arts than violence. what has your system done? make sure not to skip over that question. i can point to publications and research that the ryu is involved with.

Here's the biggest joke you've told yet: the farmer (wish i could spell his name) was no joke. in fact, he was a very skilled ma.

I say: Really........was his elderly wife that he beat half to death a highly skilled martial artist too? You gotta be kidd'n? How is anyone on this board going to take you serious with that statement?

it may be a joke to you with all your infinate wisdom, but i beg to differ. people on this board can do what they want with the information...take it or leave it, simple.

You say: a lot of the time people fall in love with the personality (instructor) of the art and not the system. anyway, i think your statement is unreasonable.
I say: We'll let the others on this forum judge this one.

why don't you judge this statement too. you did so well with the others.

In closing, I did not insult you sir in my post that you quoted me from, not at all. You're screen name only came up when I asked if you'd feel the same way if the victims were your grandprents AND I NOTICED THAT'S THE ONLY QUESTION YOU DID NOT ANSWER! There was no need of that type of response to my post from you, just reread my original and you tell me where I had insulted you![/QUOTE]
given the fact that didn't happen to my grandparents, i really couldn't respond. i don't know how i would act. would you like for me to speculate?

i never said you did insult me.
Jeff Boler said:
Let me make this clear. I'm not debating whether or not Hassan is a good person. I personally believe that he is. I believe that he underwent some religious conviction, and I believe he has been rehabilitated.

This whole issue is about two things. Number one, does he have inflated rank, and should he be teaching. According to an article written by Durbin,

The problem is that he only received 7 weeks of instruction under Mitose. How much could he have learned? Remember, all of Hassan's history is written by Durbin. Durbin's theories as to the "truth" behind the Mitose's demise are nothing less than bizarre. According to Durbin,

I think Durbin has intentionally come up with these theories to push his own agendas. So what, every historian I have ever known does the same thing. It's up to the reader as to whether or not they believe it.

So...this hasn't been a personal assault on Nimr Hassan. It's an opinon based on his seven weeks of training under James Mitose. It does not say in Durbin's article that he continued learning the system under someone else. By reading Durbin's work, he discontinued studying all arts at the time he inherited Mitose's. Does seven weeks of training under a master make you one? Even if you "inherit" the system, how much of the system could you possible know?

Then, there's the murder conviction. Surely he realizes that he will always be scrutinized for his past. Did he pays his debt to society. Yes, even thow I think the sentencing he received is rediculous. But, that does not erase what he did. And i'm sorry, but I do not think that people who are convicted of felony, violent crimes should be allowed to teach martial arts, or study them, for that matter.

My opinion, of course.
your entire belief is based on seven weeks. let's just say for a minute that statement is false...then what? you know what, don't answer that. stick to your theory.

yes there is the conviction and that is something he has to live with, not you.

oh, hasn't been a personal assult?! oookay.
Jeff Boler said:
You might also notice in the clip above that Durbin refers to the murderer as "The Student", not Nimr Hassan. It's because of this "concealment" technique that I left Durbin in the first place. If he believed the stories that Hassan told him, as well as the fact that he has served his time, why did he refer to him as "The Student", and not Nimr Hassan?
i think you would have to take that up with durbin.
koga ha said:
your entire belief is based on seven weeks. let's just say for a minute that statement is false...then what? you know what, don't answer that. stick to your theory.

Oh, darnit. :rolleyes: There was Koga Ryu Ninjutsu involved. I forgot. I suppose they snuck in to each others jail cells, so Mitose could continue his training of Hassan (after Hassan ratted him out in court, that is). Sneaky Ninjas. I suppose there was some secret training prior to Hassan meeting Mitose. If it was Koga Ryu, can we assume that Ashida Kim had something to do with it? Or is this some piece of history that Durbin just hasn't conjured up yet? Considering the fact that Durbin now has rank in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, i'm waiting for a supposed link between Mitose and Hatsumi. That's the only thing that would make sense, right? :rolleyes:

yes there is the conviction and that is something he has to live with, not you.

That's correct. That's the power of choice. I chose to get out of an associaton the supports a convicted murderer, you chose to stay and support him.
koga ha said:
I say: We'll let the others on this forum judge this one.

why don't you judge this statement too. you did so well with the others.

In closing, I did not insult you sir in my post that you quoted me from, not at all. You're screen name only came up when I asked if you'd feel the same way if the victims were your grandprents AND I NOTICED THAT'S THE ONLY QUESTION YOU DID NOT ANSWER! There was no need of that type of response to my post from you, just reread my original and you tell me where I had insulted you!
given the fact that didn't happen to my grandparents, i really couldn't respond. i don't know how i would act. would you like for me to speculate?

i never said you did insult me.[/QUOTE]

Look, I have no idea on some of the things you're talking about as I never said our systems are the same. I am perfectly happy with mine, for you see, in my occupation, I can't afford to 'play patty cake' with the people I deal with nor would I anyway. You like to preach it, from your own words as 'violence', I look at it as 'controlled aggression and self defense', I am not playing semantics either. I deal with reality and it's reality that I draw my opinions, viewpoints and training from sir. I simply expressed my opinion and it was not toward you, yet your reaction was one of hostility. This tells me something about your instructor, for the student usually reflects the teachings and philosophies of those who teach him, the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree. In this case, Mitose-Lee and Lee-You. I think we've reached the point of 'beating a dead horse'. We have our opinions here and you have yours. You were angered at my opinion, you shouldn't have been and I was angered back at your response. Perhaps, I should have ignored and showed more maturity considering the source but then again there is also an old saying 'to catch a rat, sometimes you have to jump in the gutter', well, unfortunately, I just got myself dirty. Goodby!

PS: Don't make assumptions. I said I was a catholic but did I say I was a practicing catholic?
Jeff Boler said:
I chose to get out of an associaton the supports a convicted murderer, you chose to stay and support him.
well, you better get out of the arts all together. no wait your art is "new" and has been around how long? 10-15 years? j/k

anyway, i hear you and like i said before...fine. nobody said you had to support anything.

all the best in your training and growth.
"from a pure ma prespective he's the prime candidate and is living proof that the system works in the worst environment."
Okay, I fully believe that Lee was able to "Master" in only seven short weeks, the skills required to murder an old man and beat up an old woman. That's not exactly what I would call the "Worst environment" when thinking of the reason for developing MA skills...but to each his own. Has he taught you the Old Woman beating techniques yet?
It did not take much of a search to turn up Hassan along side many greats as being a recognized Grandmaster by the HMAIS. Could it be the he really was issued a master cert. by Mitose? Pro. Joe, do you know?

Also at the bottom of his profile he thanks his instructors and lists Terry Lee as one of them.
Danjo said:
"from a pure ma prespective he's the prime candidate and is living proof that the system works in the worst environment."
Okay, I fully believe that Lee was able to "Master" in only seven short weeks, the skills required to murder an old man and beat up an old woman. That's not exactly what I would call the "Worst environment" when thinking of the reason for developing MA skills...but to each his own. Has he taught you the Old Woman beating techniques yet?
you should sit back, drink alcohol and pursue other fun human activities.
Tell us, o knowing one, who knows the real truth behind all. Who are you? Impress us with your knowledge and background. Show us where we are wrong, rather than just saying we are. If your instructor did more than study for 7 weeks, kill an old man, beat up his old wife and get passed around a cell block in order to gain his Master status, tell us about it. We'd really like to know.
koga ha said:
actually, i'm not the same religion. i just haven't been eating the crap off the same plate as you.

big and many others translated his name into leopard, panther, kitty cat assassan. and your point is?

actually, we have "authorities", doctors, professors, etc. in class.

"...a cult devotion..." spooky! :anic:
Hi Koga Ha,

Could you give us some information as to what his name would be correctly interpreted as? I have also read that it could be "Leopard,keeper of the gate"??

I did know that Nimr Hassan had a pretty impressive record as an athlete and US Marine, He was also supposed to be very good at Martial Arts. I was told that by Hanshi Bruce Juchnik.

I have talked to persons who have been on the same mat with your instructor and have said he was skilled and also knew James Mitose's art. For a skilled Martial Artist it is not hard to learn and negotiate forms. Also he had the ability to be with James for many hours during that time, prior to the crime.

GGM Thomas B Mitose during his time and with Hanshi Bruce, decided not to acknowledge (Terry Lee) Nimr Hassan. It was his decision as the 22 GGM. They were together for 10 years time and then parted.

If you could be a little more informative and not combative maybe we could all learn some more about your instructor...

Regards, Gary
akja said:
It did not take much of a search to turn up Hassan along side many greats as being a recognized Grandmaster by the HMAIS. Could it be the he really was issued a master cert. by Mitose? Pro. Joe, do you know?

Also at the bottom of his profile he thanks his instructors and lists Terry Lee as one of them.

akja, I have bowed out of this topic for reasons I have given in my last post but out of the respect I have for you, I will answer your question. I do not know of any master's certificate given to Lee by Mitose, but it seems according to the latest interview from Gm. Thomas Mitose that he may have given them out indiscriminately. I have also heard this before. Again, perhaps John can shed more light on this for he knows much about this case. As far as this: Also at the bottom of his profile he thanks his instructors and lists Terry Lee as one of them.[/QUOTE]
I was initially perplexed at that one also but then again he did put an initial 'A' , Terry A. Lee, so is it possible that is the real name of a relative, perhaps his father, an uncle, his grandfather? It seems like Nimar likes to talk in 'riddles' just like his 'master', lol, or just play games, who knows with this guy? Take care, my friend, "Joe"
Karazenpo said:
akja, I have bowed out of this topic for reasons I have given in my last post but out of the respect I have for you, I will answer your question. I do not know of any master's certificate given to Lee by Mitose, but it seems according to the latest interview from Gm. Thomas Mitose that he may have given them out indiscriminately. I have also heard this before. Again, perhaps John can shed more light on this for he knows much about this case. As far as this: Also at the bottom of his profile he thanks his instructors and lists Terry Lee as one of them
I was initially perplexed at that one also but then again he did put an initial 'A' , Terry A. Lee, so is it possible that is the real name of a relative, perhaps his father, an uncle, his grandfather? It seems like Nimar likes to talk in 'riddles' just like his 'master', lol, or just play games, who knows with this guy? Take care, my friend, "Joe"

The world can be a funny place at times. I think Thomas has been asked the same questions, so many times that he feels bad about the way his father "went about." Thomas and Mark live very close to me. I'm sure Marks "cup is only half full" 'cause I know where he's getting his ground game from.

It's a shame that they have to live what was destined destined by James.
Take care my friend, Jim :asian:
akja said:
The world can be a funny place at times. I think Thomas has been asked the same questions, so many times that he feels bad about the way his father "went about." Thomas and Mark live very close to me. I'm sure Marks "cup is only half full" 'cause I know where he's getting his ground game from.

It's a shame that they have to live what was destined destined by James.
Take care my friend, Jim :asian:

Thanks, Jim. Take care & be safe my brother, "Joe"

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