What is Modern Arnis, and where can I find Training?

Yeas I did, and my friend also asked our Trainer, Datu Dieter, but he also didn`t know. So hope Datu Tim can help us
Thanx a lot for the list of schools Datu Hartman!
My friend also send an e-mail to Guro Johan Skalberg, but I don't know if he has already written back

Greetings from Dortmund, the Twin Town of Buffalo, NY!
I can fill in the info about central Connecticut:

Lee Lowery was active in Modern Arnis until about 1995. His rank was Lakan Anim (from '92, I believe). He retired from running his Kenpo Karate school in February 2001, though he now oversees instructor training, etc.

Master Brian Zawilinski ran the local Arnis program for years (both at Prof. Lowery's school and at other locations). He is still very active, but is not running a specific class at this time. He is hosting the camp in July in Cromwell, CT. His weekly class is being covered by Guro Wayne Tanguay and Guro Brett Salafia, who are also teaching local seminars. (Wayne and Brett are listed at www.modernarnis.net, as is the July Camp).

Several of Prof. Lowery's active kenpo instructors are black belts in Modern Arnis (most of us under Prof. Presas personally). These include Bill Boisvert, Tom Cushing, Jay Preisner, Lee Ann Tanguay, and myself (Chris Drechsler-Martell). (Forgive me if I missed anyone.) Tom Cushing is now running the class at Middletown Kenpo Karate, Prof. Lowery's school. (www.mkks.com)

Modern Arnis is still alive and well among us. We are keeping the Professor's art strong!

Hope that clears up both the details of Prof. Lowery's disappearance, and provides some info about our area.

Flat Lander,

Thanks for the update. This is on my to do list. If anyone else knows of broken links, just shoot me a PM or post them here and I will update them as I have with the Kelly Worden Site.

Thank You
Therer are quite a few Senior Masters of modern arnis teaching in the Philippines including Rodel Dagooc, Vicente Sanchez, Jerry dela Cruz and others. Should people be interested in visiting the Philippines for training, PM me and can assist them in obtaining contact details.
Palusut said:

Palusut said:
Link for Dan Anderson: http://www.danandersonkarate.com/dananderson.html.
Other Links:

http://www.modernarnis.com/main.html MARPPIO

http://www.professorpresas.com/ Jeff Delaney

http://www.imafp.com/main.html guro Jay DeLeon

http://www.modernarnis.net/home/index.shtml MoTTs

http://www.kellyworden.com/ datu Kelly Worden

http://www.americanarnis.com/ pg Tom Bolden

http://www.geocities.com/amaa_arnis/video-announce.html pg Tom Bolden
I spoke to Prof. Remy Presas' son, Dr. Remy Presas the day before yesterday. I received my Likha Tatlo (brown belt) from Prof. Presas in 1977. I related the following story to his son Dr. Remy Presas: in 1977 Prof. Presas accompanied me to a karate tournament. I was fighting a famous fighter for 1st pl. my opponents Sensei another internationally known Hanshi of his own system was the Chief Referee. Needless to say I did not win. Prof. Presas was more upset than I was. I thought he was going to beat them up with his sticks. Prof. Presas was all about fair play. He had unbounded energy, running men half his age into the ground. Prof. Presas' son the good Doctor lives in Frisco. He was kind enough to respond to an E-Mail I sent him. I assured him that we at the Ronin Martial Arts Club are carrying the torch for his father. We have integrated Arnis into Vee-Jitsu. His memory will never die.
Sensei Tom
We also offer Modern Arnis in Central Connecticut.

I have had the good fortune to have been a student of Prof. Presas for many years and promote a number of seminars with him as well as train with many of his other senior students.

I have owned and operated my own school since 1993.
Arnis is a very practical art. You can pick up a stick or something to use like a stick almost anywhere. Arnis has now been integrated into many arts thanks to Prof. Remy. We in Vee-Jitsu have even named an off-shoot of Vee-Jitsu - Vee-Arnis Jitsu. Prof. David James has his main dojo downtown Manhatten, NYC.
Sensei Tom
Arnis is a very practical art. You can pick up a stick or something to use like a stick almost anywhere. Arnis has now been integrated into many arts thanks to Prof. Remy. We in Vee-Jitsu have even named an off-shoot of Vee-Jitsu - Vee-Arnis Jitsu. Prof. David James has his main dojo downtown Manhatten, NYC.
Sensei Tom

Prof. James also has a school 1 block from Kings Plaza in Brooklyn.

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