Ok, as you request I'll give you this one last point before I go my friend...
...Everything else you have written I am ignoring, as you are simply picking and chosing words out of context to try to argue... it would be a waste of my time ..
However this last statment you made disturbs me, and it is only due to my concern for you that I am returning to respond, despite my previous statement of departure...
michaeledward said:
So one last thing before you go ....
I am a born again Christian. I am "Saved". I have served in my Catholic Church. I have served in an Assemblies of God Church. I have served in a music ministry in my youth.
...in this thread, You have been arguing against the existance of God, especially the God of the Bible... belief in the bible and the statements of Jesus Christ being the ONLY way, and the inerrancy of the Bible and literal translation of the Bible as Gods Word... and then out of the blue make such a stunning contradictory statement above in an attempt to strengthen your position...
However, and please pay close attention those of you out there truly wondering what a "real" Christian is...
...you are most definitely NOT a Born Again Christian my friend... read the bible for yourself to see what Jesus teaches about this, not your own version (and by bible I mean one such as the New King James, not the Holy See's version or the Catholic Catechism)...
2 things...
...first of all my friend, this statement you made displays your complete lack of knowledge and total ignorance of biblical Christianity (read your bible to find out more)... so how can you debate it?
The Catholic church is an Apostate church that does not adhere to the teachings of the bible, and in fact adds to and detracts from the teachings of God... something which God strictly warns us not to do (read your bible to find out more...ie: Revelations)...
If you truly knew the bible...you would know that you are not saved by your works... so if you are assuming your salvation by what you have done, or your "works"... (ie: catholic church attendance, choir etc..) then you are not saved as you declared above...
...second point my friend... I reiterate that you are MOST DEFINITELY NOT SAVED... and I say this not from my own personal opinion.. but from the authority of the bible itself...
You state that you are "saved"... and then continue to describe your disbelief in the very God whom you believe has "saved" you... (HUH???!?!?!?!?!)
If you were truly saved, you would be filled with the Holy Ghost, and believe wholeheartedly in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour... you Would KNOW that Salvation is ONLY through Jesus Christ, and KNOW that God DOES exist, and that your existance is based solely on Him...
How can you therefore attempt to argue me or anyone else on this point, when you dont have the first clue as to what the bible teaches?
Quoting scripture verses out of context, or partial clips of my statements out of context in a post, does not support your case against Christianity, when you so obviously have no idea what it teaches!!!
You have truly astounded me my friend, and I THANK you for your last post to me, as you have only served to completely reinforce the very reasons I stated previously, as to why we get tired of having these assinine debates with people who come completely unprepared with concrete facts outside their own opinions, based on nothing more than their own flawed humanistic theories of modern morality??? (as did the person who for calls me an *** and hypocrite for stating my beliefs, when I have said nothing in this thread that contradicts my faith thereby making me a hypocrit)... so Not only did you and you "***" calling associate do this in front of all to see, but you both highlighted again why bible believing Christians do tire of the endless mind-numbing barrage of unsubstantiated and rehashed arguments used and ranted against Jesus and the Bible, and those of us who believe in Him and the inerrancy of the Bible.
3 years ago I was an atheist... no.. I was a "devout" atheist (dare I use that word in that context???)... I was oblivious to the Truth just as you and a number of others on this thread are.... I've used and heard all the same old tired arguments you have in your pocket and believe ridicule, undermine, or weaken our faith and arguments in sort of said faith....
But now I am SAVED... by the Grace of God the Father, and through Faith in my Lord and King, Jesus Christ...now I know the Truth... and can still love you and "***" man, despite our differences and "***" mans juvenile comments.
I thank you again my friend, as I walk away shaking my head and smiling at your lastest supporting arguments...
My heart is truly heavy and saddened by your loss, and I truly hope you can find the God that wants to save you... truly Mike...
Jesus loves you my friend, as do all of us, and I hope we meet in Heaven one day...
Your friend...