Master Black Belt
This board has been good about answering different questions, so here is my problem. My former instructor has decided to open a school here, in the town I live in. There is a lot to this story, so I will try to be brief with the details. He taught in this town awhile back. But his daytime job force him to stop and he asked me to take over his school. From day one I always told people it was our school, he always refered to it as your school. There was a peroid that he got out of martial arts for several (2) years. Since my 1st Black Belt test he hasn't taught me at all. I am now 3rd BB and have been for about 4 years. That's another thing, I paid the man for my 3rd BB and never recieved the certificate so has a couple of my BB under me. Several people have called about programs which I don't teach and I have given them to him. He has several Tai Chi programs going on. He started a school about 30 minutes a way from me which I knew about and tried to help him with. Now I here he is trying to start or has started a school in the town I am in. The town is small 15,000 we have about 3 or 4 Martial arts programs in town. I know he has every right to start a program here, but what I am upset about he never told me about this. He also will be teaching the same art as me. So what should I do. Am I making too much out of this or do I have the right to be upset with him? There is more to this story which at these time don't want to mention. Thank you for any advice. Bob