A word from Datu Kelly Worden

  • Thread starter Thread starter Don Rearic
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Just to add to that list of groups, given the ever growing member list, and Datu Hartmans' high visibility, when talking about major players in the MA world, you can't leave out the WMAA.

I've seen many others appear, all but a few seeming to pop up, then fade with only a few members.

Don hit it on the head though....the "preservation" of the Professors art.

To me, that is the key point.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Just to add to that list of groups, given the ever growing member list, and Datu Hartmans' high visibility, when talking about major players in the MA world, you can't leave out the WMAA.

Yes, certainly Mr. Hartman is a major figure in Modern Arnis. I leave the WMAA and also Mr. Worden's organization out of the list because unlike the IMAF, the IMAF, Inc., MARPPIO, and the IADLF, neither Mr. Hartman nor Mr. Worden has yet claimed that they are the true heirs (MARPPIO) or successors (the IMAFs) of the Professor and that they head Modern Arnis (the IMAFs and MARPPIO; the latter may not have made an exclusive claim to headship) or a similar system (the IADLF). They each have their own organizations and teach their own curricula; I know that Mr. Hartman's remains centered around Modern Arnis and that Mr. Worden's grows from Modern Arnis.

So Mr. Hartman, as a datu, the Professor's highest tested black belt, and one who has for a long time been a protege of and highly visible assistant to the Professor, is a major player and so is his organization (of which I am a member); but I do not yet see it as vying for the same position as the IMAFs and MARPPIO, nor breaking fully away and starting a separately-named art like the IADLF.
Ahh... Makes sence to me now. :)
Thanks for clearing it up.
Don't forget that before Datu Hartman started the WMAA he formed and headed the Can-Am chapter of the IMAF at the request of the Professor. Can-Am ran along side the IMAF for years and was an extession of the IMAF, or should I say it was the IMAF with a twist, however Datu Hartman and Can-Am were always Modern Arnis under Professor Presas.
cream will always rise to the top.you guys are missing the big picture here,if your life is that boring that you have to worry about what other people are doing that's pretty sad and that also means you are not focusing on yourself.Just train have fun and let the chips fall where they may,and support who you like. In my time in arnis other than remy i have seen no one spread arnis or get respect from the kenpo communty like tim hartman has.Oh by the way he was doing this while remy was alive and teaching and was consulting with remy on his progress. I have personally heard remy say while eating dinner with him that tim was indeed one of the successors but due to influences that did not happen. the reason they call tim the renegade is because he did things up front,he fought with remy and made up with him and he apparently did not mesh with the motts(thank god for that) i feel remy gave tim his datu title for his commiment to modern arnis and it's spreading globally,his ability and the fact he became his own man unlike the other followers.If you notice all the other datus have become thier own men aswell. i consider tim my teacher but also my brother and friend and support him 100% ,for the record the datu title is just polotics and he has never asked me to call him datu in fact i make fun of it ha.i don't post often but when i do i am generally getting tired of reading the same old crap. just train hard man
so why come in and say cut the crap?

It seems obvious that everything is going fine, it gout a little rough but everything was ironed out and everything is smooth.
Ideas and insights have been exchanged, it is turning to be very productive.

To come in here after everything is going well and say "enough of the crap" seems to stir it up again.


That's just how I see it.

Originally posted by jaybacca72
the fact he became his own man unlike the other followers.If you notice all the other datus have become thier own men aswell. i consider tim my teacher but also my brother and friend and support him 100% ,for the record the datu title is just polotics and he has never asked me to call him datu in fact i make fun of it ha.i don't post often but when i do i am generally getting tired of reading the same old crap. just train hard man

I am glad you wrote this statement because I in my opinion that was the main premise of why the Professor gave the title of DATU to certain individuals. I feel the same way about my DATU, but we have to all remember this forum has started out very controversial and now the powers that be are ironing out their difference. I agree with your thinking, its all politics, but some of the issues mean a lot to the people on this forum, so I think we all need to take time and think about what we write and remember that we have all agreed to disagree, but we all have the right to voice our opinion.
I am not one for politics either, but it works for some. I tend to think more like you "just train hard"..............
Just my two cents..
Hey Jaybacca --

All I have to say is DAMN STRAIGHT BROTHER!!:cheers:

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