Modern Arnis Situation/Succession - Was "A question that needs to be answered"

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Will someone please tell me how Jeff Delaney can now call himself "Grandmaster" of Modern Arnis?

To the best of my knowledge, and it was even stated in the press release, that Randi Schea and Jeff Delaney are the CO-SUCCESSORS of the INTERNATIONAL MODERN ARNIS FEDERATION, and nothing and nowhere near any appointment to GRANDMASTER or CO-GRANDMASTER.
I've been in Modern Arnis for a few years and have trained with lots of good people in there. Despite what has transpired over the last few months, I still plan on attending some Arnis camps and seminars, including the one in Chicago later this month. With regard to Jeff Delaney calling himself "Grandmaster and Successor," I have the same reaction. I don't know where he came up with that. I wonder how Dr. Randi Schea feels about that. For Delaney to do that is an insult to Dr. Schea. Should be interesting to see what happens in the next few months as the dust settles.
I think that for Delaney to call himself such, is an insult to the former Grandmaster Presas. I know that there are plenty of self proclaimed grandmasters out there without the skills to back it up like Prof. Presas, but in Delaney's case this is outright outrageous. I truly believe that the cardinal principles of Modern Arnis have been have been ignored by these people. I do believe that his Children will continue his legacy, and personally I'd rather side with them than with all these dirty politics and pretensions.
Due to the machinations and self promotion and to the exclusion of others, I'm not too crazy about Delaney. However, I have a lot of respect for the other Modern Arnis folks. I've seen their skill and they are quite good. Can't say that for Delaney. I have no comment with regard to Remy's children. I've never seen their Modern Arnis skills. It's interesting to note that Remy, to the best of my knowledge, never really spoke of his children taking over Modern Arnis after he died. It's pretty clear to me who he want to continue his legacy of Modern Arnis after his death. Unfortunately, as some have pointed out, politics are getting in the way. I cannot believe that Lori Harwood has gotten herself involved in the picture. A real mess. As individuals, we just have to seek out the Modern Arnis instruction that we feel is best suited for ourselves. If you like Tim Hartman, go with him. If you like Delaney, stick with him. If you like somebody else, train with them.
It seems that Lori Harwood is the domain owner of Modern, however the fact that she has donated it to the Presas Children would be interesting. Maybe some time soon we'd get to see them on the website.
Care to respond to this sticky subject...again? :D


There -used- to be a press release on the IMAF site that spelled out the succession (it's also on here somewhere...). I was just there...can't find it. I did find on the news section about 1 zillion referenced to Grandmaster Delany. Very rarely Co-successor, or co-GM.

Alot of the verbage could be construed as ego stroking....

I am reminded of the Tao...

"Those who know, don't talk.
Those that talk, don't know"


"He who tries to shine
dims his own light/
He who defines himself,
can't know who he really is."

Seems like JD talks a hell of a lot on there, putting himself over. A lot of the "Look at me, I'm the -real- successor." I have'nt seen any comments from Dr. Schea on this (though I honestly didn't dig much).

This "
Renegade" fellow...thats Datu Tim Hartman right? He seems to say enough, then shuts up and lets the silence and his actions speak for him. Smart fellow.
In the recent posting by the IMAF covering the tribute to the Professor this past weekend, it stated that the only person in attendance named in the Professor's hand picked group to lead the organization into the future was Jeff Delaney. If this was the official IMAF tribute where were the motts??? None of them show up. What's with that???
The same sort of thing happened when Ed Parker died and 11 years later it's still a mess. I agree with the guy who said go with the people you like and forget the politics.

As for the Renegade, I like him. It's not secret. He lets his work do the talking for him. He's got better things to do with his time than throw bullsh*t politics around.

It won't stop. You watch. Just do what you're doing and let the players play. Be a mover, not a player.
I'm responding to a request of my opinion.

1. There is no living Grand Master of Modern Arnis at this time. If we are lucky someday we might have someone get to that level of skill, but not at this time.

2. A lot of people have claimed this and that. What do***entation do they have? When I was promoted to my 6th and Datu I received a certificate, did they? I was also promoted at the 2000 Michigan Summer Camp in front of 80+ witnesses. Who witnessed their promotion, each other? I found out with Remy that it was never what he said behind closed doors that mattered, but what he was willing to say and do in public that counted!

3. Lori Harwood. She was one of Remy's girlfriends. She would poke her nose in where it didn't belong and cause more trouble than me. Her whole goal was to make herself the center of attention at any cost! She got promoted based on her sexual skills instead of her martial ones, which she didn't possess. Why is she siding with the Presas family? Because they don't know any better. I feel sorry for them!

4. Where are all the MOTT's? Kenny Smith is hosting a camp later this month and they will also be doing a memorial service for Remy there. Some could not travel to Philly or don't like the host.

5. The unconfirmed hand pick group of MOTT's are in the midst of an IMAF civil war (which I saw coming and contributed to my leaving the group). They have forgotten that there is no I in team.

6. The Presas Family. I've had many long conversations with them. They are troubled with the loss of their father and need some time for the healing process to begin. My prayers are with them and Remy Sr.

7. GM Jeff "Guntang" Delaney. He is a self-center egotistical pompous ***! Just like me except he has no skills to back it up with. Like most of the Modern Arnis Black Belts JD stopped testing after he got his 1st Black Belt. He has been promoted behind closed doors for the rest of his belts(I hope he had knee pads)!

:mad: :confused: :eek: :nuke: :uzi:
Sounds like a hunka-hunka-burning-love guy like me would go far in the IMAF! LOL! I'm cute, loveable, good in bed, (Hey, it's true, I barely ever fall out anymore) and the chicks dig me.:rolleyes:

I'm going to hell for posting this aren't I?:D
Nah..... Can't send our only Blue "belt" to hell....


ok, I Darn you to Heck. :) (Try not to steal the silverware dude)

Looks like renegade has taken off the gloves and preparing for battle. Better throw him some raw meat when you see him just to calm him down. Glad I'm on his side. Lets sit back and watch the sparks fly!!!:cool:
How did you know about the silverware? Have you been talking with the Renegade?

Speaking of the Renegade, I plan on trying to get down to Buffalo on the 24/October to meet up with Big Guy and start some training with the Renegade. Maybe I'll meet some more of you all there.:D
<mod mode on>
I see 3 sides in this....

1 - The Presas family and Ms. Harwood
2 - The IMAF with mr. Delany
3 - The WMAA with Datu Hartman.

All parties are welcome to discuss things here in a civilized manner. Please note, I said civilized. If it turns into an all out flame war, I'll ban the offender so fast their heads will spin.
This is the -only- warning I will give.
</mod mode off>

Sorry to jump in hardass here, but I realize just how ugly this can get, and want to avoid 'issues'. Keep it civil, think twice before hitting "POST" and take a couple of deep breaths.

Thank you. :)
Gou - that was my good plastic, err silverware. Now, either you return it, or I'll have to make you wipe the floor with me when ya pop in to see Renegade. ;)

I'll have to make sure I'm at the school on the 24th.
Mr. Rustaz said
"I see 3 sides in this....

1 - The Presas family and Ms. Harwood
2 - The IMAF with mr. Delany
3 - The WMAA with Datu Hartman. "

I think that the above should read as follows:

1. The Presas family and Ms. Harwood
2. Jeff Delaney
3. The WMAA with Datu Hartman
4. The 6 Motts.

There are 7 Masters of Tapi Tapi designated by the late Prof Presas. It's no secret that 6 of those MOTTs have no love for Mr. Delaney in light of his relentless self promotion. I get the impression that none of the 6 MOTTs attended the Memorial service in Philly this past weekend. The weekend of October 19-21 in Chicago should prove to be very interesting as far as Delaney is concerned.
I had forgotten about them. (I keep thinking of that Apple Juice company for some reason.) :D

I stand corrected. :)

Actually, Kaith, I believe it was apple sauce. :)

This topic could get very...interesting. Especially if we begin to hear remarks from all parties involved. Unfortunately, I doubt anything fruitful would come of it. It seems the battle lines have already been drawn and sides have been chosen.

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