Self Promotions

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Something similar here regarding O.J. and Terry Lee, Same attorney, same defense. Bigotry and human rights issues boil down to the same on these.

Both innocent or taken advantage of by person or persons known or unknown

Of course this is a attempt at irony/else we're to believe that OJ is innocent??

Hi all,

Self promotions have been around for a very long time in martial arts. People break away and start their own agenda. If it was not this way, it would stagnate and probably have more verbal wars then we have now.

Some are leaders and some are followers, it has been this way for a very long time.
Have you noticed that in the arts very few are left with the throne, (belt) and even then you still have chaos.

It reminds me of history regarding the rise and fall of empires. Must be the inherent quality of man.

Brutus comes to mind...

Regards, Gary
The Kai said:
Something similar here regarding O.J. and Terry Lee, Same attorney, same defense. Bigotry and human rights issues boil down to the same on these.

Both innocent or taken advantage of by person or persons known or unknown.

Of course this is a attempt at irony/else we're to believe that OJ is innocent??


There is a fellow LAPD that was involved in the O. J. case that I am going to drop a dime on, that is a terrific investigator.

He has also done some other investigative work that came to rise in recent years about the murder of a young girl back east. Got a lot of publicity.

I am not so sure there is enough money in this to warrant his proven ability, but what the heck, it is only a dime of my time..

I have his book " Murder in Brentwood" you ought to read it.

That is another case where I know a lot of the players.
Plus I have talked about it with them quite extensivly.

Pretty interesting and and pretty tangled also.

All is not what it seems in black and white...Reminds me of newspapers and there ability to construe the truth.

Of course none of it has to do with money, fame and corruption of the truth.

Regards, Gary
So Oj is really out there scouring all the golf courses in the kland looking for the real killers?

To "back it up on the mat" can be hard in some martial arts. I do grappling so to test my skill someone only has to spar with me and see, and I get challenged a lot. (its funny too because in BJJ, I dont even have my blue belt!)it can also get difficult to prove your technique in,say, forms. every lineage, and even different teachers from the same lineage do things differently. IMO, if people like your stuff and follow your lead, thats all that matters right? even if some people ignore your very existence.....?

koga ha said:
interesting comments...

you have voiced your half truths, but in short time the whole truth will be known.

Half truths? Perhaps you can explain which half-truth you are referring to. It's already been stated that Hassan spent less than 7 weeks with Mitose, and I was a student of Durbin when he met Hassan.

That being stated, what half-truth?
I have been invloved in the MA for over 30yrs and haven't recieved

a BB or "degree" in well over 20yrs.
I have total respect to those who stay dedicate to thier art and recieve these awards...without them...we wouldn't have what we have now.
Unfortunately...I can't progress any further in rank because I'm not on any "register".
I have a wealth of knowledge that I acquired by getting up off my butt and achieving myself! I have traveled ALOT in my life and never had a chance to stay anywhere long enuff to get a BB since the age of 16, but I have managed to train in something everywhere I have ever gone.
I teach,I have done seminars and I can hold my own in almost any conversation and demonstration as well as application due to the fact I STILL study.
I do NOT pretend to know everything and make no bones about it.
But by God..I know more than a lot of people out there!
But now...due to politics, I can't get any further than 1st dan in the w.a.k.o/a.m.a because I don't have anyone from my "past" to varify my qualifications.
Some say I "self propmoted",but I proved myself to 4 other BB's in the same organisations through sharing what I have learned and proving what I know in a period of over 2yrs.
I would also add...I have been in the security industry for over 20yrs,including bouncing and event organisation in a couple of different countries.
I even ended up doing a seminar or 2 for THIER BB's in self-defense tactics!
BUT, now, I can't go any further cause no one knows what "style" to test me on and to be honest,I only want to go further for the benefits of my students...not myself.
While we're at it....
any suggestions?
Well, in my professional and personal opinion, O.J. is as guilty as you can get, I would never take my kids to Michael Jackson's 'Neverland' estate for a weekend, I wouldn't trust Terry Lee with my grandmother & grandfather (especially after the beating he gave that eldery woman, not to mention the murder of her husband) and I certainly wouldn't buy a used car from James M. Mitose, other than all that, I agree totally............

PS: This has nothing to do with your postings, Bammx2, just my feelings on the Mitose/Lee Murder, Extortion and Conspiracy findings.
Karazenpo said:
Well, in my professional and personal opinion, O.J. is as guilty as you can get, I would never take my kids to Michael Jackson's 'Neverland' estate for a weekend, I wouldn't trust Terry Lee with my grandmother & grandfather (especially after the beating he gave that eldery woman, not to mention the murder of her husband) and I certainly wouldn't buy a used car from James M. Mitose, other than all that, I agree totally............

Hi Joe,

As I have said many times I agree with you...

How is the get together going, I hope you have a good turnout and that the weather is not to bad.

Hanshi was in New Hampshire for the week-end. Likes the weather here in wet California over your nothern area.

Regards, Gary
Hi Bammx2,

You are in a situation that is only important to you at this time. As for your students I am sure if they feel you have what they want they will stick.

It sounds like the time to promote ones self has come. Or not..The decision is yours...

Not everyone is going to be satisfied so you have to satisfy yourself...

That is my thought, based on what you have said on the post I just read.

Take a bucket, fill it with water, place your hand into it up to your wrist.
Now take your hand out of the bucket, the hole that remains is the amount you will be missed.

Hope this helps...

Kai, I had to do it, I havn't said a riddle in awhile...The last I heard O.J.'s golf game has gone to hell, guess he will find it when he gets there.
Regards, Gary
GAB said:
Karazenpo said:
Well, in my professional and personal opinion, O.J. is as guilty as you can get, I would never take my kids to Michael Jackson's 'Neverland' estate for a weekend, I wouldn't trust Terry Lee with my grandmother & grandfather (especially after the beating he gave that eldery woman, not to mention the murder of her husband) and I certainly wouldn't buy a used car from James M. Mitose, other than all that, I agree totally............

Hi Joe,

As I have said many times I agree with you...

How is the get together going, I hope you have a good turnout and that the weather is not to bad.

Hanshi was in New Hampshire for the week-end. Likes the weather here in wet California over your nothern area.

Regards, Gary

Thanks, Gary. The weather is horrible out here. We had a Nor'easterner that dumped about 26 to 30 inches of snow last weekend and today we're still being hit with 5-8 inches and still going. The NC Legacy Memorial is this Saturday and hopefully mother nature won't have any surprises for us. I'll let you know. Take care & be safe, Joe

PS: Remember Gary, I always have and will give James M. Mitose full credit fro his place in our Kenpo/Kempo/Kajukenbo lineage but as far as his character goes, well, to bad he wasn't like his son, Thomas, then we wouldn't be having this discussion. As far as Terry Lee goes, well, he can burn in hell for what he did!

Thanks for your response and advice.
I guess my problem now is not just for me...I'm happy with what I have done and where I'm at.
It's actually for my students. There are some I do know want to be "officially" recognised for what they have achieved so they can continue on.
The only problem is....I'm a little to honest and fell rather froggy with self-promotion. It's that southern humbleness in me!
Thank you again:asian:
Let me say this about Durbin. I have no problem with Durbin whatsoever. Due to his religious convictions, he decided that he should give Hassan a second chance, and they have remained good friends until this day. I have no problem with that whatsoever. I left Durbin because I felt the truth behind the story was somewhat concealed for many years. I didn't learn of Hassan's true identity from somone inside the ryu, I learned from someone on the internet.

That being said, I have, and will continue to have, a problem with a convicted murderer teaching martial arts. Although I understand that Hassan has done some great things for his community, that does not make up for past crimes. And the fact that he trained with someone less than seven weeks, leaves me with a great many questions as to why he would call himself a hanshi, shihan, or even sensei for that matter.
Kinda like Durbin himself with his grandious claims, both of them are good at making up history to suit thier needs

Jeff Boler said:
Let me say this about Durbin. I have no problem with Durbin whatsoever. Due to his religious convictions, he decided that he should give Hassan a second chance, and they have remained good friends until this day. I have no problem with that whatsoever. I left Durbin because I felt the truth behind the story was somewhat concealed for many years. I didn't learn of Hassan's true identity from somone inside the ryu, I learned from someone on the internet.

That being said, I have, and will continue to have, a problem with a convicted murderer teaching martial arts. Although I understand that Hassan has done some great things for his community, that does not make up for past crimes. And the fact that he trained with someone less than seven weeks, leaves me with a great many questions as to why he would call himself a hanshi, shihan, or even sensei for that matter.
You know, I read that in Europe there is a tradition that when one fails publicly and brings disgrace on one's self and family, that the person tends to retire from public life and devote his or her time to charity in a low-key almost invisible way. They shun the limelight and are essentially never heard from again. If the system released Terry Lee, then they released him. However, for this guy to continue to seek the limelight and teach publicly is digraceful to put it mildly. Of course, if he wants to be true to the Japanese heritage of Mitose etc., he could always take the Japanese method of dealing with personal disgrace ;)
koga ha said:
from the net, well it must be true...:lol:

That's a great dodge tactic. Unfortunately for you, you didn't come up with anything stating otherwise.

Yes, I learned of Hassan's real identity from a few people on the net, one being Bruce Juchnik. Others have stepped up to the plate as well.

So feel free to continue your "One-line" sarcastic responses. Yet while you sit there laughing, with only the ability to come up with these type of posts, you remain the student of a convicted murderer. How does that make you feel?
Jeff Boler said:
That's a great dodge tactic. Unfortunately for you, you didn't come up with anything stating otherwise.

Yes, I learned of Hassan's real identity from a few people on the net, one being Bruce Juchnik. Others have stepped up to the plate as well.

So feel free to continue your "One-line" sarcastic responses. Yet while you sit there laughing, with only the ability to come up with these type of posts, you remain the student of a convicted murderer. How does that make you feel?
juchnik...:lol: this keeps getting better and better.

i'm a student, so you tell me.

Is your attempts to be cryptic a convient way to hide something. If you got something to say, well say it-No "Hints", riddles or half comments
I think that might make for easier conversation
later Ko

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