Modern Arnis Situation/Succession - Was "A question that needs to be answered"

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I am sorry for this being so late. I hope it's allowed to stay. Kaith, Good work on banning Keil from this site. I read his latest posts and attacks and had to walk away and think about them. When I returned I didn't see any of them so I assume they have been removed as well.
Keil: Who in the H@#$ are you. It really doesn't matter. Clearly you are nothing. another website warrior with the talk. Don't worry about threats, you can come see me anytime!!! I am not hard to find....
DPRESAS, I am sorry for what your family has had to deal with. Idoits like this can only make it that much worse. I hope this will all be strainghtened out soon but I fear It will go on for many years. In the end there are many to learn from and quality survives. The fact that so much discussion and controversy is happening is a testament to the impact certain people have had on martial arts. In my life it has been Dan Inosanto and Primarily Paul Vunak. In these others lives it has been Remy
God Bless
IFAJKD : Thank you. Keils posts were not removed...Check your forum settings, they may be older than you're set up to view. (look in the Control Panel) I try -very- heard not to remove posts, even the controvercial ones.

As to Keil himself, he's gone. It was decided that his return would not be a good thing for the forum as a whole. While I believe he meant well, the way things came across and other events I won't go into here, made it imposible to de-ban him without causing further problems.

The MA situation continues to be interesting, but I'm refraning from comments myself right now due to other matters being more pressing (like my other forum going kaboom during the upgrade :mad: )

Ah well. :)

:armed: Rumors upon rumors. As Gatorade theorized, hypothesized and vocalized, there will probably be more. I can keep things straight from the IMAF,inc. perspective, I'm sure that Everglade or Gatorade or Renegade can keep things straight from the WMAA perspective. What else really matters? :D
There is an announcement on the cover concerning the Professor's passing, and a half-page article inside, in the current issue of Inside Kung-Fu (Dec. 2001). I suspect it was provided to them by someone. It quotes George Dillman.
< mod mode on >

This is in regards to the Banning of Keil. Several others made IMHO worse statements, and were a lot more hot-headed.... The threats of Physical violence for one.

We welcome mature conversation without fear of censorship here. I will not without a -VERY- good reason ever allow for the modification or removal of a members posts. We want this to be the best, friendliest board out there.

We will however not allow the threatening of physcial harm either pulibly, or when informed of it, privately of our members, by our members.

To all involved : Consider this your only warning.

I gave this topic a lot of room, given the large number of issues, and the "heat" level.

As an FYI:
a-blatent disregard for forum rules
b-blatent disrespect for forum members
c-threats of physical harm against someone.
d-repeated complaints about a user by other members (With cause)

will all be considered as grounds for a temporary and/or permanent banning of a user in the future.

This list will probably be modified as we go to include poor behaviour we haven't thought of yet.

Banned users may be allowed to return in certain situations.

Play nice folks, I don't like being a hardass.

< mod mode off>
Like Moe said between the two of us we can keep everyone informed about the two strongest groups at the moment (IMAF & WMAA). It is entertaining to see what some groups are willing to attempt to put themselves above others.
Excuse me Renegade,

I see the orange belt under your name.
Does this 'orange belt' related to a specific
rank in Modern Arnis, or have any other specific
meaning or significance to FMA?

Just curious?


The ranks you see are based soley on the amount of posts a person makes. They have no bearing to any rank in the real world.
maybe it's time to replace the belt explinations for new people.

Now. I apologize for any threats real or perceived. I was hot over what I read. Also quite frankly, surprised as his other posts were very well thought out. It was like a switch was turned. I simply hate seeing people do that and I want to .....I won't say it. But this is the same things that made me want to be a martial artist in the first place.;)

I will cool my jets in future posts. I think. Sorry:argue: :erg: :uhoh:
Our belt ranks are based on the number of posts a member has made...please see for full details.


Originally posted by Rich Parsons
I see the orange belt under your name.
Does this 'orange belt' related to a specific
rank in Modern Arnis, or have any other specific
meaning or significance to FMA?

Just curious?


I'm locking this thread. I think its gone about as far as it can go. I'm spliting off the last few posts to new topics to better let them be explored.

The issues surrounding Keils banning is being disussed by the mods and will be resolved shortly.

Please, post any continuations of the other sub-topics from this thread to new threads so we can mix things up a bit.


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