Karazenpo said:
A year is giving him a lot of credit, Jeff. I believe Sigung John Bishop once posted that Terry Lee (Hassan) studied under Mitose for about four weeks. I'm sure John will comment when he reads this.
Hi Joe,
There is such a complete package of misinformation and confusion that it is hard to really get to the bottom of the controversy of Terry Lee and his association with Mitose.
Lets take for example the idea that James Mitose brainwashed Terry Lee.
OK, How long does it take to brainwash another human being?
The person is learning your technique and forms for a couple of days and the other days of the week you have him in a vat of warm water suspended with no light and no communication to disorient him??? (much sarcasm here)....
There is quite a bit of information that he passed on to Hanshi Bruce, as in a couple of forms that he learned from Mitose.
Maybe he really did not kill and attempt to kill these persons, he plea bargined with his attorney Johnny Cochran as his mouthpiece.
Something similar here regarding O.J. and Terry Lee, Same attorney, same defense. Bigotry and human rights issues boil down to the same on these.
Both innocent or taken advantage of by person or persons known or unknown.
Hardly anyone seems to remember that James, his wife and his son were all charged with the same crime.
Because of his own antics and display to the court and jurors, they were so angry they only convicted James on the crime. The man should have been given an oscar for his performance to lead the case away from his family.
I understand there are several books in the works as we speak about this whole sordid affair. And maybe a documentary that has not been completed or maybe even started other then a few cursory investigations...
Some know that part of the plea bargin for Terry Lee, is he could not talk about his part in this, so... WE all speculate and have our agendas....
Regards, Gary