HI Drop Bear,
I get your point and appreciate it.
I just need to ask a few points / questions.
1. If someone if Knocked out they know they were knocked out. If they know they were TKO'd by the center ref then they know it was a TKO. If it is medical that is known as well. Or if the Corner throws in a towel that is known.
So are not most of the reasons for losing kind of known?
2. If it goes to the judges does it not get the scores read if split, otherwise if Unanimous then people know the judges thought that person A won and Person B lost.
Are you saying that in these cases in split decisions that the score are not read? And it is just announced?
3. If could provide some examples of the changes in attitudes to the fights, I think my thick skull might better understand the points.
* Yes you can use small words and crayons for me. I will not get upset.
