religious eclecticism

Going out on a limb with several hairline cracks here ... and I invite mod intervention if you feel it's warranted. I discovered that aspect of Judaism when watching a movie called The Believer. It's a very ugly film about a nice Jewish boy who breaks so far away from his childhood faith that he becomes a violent neo-nazi. There's a scene where he browses in a Jewish bookstore looking at volume after volume of ancient law and discussion dismissing it all as "stupid." Reading over his shoulder as a member of the audience, I was deeply touched at the level of sincerity and devotion that went into such a deep analysis of scripture.

(If you want a first-rate exploration of the politics and psychology of hate, this movie would be it. It was very hard for me to stomach as a person of conscience. Not for children.)

At any rate, I'm eclectic myself. I count myself a Unitarian-Wiccan-Buddhist. The shift from mainline Protestant started as teenage rebellion when I attended a local UU church. Once I was there, it felt like Home. Then in college, Wicca reached out to me. It's a long story and I won't bore people here with it ... but we had a campus group and I became very active. For a while we even had a prison ministry for a tiny group of inmates at a federal facility. That was quite the experience - it was really gratifying to reach out to people in need like that, but I don't think the prison environment is for me. Way too much angst.

After college, I went through a period of great stress in my life. It's the classic conversion scenario - I called out to the Universe for help. Kwan Yin walked into my living room, handed me a gift, and disappeared with a poof. I found out later that having visions is a very un-Buddhist thing, but no matter. It did its job by pulling me through.

There are some points where the three faiths contradict each other, but I consider it a bonus because it forces me to think critically. What would ___ do? :uhyeah: Also, to me a major definition of faith it that it has the power (grace?) to transcend reason. My primary allegience shifts back and forth from one path to another depending on what's happening in my life. I've been predominantly Buddhist lately because there are several excellent sanghas in my city, but the nearest coven requires a small road trip. There's a UU church within walking distance, but this particular one doesn't really speak to me. I make the trip for the major Sabbats though. It's also fun to have that many more holidays. Just that many more excuses to party. :)

Flea that was a good post!
I think the problem is that children when they rebel often go to the opposite extreme of what parents believe in, children brought up in a Christain house go all goth to annoy their parents etc.
In Judaism we do have a long tradition of the anti Semitic Jew, the Jew hating Jew. I think it may be a complex psychological conundrum but I have certainly known of it. There's Jews who are ashamed of being Jews, perhaps a throwback to being treated as second class or non human? It could be that we think too much. I'm not sure why really.

I like the idea of Wicca, I'm happy in my religion but do like the ones where nature etc is honoured, I have no problem with others religions, it's like petrol ( gas to you lot lol) different brands but they all do the same job. If I were Christian I'd be drawn to the Quakers, (The Society of Friends) I like their quietness, the looking for the small still voice inside and I admire their stance on pacifism immensely, they won't fight but will act as medics etc. They have done tremendous good in this country as well as others for all the people without preaching. I regard them probably as the best sort of Christian as well as being outstanding humanitarians.

"V - A Discordian is Prohibited of Believing what he reads."


if i may sidetrack my own thread (& i can), i conducted a discordian experiment today. when i went to work, there was a pile of boxes with the label "trash" on it. this label helped me make a great deal of sense of a rather disorderly pile. so i thought it would be helpful if i labeled everything in the office. "desk" "chair" "door" "printer", on & on. i'm interested in seeing if my attempt to order things actually imposes greater confusion.

this is, by far, the most fun religion i've examined.

Oh yeah, on the subject of eclectic religions. What about Baha'i?

What would you like to know? I'm a Baha'i, and basically believe that most of the major world religions come from the same source, different parts of one religion revealed over time to aid in man's growth. We believe the difference you see in most religions come from either social teachings that were meant for a specific time and place, or from the interpretions of men, and that the essential message and teachings don't vary much.
What would you like to know? I'm a Baha'i, and basically believe that most of the major world religions come from the same source, different parts of one religion revealed over time to aid in man's growth. We believe the difference you see in most religions come from either social teachings that were meant for a specific time and place, or from the interpretions of men, and that the essential message and teachings don't vary much.

Mmm I like that!
What would you like to know? I'm a Baha'i, and basically believe that most of the major world religions come from the same source, different parts of one religion revealed over time to aid in man's growth. We believe the difference you see in most religions come from either social teachings that were meant for a specific time and place, or from the interpretions of men, and that the essential message and teachings don't vary much.

Interesting....of everyone I've met with a religious description yours has come closest( but not identical) to what I already believe on an instinctive level....hmm.
i've given it a quick looksee before, but i didn't mention it since bob is really just an eristic avatar. or the consort of discordia. or possibly a man who over did the botox. i can't remember.


Be careful there, you risk the stark fist of removal! :rofl:
You understand I have to keep that phrase now, right?:D

The Stark Fist of Removal is the SubGenius Newsletter! It was first described thusly:
Caution! Warning! Disclaimer!

Because the SubGenius inner mysteries, dark rites, abhorrent
rituals, loathsome secrets and repugnant initiations reach into the
so-called "evil" and "conspiratorial" realms as well as the ordinary,
unforbidden sciences and magicks, they must never be allowed to fall
into the wrong hands. There are some things Man was not meant to own,
especially Regular Man; while the use of SubGenius concepts and tools
may be informative, amusing, and effective in gaining Something for
I therefore swear that I am at least 18 years of age and,
furthermore, that I will keep private all reading matter, taped
discourses, graven images, and other cult secrets. If I do not uphold
this ancient trust I am prepared to meet the Stark Fist of Removal

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