MT pages slow/freezing

Gerry Seymour

MT Moderator
Staff member
Supporting Member
Mar 27, 2012
Reaction score
Hendersonville, NC
For the last few days, I've noticed that MT pages will suddenly "pause" while I'm using them. It seems randomly intermittent. I experience it as I'm typing: the flow of letters will stop, the cursor stops blinking, and I wait a bit (from one second to maybe 20), and the typing flows again, filling in whatever I typed while it was paused.

This is occasionally severe enough that Chrome sees the page as frozen and offers the "Kill/Wait" option.

This seems to only occur on MT. Is anyone else seeing this? Any ideas what's causing it?
Ah! You too then. I thought it was me or that MT were 'punishing' me. again.
As you type, the page is saving a draft of your message on the server so that if you quit and come back on a different machine your draft will still be available to continues typing in that thread.

This process is vulnerable to slowing down and freezing. I thought it was happening to me because I'm working on old computers. but it's possible that the problem is on the server end.
As you type, the page is saving a draft of your message on the server so that if you quit and come back on a different machine your draft will still be available to continues typing in that thread.

This process is vulnerable to slowing down and freezing. I thought it was happening to me because I'm working on old computers. but it's possible that the problem is on the server end.
i was under the impression that the drafts were being saved on the posters PC and not the MT server since the poster had not sent any packet info out. i have this issue but not only on MT but every site i go to, and even during offline use so i figured it was my PC since i haven't done any upkeep/cleaning since i built it.
Are you posting through a VPN or other secure firewall? I know the current SW gives me issues, if I log in with extra layers of security that many work places have in place.
I have noticed a similar slowdown which occurs generally around noon or shortly after, my time. It generally clears up, and because of the regularity I have assumed it's related to server backups or something of that sort.