The whole looks pretty in the air and is fun to do but :idunno: ...

In the version we do we step off to avoid the knife and strike the radial nerve on their right arm to create pain and possibly disarm the knife. How do any of you look at that first strike? Do you see it as a disarm or as a pain creating distraction? I like that first strike it is painful, but the strike has to hit in the right place to be really effective, so to me you can't always count on that to disarm. It's important to control the knife right away. I'd like to see another option for that first move like a push/pull break to that arm maybe or keep the chop/grab of the wrist and immediately step in with an open palm strike the their left jaw hinge fully extending their head, body and arm (obscuring their vision) so you can control the knife and then follow up with other strikes. I haven't tried these in this context, they are just some thoughts based on some knife work I've seen. I'll have to experiment with it, but I'm interested to see what anyone else thinks a good first move might be here.