Grandmaster/Datu Hartman Promotion Questions

All I can say and not speaking for Tim, is that Manong (GM) Ted Buot does nto give out certificates or rank in his Balintawak. It is up to each person to make it their own and to prove to others that they have it.

I do know he told some they could create study groups.

I do know that he told some to teach the art as they were taught. I was one of them. I did not think it was my place to questions the others to that studied to see which ones were on the list to teach.

Hopefully this coming from me on teh Balintawak issue will answer your question there. Or Tim can reply as well, as he is a big boy.

Thank you Mr. Parsons. That is an answer I can appreciate.

2 - Correct me if this is wrong.
You have a GrandMaster title and 9th dan in Kombatan
You have a 9th dan from your organization
You have a Datu title and 6th dan from Remy Presas in Modern Arnis
You have a Master Instructor rank in Bando Stick Fighting from Gyi.
That's right.

3 - Who taught you Kombatan?
My first lessons came from GGM Ernesto and the rest from GM Manglinong.
So, any plans to renounce your Datu title?
Bong renounced his years ago, and Kelly just now.

What do you say to those who claim "Datu Hartman only
features and promotes himself."? Even I can look at your organization news and events and see that's not true. But still, some are saying that.
A little side note here:

I met Professor Moore, whom I believe was the founder and president of The World Martial Arts Hall Of Fame, back in 2002. After talking with him for an extended period of time and having expressed myself to him on my thought on the martial arts, rank, etc. he asked if I would sit on the board that viewed applicants testing for sokeship, the title of professor, GM, etc. Now I did not claim to be the head of the system I represent nor did I claim any other wild outrageous titles that would make me equal in rank or above those I was to view, but I was still asked to sit on the board and to make sure those coming before it had actual knowledge and had done something unique to deserve being called the head of a system they had created.
I declined the offer because after watching some of the members (at that time) strut around like they where gods, belittling anyone who was not wearing a ten inch gold tip on their belts and after watching a few of these “sokes” demonstrate their stuff while telling everyone how great they where and how much better what the did was than anyone else’s.
I do hope that the quality of those on the board today has improved and that those doing the testing today are more tolerant of those that are still studying and learning the arts.

As for excepting rank, title, etc. from your own student, or giving one self a higher rank, it depends on many things. Has your organization room to grow in rank if you do not do this? Why are you doing do or why are they giving you this rank?
As for excepting rank from an organization such as The World Martial Arts hall of Fame, again it has many as many answers as questions.

It all breaks down to what you as an individual wants, needs, etc. If it is something you want to do why not.

Only time will verify if what you do deserves the title you hold.

As for Tim accepting rank in Kombatan, I am sure that GM Ernesto is better qualified to judge whom he awards rank to than I am.

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