Not really going anywhere with it. Just your phrase "people have their own reasons to believe" struck me as a very self-evident statement; people aren't going to believe what they believe because of my reasons, but only their own.
Although, as I typed out the response, it occurred to me that many, perhaps, do not know why they believe what they believe. We have had the discussions before about an individual behaving one way, or another, simply because his parents behaved that way. This is often evident in religion and politics, isn't it?
But, that being said ... proof and faith really can't co-exist, can they? If you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain "be thou removed", but I don't see the need to change any of my topo maps too often.
Despite the geological stability, I know that those of faith need no additional evidence of a supreme power to believe as strongly as they would in the refraction of light through a prism. Additionally, I would never ask a believe to stop believing based on my understanding.
We all come to our beliefs through our own experiences, which, is what you said, which, is so obvious that sometimes, it needs to be said. ... you see?
wow .. those are some pretty confusing sentences ... did I write all that .. .geesh.
Although, as I typed out the response, it occurred to me that many, perhaps, do not know why they believe what they believe. We have had the discussions before about an individual behaving one way, or another, simply because his parents behaved that way. This is often evident in religion and politics, isn't it?
But, that being said ... proof and faith really can't co-exist, can they? If you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain "be thou removed", but I don't see the need to change any of my topo maps too often.
Despite the geological stability, I know that those of faith need no additional evidence of a supreme power to believe as strongly as they would in the refraction of light through a prism. Additionally, I would never ask a believe to stop believing based on my understanding.
We all come to our beliefs through our own experiences, which, is what you said, which, is so obvious that sometimes, it needs to be said. ... you see?
wow .. those are some pretty confusing sentences ... did I write all that .. .geesh.