I think you guys are giving way too much credit to Hartman (Mr. 6th degree black belt in arnis) So what if he is the highest ranked in Modern Arnis? Let me rephrase that. So what if he is the highest ranked in Modern Arnis in the "US"? We should all consider where the art came from. From a ruthless bloodthirsty warrior society in which your skills are tested through where life and death are to be considered. Now from my perspective, America today isn't anything like that, thankfully. Hardly anyone ever issues challenge matches, except some of the Filipinos. Tournament condition comes nowhere near a mortal challenge match. Now Im not saying everyone should issue challenge matches here and there, because those are also full of pride and ego. However I do notice that people tend to focus more on the aesthetic part of the art, I mean, how can you ever use "Tapi-Tapi" in a real-life street fighting condition where your opponent wont honorably fight you.
Most often, you can't. One should consider that the aim of Modern Arnis, like any other martial art, is to provide knowledge for those unable to defend themselves, to be able to defend themselves. Tapi tapi is just basically a set of parrying coordinated techniques.
To Hartman, the fact that the Modern Arnis masters of the Philippines "supposedly" would have knowledge of the original art, does't mean it is inferior (Im sorry to say but that is what you are trying to make it sound). Sorry to tell you but, YES there are people of HIGHER rank than you in Modern Arnis, and we all know its not one of these MOTT and IMAF practitioners. Im sorry to say it too but I bet they can kick your posterior, in teaching and combat. But that doesn't mean your not one of the greatest arnisadors IN AMERICA, I think youre better than Jeff Delaney. A question though, have you ever been to the Philippines? Has anybody ever challenged your knowledge through full contact combat? I'd really like to know.
Now about evolution, it doesnt mean that the art has evolved through GM Presas and his recent students that it would be a better version than the original art. I mean just look at what they are serving, Tapi Tapi for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Tapi Tapi is a wonderful set of techniques to learn, but it alone aint just gonna cut it on a street brawl. C'mon now Timmy, you complain more than anyone that GM Presas hands out belts like lolipops, why should you even give any credit as to what the Art has turned to then? Dont sell yourself too high Timmy, and dont sell the original style too short too. Its all relative, Presas Family, MOTT, WMAA, IMAF, The Art of tapi-tapi, the art of taking my hard-earned money, whatever... etc. etc. etc....