Not in the least MJS. And the topic hasn't been de-railed, I kept it on track, even in the quote you gave. We should make a distinction between sparring and survival when it comes to which techniques we employ. I don't mind punching in point sparring, but in survival I'd switch to using my palm. I'm going to defend myself when its warranted, or would you advise me to... not defend myself on a public board when people are posting in a way detrimental to my view?
A forum is to discuss, and that requires alternate views. I notice you focusing on my post, but not those that proceeded it, which warranted me pursuing that thread of discussion further. It takes two to dance, if you get my drift. You won't see me being defensive when I'm on the initiative, so if you're going to lament my posts becoming tangents, well... No one could say the thread hijacked. I've found, on theology boards especially, that when speaking about God, sometimes you also have to talk about the devil. No matter what's been said, the convo always comes back to the question in the PM. Fist? Or palm? In regards to self-defense.
Not sure who you're quoting here, but I know it wasn't me. However, since you mentioned my name, I'll comment.

When I see underbelts able to execute it, it is a trick, nothing more. I consider it in the same class as kicking an apple off a sword- sure, it takes great flexibility, accuracy, and skill to execute... but it's still a trick designed to wow children and get people to join at demonstrations. A magician operates based off technique, skill, and degree of deception- that doesn't make it any less a skill, or a trick. I am not privy to any 'secrets', that I know of, and I am apologetic if I come off as appearing to claim to be so. But I haven't... so... it's moot.
Exactly...underbelts...people who probably dont know what they're doing. Interestingly enough, I had a guy who trained WC, do the 1in punch on me. He didn't do it hard, but hard enough to show me what he was talking about. I can assure you it was no trick. I stumbled back.
I do not think anyone lets people just wail on them, unless seriously averse toward violence. But you neglect my own statements that when pursued, as is almost always the case, it is not hard to back up and keep them running in circles. Literally. Given enough space I could probably back up the course of a football field, and keep kicking the whole way. Would you honestly purse me that far? And meanwhile, what can they do? Have you ever tried running and kicking simultaneously? Try it next time you go running. Most end up punching as they advance, losing a lot of reason in the pursuit of landing something. And as they punch, I'll happily kick their arms until the sky turns black from blue.
My point isn't that I'm awesome, or even very good. Anybody who does WTF TKD will know what I'm talking about. It's a fairly common, and basic tactic to use when it comes to kicking- retreat, keeping distance far enough to still land, but outside their immediate reach. Their kicks fail because you constantly move back. The only trick is retaining cardio to pull it off. And not get tackled. I did it with a wrestler once who was a linebacker and it didn't work out very well. My point is merely to give a tactic I have used, in response to your claim that opening by hitting the arms does not work. Sometimes, then you move to another strategy, and when that doesn't work, you move to the next, and the next, until either you are beaten or they. You know this. The only person whose guard you can't find the opening into... is the person who will defeat you... logically.
The point comes full circle- I'm not sure I can break a bone adequately with a punch. Probably, but it is without certainty. Perhaps I am miseducated, but I imagine 3 one inch slabs to be around the durability of a bone. I am certain however, that a full force palm strike will break most bones it comes into contact with. Are there any strikes you know if landed would get you put in prison for life for excessive force? That you do not execute, because of that risk of injury or death if you did execute it with 100% power and intent and speed. The palm strike is one for me, and hence is why I favor it over the fist.
I've given my 2 cents regardless; between palm and fist, I'd side with the former.
One of the things that I'd work on during my private sparring sessions with one of my old Kenpo teachers, was cutting off the ring. In other words, we'd work footwork and various drills, on the guy who was backing up, cutting them off, limiting their movement, so they'd basically be stuck in the corner. I'm not saying backing up is bad, but ya have to work angles.
As for kicking while moving back...I'm assuming you're talking about multiple kicks without putting the leg down, while you're moving back. Am I correct? If so, eventually power will start to decrease. It wouldn't be hard for someone to use timing, move in, jam your leg, and well, the rest is
As for breaking boards, bones, etc. I am sure that you know the difference between the 2, right? Please tell me that you're honestly not comparing breaking boards to bones. Please tell me thats not what you're saying. We have had people on here, talking about the correct angle and how its not as hard as it seems. Hell, Dirty Dog is in the medical field. I'm sure he could vouch for this.
Anyways...lets get back to the discussion on palms vs. open hands.